Sunday, January 13, 2013

Something about Christmas

I was going to sit down and write a quick post covering all of this year's Christmas/New Year festivities while mom and Kyle are out on a walk (which is sure to give them the breath of fresh air they were for some reason craving), but then I realized that I haven't done anything blog related in a very long time.
I really get frustrated when that happens. Now I feel all pressured into making sure I don't leave a single thing out.
I'm getting even more frustrated by the fact that every time I hit the shift key to type "I" this computer just decides not to capitalize it. Perhaps I'm simply too fast a typer for mom's snappy new Mac laptop. Either way, if I fail to capitalize an "I", please just keep it quietly to yourself and know that I really don't care.
So let's get down to it. Thanksgiving? Was fun, lots of food, volunteering at the Family Center in Gap on Thanksgiving day, MC left me for Florida, etc. etc. etc.

We made cookies (while wearing the same sweater and proudly calling ourselves Ketchup and Mustard).

We ate Amish lady donuts on Thanksgiving morning. 

Then we volunteered at the Family Center. They were such great volunteers. 

Our job consisted of welcoming folks to the community center. We mostly opened doors. We also happened to be sitting in front of a coat rack. So naturally Dan figured out how to open the door without applying himself too much. We really were GREAT volunteers. 


Shasta was cute as a button- typical. 

Everything happened so fast after Thanksgiving. Finals proved to be a bit of a challenge, but they were just as fast and relatively easy, as i expected them to be. Too bad that by the time finals roll around i'm ready to be finished and free- studying can be a bit rough, but so far so good.

Then just like that it was Christmas break. We started the holiday season by doing a candle tour of Historic Oakwood. Or something like that. There were a lot of old houses and it was a lot of walking and my wittle wegs got weawy tired.

Then it was back home to Lancaster where the smell of manure and frigid temperatures welcomed me back with open arms.

The dryer is dinging at me every 30 seconds. The funny thing is I am going to sit here and ignore it until mom and Kyle get back. Then i'll act like I didn't hear it or it just began. *Turns up iPod so as to drown out the dryer.*

Christmas at home was pretty interesting. I spent a majority of my time before Christmas shopping with MC for final gifts for the brothers and parentals. I spent my time after Christmas shopping for myself and a new wardrobe. Park City and i know each other pretty well now. Mary Catherine and i even went so far as to name one of the more attractive Park City employees who we saw on a regular basis. We call him Alex. He works at the sock stand. I know- he sells socks Cait? But he's cute and usually is looking pretty snazzy and WORKIN' that sock stand. Not just any socks though... sports socks. We may or may not have taken some photos of him while "shopping" on Black Friday. But now i've said too much. Please, if you know the one that we call Alex- just pretend that you don't or whatever.

MC also sang with the Chamber Singers at Kitchen Kettle one Saturday afternoon. I was definitely feeling a bit of deja vu most of the time they were singing. They went to Disney this year and sang the same songs that i sang during my time with CS. It was a little bit weird, a little bit nostalgic, and a lotta beautiful. Mostly weird because MC is supposed to be this cute little drama-queen/baby girl who asks me to play with her hair and if she can wear my makeup and shoes and jewelry etc. Instead she's cruising around in her own vehicle and turning 17.

The Blank-girl-cousins had a fun time being 100% natural.

MC and I felt free to be ourselves. 
We took about 20 of these sorts of selfies. Get over it.

Oh. There's the Chamber Singers in Kitchen Kettle.

Then it was Christmas Eve- Dan man sat on me and we took a picture because that NEVER happens. 
Jk- it actually happens a lot.

What did I get for Christmas? Well, a whole lot of new clothes (because that's my favorite thing), a few thousand pairs of earrings (because that's also my favorite thing) and some new shoes (because that's really my favorite thing). This Christmas: Success.

And what Christmas would be complete without some One Direction paraphernalia?

I also got some of grandma Martin's canned peaches- SCORE. 

Shasta played with Hurley.
Not so much "played with" as "ran away from" or "stared at". You know.

And it snowed a lot- so fun.

We spent another New Year's Eve in the house that Jack built on Cardinal Hill. Jack literally built this cabin, and he made a few mistakes along the way. For instance, in my family's bathroom he did one heck of a job with the water installation or whatever you want to call it. The hot/cold water knobs in the shower are backwards. I had forgotten until I jumped into a freezing cold shower. That's something you'll only forget once! What's even better is that Mr. Jack rigged it so that steaming hot water re-fills the toilet bowl after a good flush. Well, after any flush. So no freezing cold toilet seats for us in the early morning- or ever. May seem like a blessing, but go ahead and think about the consequences a hot bowl of water may have on... well, you know.

