Monday, March 11, 2013

My (not-so-springy) Spring Break

I realize that it was only a few weeks ago that I last updated, but after getting called out in church on Sunday, I figured it would be best for everyone if I wrote some more. Real quick. Again. 

And yes, I was called out and yelled at in church. There was shouting, there were tears (mostly mine), and we caused a big scene.
Just kidding- but I sort of wish it would have caused a big scene. 
A little drama is good for the soul, right? I mean, that's what I've always been taught and I'd say my soul is doing pretty good. 
So there you have it. Drama is good for the soul. 

Any old who, I spent my 10 days of Spring Break huddled up in Lancaster with Amish lady donuts and the sweet smell of manure!
Seriously, I was greeted by mom and dad dancing in the driveway and an Amish lady donut on my Princess House plate. It was quite the homecoming! 
Then I woke up Saturday morning and had yet another donut. And that's all I'm going to say about that. 
Also, here is MC enjoying herself a donut. 

I might get in trouble for that. I'll let you know. 

MC's musical was also the first weekend that I was home. Seems like forever ago! They did Beauty and the Beast. Our little one was a dancing salt shaker!
I surprised her Friday night- that was fun. You see, I got home literally 10 minutes after she had to leave for the evening. So I texted her and told her I was just going to bed because I was tired and all that. We were going to see the show on Saturday night, but mom had an extra ticket for Friday, so I just tagged along. Anyway, before the show started I made my way backstage (just gotta look like you know what you're doing) and found her. I think we stood there for a good 20 minutes chatting before I made myself go find my seat. Also, I apologize to anyone who overheard any of our conversations during that time. Not that anyone else would have been able to follow along (because we move rather quickly and don't make sense half the time), but I apologize anyway. 
So that was a fun night. 

She kept saying "I've a-salted you!" 
We were also photobombed by some fun people- but those pictures aren't allowed on the blog. I'm pretty sure I did my fair share of photobombing as well- you're welcome. 
Saturday night I went again, and pretty much the same stuff happened- minus the whole surprise thing. Our little salt shaker did great, yet again, and in my opinion was the star of the show! 
Seriously though, she's a good dancer. 
(MC, you totes just read that line like the proposal guy.)
Kyle also came home that first weekend and made it along on Saturday night. His freshman year they did Beauty and the Beast for the first time, so he was really excited to see it again!

Then we found Joel and took our annual "Martin girls with Joel" picture. I'm thinking we need to end this tradition though. Joel, you literally make me look like a midget and I'm not okay with that. Unless we take the picture with you sitting down next year, it's probably not going to happen. 
Gotta stand up for myself. 

Little salt-shaker Mary Cat with the Beast. 

So yeah, that was a fun way to come home. It's always so weird going back to PV now. It's been 3 years since I graduated? Oh- because that's normal????
And now I feel old. Old and short- super! 

But anyway- after that we had a whole week of things to do! Monday mom and I did whatever we wanted. I think I may have actually stayed in my pj's all day. 
That's my kind of Monday! 

Tuesday we had a little tea party at Chattery's house. Mary Catherine (conveniently) wasn't feeling well and stayed home. We gave her some hot tea and fruit hoping that would clear up her cold and guess what? It did! 
We also got some play time in with the cutest kids on the planet. Too bad they're moving to Europe and MC and I aren't okay with that. 
Things got pretty intense during our play time. We wrecked the family room, jumped off of every high surface we could find, and messed up Caitlyn's hair. It was fun for everyone!

We also really like their mom. Liz, remember when we used to play house all the time? Because we did. And then you taught me that butterfly song that I no longer remember. But I know it was a cool song because you taught me. 
So you could say I'm a big fan of tea parties now. Not that I wasn't before, but you know.
Oh yeah, I found this picture on my phone. Probably from Wednesday. Our big nor'easter turned into a pretty nice day after some rain and weirdness. MC didn't have school again on Wednesday then because of the rainy weather. It was kind of embarrassing. Like this picture. But in my defense, she shouted "Take a picture of me because it's sunny!" 
So I did. 

And they say that I'm the dramatic one. 
It did snow on Friday morning a little bit. MC also didn't have school on Friday. I know- it's like we planned this. We didn't- we didn't plan it. But yeah- snow during spring break? I didn't like that idea so much, but it doesn't really matter what I think when it comes to weather patterns. I've stopped trying to influence the weather- it just gives me a headache. 

The princess also never missed a chance to sit on/at/by my side. She's... touchy like that. 

We also had some hug time in the kitchen. Dan was eating carrots and MC and I just decided to make the most of the opportunity. That's the thing with Danny- when he's doing one thing, he usually doesn't notice that something else is going on. Not so great at multitasking this one. So he was probably focused on Sharon taking pictures of him eating carrots.

I also went out with Jessica and her friend Lindsey. It was Lancaster's restaurant week, which we didn't know, so there were people everywhere. 
Anywhere there was flooring, there was a person standing. 
People were also standing on chairs. Not really, but that would've been funny.

We met a "professional football player", so that was kinda cool. He plays for the Philadelphia Soul- the arena team- and he gave us nachos. 
Nice guy. Good time.

We also went shopping on Friday. Literally from 9:30- 4. It was the longest day of my life. I bought clothes. More clothes. I really am starting to think I have a problem, but I'm kind of okay with it. 
Mom and MC both bought some things too- so maybe it runs in the family? 

So then Saturday we stopped in to see our new favorite barista! Gayle now works at the New Holland Coffee Company and she makes a pretty good smoothie. 
Look at her- Phillies hat and red pants. 
It was a good day. 

Then Sunday, after a pretty uneventful and even slightly disappointing morning, I headed south for the rest of the winter. 7 hours with a few trouble spots in Virginia- pretty smooth. The weather was gorgeous which was both nice and a little annoying at the same time- no one wants to drive while it's nice out- but you also don't want to drive in the rain. I also listened to lots of music- 6 CD's and various radio stations along the way. This morning my voice was a little hoarse- apparently singing for 7 hours straight, really loud, with little hydration will irritate one's vocal cords. 

Spring break was pretty great and I'm sad it's over. I have 2 papers due this week and an exam on Thursday, so it definitely kind of sucks being back. 
But now that they're finished mowing outside my window, I might just take a little nap and do some relaxing before my next class. 
I'll give myself plenty of time to be studious tomorrow. 
Bachelor finale tonight- I'm getting pumped. It's the most dramatic finale ever! I'm still pulling for Des to win. I know she's not on the show anymore, but I still want her to win. 
Things happen guys. And it's dramatic? 

We'll see ABC, we'll see.