Sunday, October 28, 2012

That Onyx Post

Life with my Onyx:

1. Brighter
2. Funner
3. Much more exciting
4. I am invincible!
5. Filled with love

Ring Dinner was fun! Although it would be more appropriately titled Ring Never-Ending-Evening. Got there at 6, left a little before 11. 
And they wouldn't let me put my ring on until the very, VERY end. 

At the beginning I was looking over the program and I was silently praying that all of the speakers would just refuse to speak. 
My prayers went unanswered and literally 4 hours after I got there I was finally allowed to put that baby on my finger. 
Someone said that since we paid for it, we could put it on whenever we wanted. 
Another girl responded with, "Yeah... IF YOU WANT TO DIE!" 
So, to just avoid any unnecessary drama and premature deaths, I just exercised some serious self control. 

But here are some fun photos from the night! 

Pre-Ring Dinner in the amphitheater at Meredith. 

We were sad because we didn't have our rings yet. I was mostly devastated. 

This was our table at ring dinner- minus a few. 

When we got there we immediately saw this wedding cake. Then we realized it wasn’t a wedding cake- rather an onyx cake. Either way, we have cake on radar. They wanted to point at it, but I just got too excited. I feel bad for ruining the pointing purpose… I couldn’t help myself.

And then we just waited and waited. And we waited some more- and did I mention that we waited? So this is Skye and I… waiting.

And there is my ring- just waiting. And my nametag- just chilling. It was all really cute, I just couldn’t focus on anything besides that box and the contents.

I honestly have no idea what most of the speakers talked about. I know at one point there was a bit of a discrepancy between two speakers because they both claimed to be Meredith’s biggest cheerleader… so that was kind of awkward. A few of us decided that whoever could jump the highest would take the “Meredith’s biggest cheerleader” title home. Funny thing was, no one started jumping. They’re all talk. Then I tuned out again and just stared at that box.

The Bathtub Ring sang too- of course, before we got our rings. But it was a fun little 10 minute distraction from that little black ring. Here are 2 songs that we’ve never had recorded before. Mountain Dew is a traditional song that all Bathtub Ringers sing- it’s a fun one. 

The other is our mash-up of If I Were a Boy and Free Fallin’. This one actually turned out pretty well- we had a lot of fun figuring out how we wanted to do it. I was really proud of how it turned out- I think we all were. Hope ya like it too!!

 Then we got this picture after everything was over- our first official Bathtub Ring 2014 picture! Turned out pretty fantastic. 
Also, please 'like' us on facebook- please!

And finally… AFTER SO MUCH WAITING… we were given the okay by our class president to finally slip that ring onto our right ring finger.
I heard angels sing. I think it was angels anyway… maybe it was me and I was just being delusional. Either way, it was quite the moment. There were girls crying (seriously, they were sobbing), girls were shouting, girls were giggling… I just started taking pictures of myself. None of them will make it to the blog- unfortunately. You’re not missing much. I promise.
But here’s my hand- how cute. Think she suits me? She better- she was expensive and she’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Or ever. She’s not going anywhere, ever. 

So much excitement.

Still, more excitement.

I was then surprised by both of my lil sises- they brought me flowers and a sweet card! How stinking cute. 
I also found out that they waited for a very, very, very long time before they could come up to see us. 
Like, 2 hours. At least. 
I was so happy to see them! 
Lil Brooke

Lil Savannah

So. Stinkin. Sweet. Definitely my favorite freshmen. 
And those flowers- smell ah-maz-ing. 

And then ring dinner was over. And now I can't stop looking at my hand. I almost slept with my ring on, but I decided that might not be best in the long run. 
I just think she's so pretty! 

As if that wasn't enough of fun for one weekend, The Bathtub Ring was asked to sing at this event called "The Shopping Spree" in downtown Raleigh on Saturday morning. We didn't really know what to expect- who we would be singing for- if anyone would be there to hear us- if people would be able to hear us- etc. etc. etc. 
We were blown away.
At least I was. 
There were people everywhere- vendors from all over the States, isle after isle of them, and so many shoppers! We were shown to the stage where we had microphones and a music stand... that's more than what we usually get! 
We all had a blast. We only had like 6 songs, and we had 1 hour to sing. So we went through and sang each song at least 2 times. At the end we decided to sing a song we'd never practiced before- we winged it, and we winged it well. 
One lady was shocked when we told her we didn't have an agent. 
She wondered how we were to get famous without an agent? 
I just love people. 

Then we wandered past a bathtub filled with Christmas lights. 
Can you say "duh"? 
We took a picture. Duh. 

We finished our morning by stopping for some Chinese and then headed back to good ol' Meredith College. 
Now suddenly the weekend is over. This week is Cornhuskin' so we'll see how that goes. 
And Sandy is coming- right? 

So far, Sandy hasn't threatened Raleigh much. I'm kinda hoping she shows up soon though. I would love to have a few days off of school! 
Even just one day... 
What's that praise song? Better is one day off school than a thousand in class? 
It's something like that- I just know it.