I read a Ted Dekker book, helped Grandma and the aunts complete at least 4 puzzles, went sledding, ate too much, bought pumpkin spice cappuccino, danced in the town square, and played an entire game of Quelf with my shirt on backwards.

Dan also attacked me and wouldn't let me go. No one helped me and they all acted annoyed when they heard my cries of terror.
I managed to get this picture as proof of the abuse I suffered and quickly texted it to my mother. She just laughed and laughed.

It snowed the day after we arrived, adding a few good inches of fresh snow on top of what was already there. Naturally we made use of the driveway, road, and farmer's field. I haven't gone sledding since high school. I always seem to miss the good snows with being back in Raleigh for January and February. I think I went down the track maybe 4 times before i was done. It is shockingly difficult to walk up a never-ending hill covered in at least 6 inches of snow while wearing your father's hunting boots which are 3 sizes too big. Don't hate.

MC took a few dumps into the bank and ended up covered in snow. Then cousin Ethan decided to photobomb. It's cool.

We spent our last few hours together singing away 2012. 
Cousin Jeremy was jamming with his guitar and harmonica combo. He also sings- A triple threat!

Oh... random- but this was from MC's birthday party. Little bit out of order here, but I am not about to go through and find it's proper place in the chronological timeline of events from that weekend FOREVER ago. 

New Year's Eve was a big day for us all- we spent the morning and afternoon preparing ourselves for the hopping party we would attend in New Bloomfield. The huckleberry drop was a booming success last year, so we thought it the only logical choice for ringing in 2013. After 2011's cow drop failure, we were ready to show the rest of the family how New Bloomfield threw a party. Mom and Dad, MC, Kyle, Kevin and Melanie, Jeremy and Mechelle, Maria, Joel, Brady and I piled into 2 vehicles and headed out around 11pm. Sure enough, we weren't disappointed when we arrived just in time to dance the entire Macarena, followed by Cotton Eye Joe and a few other crowd favorites.

The huckleberry dropped, we all cheered, the fire truck went nuts, and a man ran around in a diaper. You know, typical.

Dan didn't go with us though, and that was very upsetting. Who was i supposed to squeeze or tickle at midnight? It was troubling for us all.

There's the Huckleberry. Look how cute guys!

Mom and Kyle's walk ended long ago. Now I'm just waiting for MC to get home from musical practice, Dad and Dan to get home from work, supper to be ready and over, and then I can have my final evening in Lanco. We're going to see some of the cutest little kids ever to walk the planet before they jet off to Europe with their parents. That will be followed by the season premier of the Bachelor.

This season Sean Lowe is the Bachelor- he was on the Bachelorette last season with Emily and he quickly became one of mine and MC's favorites. He unfortunately didn't find love with Emily, so now they're giving him his own season with 26 ladies in waiting. We're pretty pumped. Word on the street is that he starts the show shirtless. Let's just say we'll be glued to the TV at 8pm sharp. Don't hate.

Then I'm off to the big city tomorrow morning. Anyone who wants to tag along to Raleigh is welcome to ride along down with me! Introverted me is excited for a good solid 4 hours of alone time, but 7 hours? I usually go a little bit crazy. I'll be sure to have my favorite boys (One Direction, Chris Wallace, Zac Brown, etc.) prepared to sing to me most of the way. We'll all survive.

Obviously this post has been written over the course of a few days- so sorry. Life is busy kids.
In my final few hours in Pennsylvania this is what happened:

Shasta got her shots and was sad and sick. Shame!

Mom, Kyle and I had a lunch date at Lickety Split in New Holland. I made a new friend, and we all enjoyed some mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Oh and some good sandwiches- but you know. Ice cream rocks- especially mint choco-chip. 

We had a great time and I already want to go back.
Mostly because I want some ice-cream. 
Also because I miss mom and Kyle.
And a little bit because the place was super cute.

And that's my vacation- the last 2 months of my life- summed up! I think I mostly covered the most important parts. I think.

Oh wait... something super important is that I read the Tim Tebow book.
Tim Tebow is always important.
I finished it this morning and now I'm feeling pretty lost because he's finished.
I just felt so near to him while reading...
 Just kidding guys- I'm a little bit obsessive and borderline crazy, but I'm not that weird.

This week is going to be fun- starting my internship on Tuesday. Think of me- I'm a mess of mostly nervous and super excited.
Now I'm off to do some more Sunday night crazies. BTR just had a practice for our concert on Tuesday night. We practiced outside around the fire pit. It was good fun.
We could do that because it is really warm here this weekend- High of 75 today.

Why don't you all live in Raleigh with me? That's right- no reason.

Bunch of losers.

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