Monday, November 12, 2012

Livin' the life

I have discovered the worst way to end a Monday. 
I don't even particularly dislike Mondays either- I usually feel bad for Mondays for having to deal with so much hate from society. 
Poor Monday. 
But tonight has been exceptionally disappointing because here I sit with nothing to do, very tired and very stressed, but I can't go to bed because I'm doing laundry.
I can't sleep because of laundry.
Did you hear me? 
It's disappointing because it reminds me that I am not rich enough to have a maid. 
And that I live in a dorm. 
Ugh, so sad. 
Yes, I admit it probably wasn't my wisest of ideas to do laundry from 9 until 12 since I'm such an early bird and all... but I wouldn't be waiting this long if it weren't for the girl before me.
She went 40 minutes into my laundry time before I put my foot down!
And took all of her stuff out of one of the dryers...oops? 

So now I will be awake until at least 11:45 because of laundry.
How exciting is my life guys? 

*for those of you who care, I just fixed my bed with fresh sheets- now I REALLY want to go to bed*

I figured while all of that was going on I would type some fun weekend happenings to get my mind of off these not so fun thoughts.

We'll go with 2 weekends ago, when Cornhuskin' happened. 
If you don't know what Cornhuskin' is, I'm really sorry but I won't be explaining it to you. 
It's kind of indescribable. 
Moving on. 

The parentals, MC and Shasty made the 7 hour drive to my new stompin' grounds and spent the weekend with me. 

I just love Shasta. 
Friday we spent all day at school because... well, it was Cornhuskin'. 

 I had quite the outfit, I must say. Decked out in Rufus green complete with overalls and green converse shoes. It's the Bathtub Ring attire I guess. 

One of the first things on Friday is the parade- everyone walks with their class down the main drive. BTR walked together- like our outfits?- we had our own sign and we even started singing Mountain Dew. It was weird not to sing because otherwise we just waved. 
We're not quite used to stardom just yet ;)

Then Mary Catherine spotted the red doors of Jones Auditorium and she begged me to pose with her. 
Not really, but I can't be completely obvious. 

I proudly flashed my onyx- my pride and joy- all day long. It was the first time the parentals saw it. They were in love. Mother was moved to tears when she heard some alums talking about their rings. 

He was really glad that I walked around in overalls all day long. I like to think I rocked them, but he wasn't so sure- they were just too far out of style. 
Whatevs. I wore 'em anyway! 

Then she was sad that she doesn't have a ring and I was glad that I do have a ring. 
My tenses were way off in that sentence and it's enough to make even me cringe. However, it's late and I really don't feel like trying to figure out the proper tense for that specific situation. Honestly, I have struggled with tense more than anything else in my English classes over the years. 
Just a random fact for your enjoyment. 

We also went to the Duke Gardens and walked and laughed and talked and laughed and took pictures and posed and laughed and took pictures... etc. etc. etc.
Lots of winners came from that photoshoot, let me tell you! 

Marrily-C and me. 

Mom thoroughly enjoyed the gardens. Naturally! 
Was that a pun? Whatever, we had a fun time together. 

5/7 of the Martin gang- missing the brothers. 

Carter and I were super excited to see the gardennnns. 

 And then we wanted to swing on the tree and stuff. So we (MC and I) did.
Mom and Lynda were all about smiling and looking proper I guess. 

We also ate some pretty mind-blowing creme-puffs. 
That's a creme-puff. It's actually 2. It was like eating clouds of happiness. 
They were from a German bakery- too bad I can't remember the name of said bakery. If you ask Lynda Crain she would tell you in a heartbeat. 
She's obviously your gall. 

Then this past weekend, just because my geology professor wanted to, we spent all day Friday at the beach. 
I forget which beach it was... the name started with a K. We left at 7:30am, sorry for not remembering the little details, okay? 
But it was the onyx's first time seeing the ocean so obviously I captured the moment. 

That picture is just too beautiful. 
Then Friday after getting back to Raleigh I booked it to the Crains where I spent my weekend forgetting to feed Hurley and making fun of Bean. 
Just kidding, I only forgot to feed Hurley one time. I remembered eventually, but still. Sorry guys. 
And yeah, I made fun of Beansy but I honestly do that quite often. 
And you would laugh too if she walked out of her litter box with a piece of litter stuck to her nose. 

I wanted to take it off for her, but she would have batted my hand away with a very stern "hiss" as well. So I sat and laughed at her misfortune and took a moment to appreciate that I am the human and she is a cat. Sometimes she treats me like it's the opposite. 
I'll use this picture now as blackmail or something for the next time when she tries to treat me like some sort of servant. 

Hurley didn't do so well with being abandoned for the weekend by mom and pop Crain. Just kidding, abandonment is a serious issue and he was by no means actually abandoned. 
I was there for him, after all! 
He very excitedly jumped into my bed both nights before I had a chance to lay down the ground rules. But I couldn't kick him off because his puppy eyes are so darn convincing! 
Plus, I figured Shasta sleeps with me all the time- what's the difference?
The difference is 1. Hurley is a lot bigger than Shasta.
2. Hurley snores.
3. Hurley likes to box while he's sleeping.
4. Hurley also runs in his sleep.
I got a few sucker-punches to the face in the middle of the night. I also woke up a few times thinking something sounded wrong only to realize it was just Hurley snoring. 
Glad to know he slept good! 
Just kidding just kidding, I slept good too. We had fun. It was like a sleepover! 

He was big on cuddling. 

This is random, but I thought I'd do it for Lynda. I went 100% natural on Saturday- which literally never happens unless I'm sick or otherwise unable to reach some eyeliner/mascara. 
But Lynda's on this kick where she thinks I need to be less concerned with appearances, and I'm pretty sure she's right. 
So there you go world. 

I might regret that tomorrow morning. 

Hurley got really depressed while his parentals were out. Look at those sad eyes! He slept and whined most of Sunday. 
I did too.

I just put this picture on because the world needs to hear my story!
Not really, but look- Lynda jumped me on the couch and then fell asleep behind me. 

She didn't sleep long, and before I knew it she was actually biting my shoulder. 
Why would one want to bite the shoulder of another? I'm not sure at all. 
I'm pretty sure she likes me, so that can't be it...
She's definitely not a cannibal, because that's illegal...  
Do I look delicious? 
That's weird. 

 To end this random post of weekends and laundry, I'll leave you with this picture which proves Fall to be in full swing. 
Two yellow trees in a row? Check! 
It's Fall y'all!

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