Sunday, August 26, 2012

Meanwhile, back in Raleigh...

Hello from forever away!

It's basically like I'm 80 years old. I haven't updated in so long that I wouldn't be surprised if people actually thought that. But it's not true... I'm not 80. It only feels that way sometimes. 

How I spent the remainder of my summer vacation guys:

I went to NC for a weekend with mom and MC. Mary Cat and Carter ate candy at the mall. 


So much candy that her tongue turned blue.

I played diva with the engagement ring board. 

Daddy went crazy at the Luau (aka-mom's work picnic).

Then I found some super trendy and practical (sun)glasses at the mall. 

We also did corn and were amazed at the work of the infamous "Silking Machine". 
Daddy was pretty proud. 

I (tried) to go to Pittsburgh with Kyle and cousin Maria.
Our car ride. 
Did you know it's a $20 toll from Denver to Pittsburgh? 
I won't let that go. 
(Dear Pennsylvania, you're ridiculous.)

The city was impossible by day but gorgeous by night.

I also went Tea-Partying with mom and MC. 
It got pretty fancy.

Then MC and I made the last trip down south together until next Fall. Unless she comes with me during the year or something. Which she could. And should. 
We'll work on it. 

I snapped this while she was napping in the hotel. 
How cute is she? 
Too cute to stay awake and WAY too cute to be mad at me for keeping this. 

Oh... and back in Pittsburgh...
Maria and I found a really out of place cabin. 
So we sat on the front porch and waved as strangers rushed by. 

Kyle and Maria broke it down to the silent tune of that statue man and his little banjo. 
Folky dancing guys... good stuff. 

We also stopped by the Primanti Brothers Restaurant and ate a mammoth sandwich. 
Apparently Philly cheese-steaks are really one of a kind...
this "cheese-steak" was literally a slab of steak with cheese on it. 
Nonetheless... YUM. 

Mary Catherine and Danny spent a lot of time being weird. 
Sibling love y'all. 

And after packing the day before leaving, I'm proud to announce that I made it safe and sound to Raleigh with all of my gear. 
Except my vacuum. I lost my vacuum. 
I'll figure that out later. 
When my floors get dirty 

My days are filled and running over with all sorts of stuff to do. 
Fun stuff? Sometimes. 
Necessary stuff? Is it ever? 
School stuff? Probably not. 

I think I'm still trying to deny the fact that school is actually started and that my third week is beginning tomorrow. It seems like a long time but trust me when I say it is taking forever for these weeks to end. 
I'm just anxious to get my onyx in October. I have to wait until October!
The onyx is a Meredith tradition- our class ring that everyone gets as Juniors. They're pretty and they're classy and they're not going to be here until October 26th! 

I might not make it. 
 (Shasta- take care of MC for me.)

I don't know if this semester will go as fast as previous semesters have gone. I assume it will, but so far... no luck. 
Man, you'd think I'm excited to graduate or something. I'm not- don't worry. 

My butt is so numb from sitting on my bed for the past three hours. 
Brilliant me decided to trash my resume from last year. 
Know how many times I wrote my resume now that I've been in college?
At least seven different times. 
You'd think I'd learn... maybe this time I finally will. 

Saving that sucker ASAP. 
(It's been saved)

Movie time? I think so!