Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Holding out for a hero (because mom won't change the playlist)

Apparently while I was in school Danny reconnected with his love for oldies music. Seriously I have been sitting in the house listening to The Best of Michael Bolton for at least 20 minutes. Not gonna lie, it's time that playlist mysteriously reached its end.

Sharon has now switched Michael Bolton over to her 80's rock playlist. 
We're all shouting about the hero that we're holding out for.
Ain't that the truth Bonnie? 

So many other things have changed here since I've been gone. The other night mom asked me to light the tiki torches. We have tiki torches? 
We do now. 
We have also started grocery shopping online. Mom can't figure out how to keep her pictures organized on the computer but she knows how to buy groceries online? I just can't put all of this together in my mind. 

Speaking of the computer, MC and I have started our 2nd annual "Hot man on the computer desktop" battle. Not so much a battle but I really don't know what else to call it. Last summer we pretty much went through every attractive male in Hollywood and professional athletes. It got so intense that  government intervention became necessary. Not the government though- Sharon. Although she sort of represents the government in this situation if you really think about it. 
She gave new regulations which said the desktop was only allowed to be changed once each day. I think that rule came to be when someone changed Tim McGraw after mom had only had him on there for like an hour or something. 

So far this summer has been much more relaxed. Jake Gyllenhaal is the current background and has been for almost one week now.
So (and stay with me here, because I am going somewhere) MC was making fun of me one day and changed the background to a real- life person's picture. We all giggled and then changed it right back to Jake, but it was too late. MC apparently saved the other picture to our computer, into a folder that is frequently used in the computer's screensaver slide-show. 

So yesterday, after seeing this picture of this real-life person show up 2 times in the slide-show I decided it was time to locate the picture and officially delete it from our computer. 
That took me a little bit, but I did find it and delete it. 
All clear. 
But in the process I was forced to look through album after album of pictures from a few years ago. Most of them are pre-facebook and therefore never made it into a 200 picture album of randomness that nobody ever had time to look through and appreciate. 
I also found a video that MC, Kyle and I made for Lynda and Carter that we never showed them because we first forgot and then grew up and got embarrassed. 
The video is ridiculous and is currently under lock-down on the computer. 
I am confident that it is under lock-down because
1. Sharon doesn't know where to look or what to look for
2. Daddy doesn't know how to even begin looking for pictures/videos on our computer
and 3. Danny is easily blackmailed. 

Maybe one day the video will be unlocked, but I highly doubt it. It is pretty hilarious though. I'll say this: techno music, bad dancing, poor lip syncing, and a leaf blower. 
Yes, a leaf blower. 
Last week dad asked me if I knew how to use the leaf blower and I smiled and just said, "Of course!" 
Little did he know... 

But we can bring out some of those random sibling pictures I was talking about. High school days. Although we're going to stay away from the Dark Years. 
The Dark Years:
My junior year in high school I accidentally dyed my hair black. 
Black as night. It took some time for that to wash out. 
The box said "The darkest natural brown"- LIES.
Hence- The Dark Years. 

So Dark Years aside, let's look through some winners. 
Here is Dan, long ago. 
He was singing The Sound of Music... The hills are alive, with the sound of music! Also, his hair was really long and he was just a little squirt. 
He was shorter than me at one point. 

We also had a few thousand of the four of us just kinda... sitting. 
Soon after Cardinal Hill became our newest family place, mom and dad left us alone for one night and we got pretty bored. 
The only technology we had was a camera, so we went for it. 
This first lovely was snapped after MC fell off the couch and hit Kyle in the head. I'm just a fan of the eye contact going on. Also, Dan's wearing his hat like he used to when he was little so that's fun.

We literally have so many pictures from that night. I'm kind of surprised that we have never done anything with them. I mean we could've at least used them for National Sibling day or something, right? 

The whole time Dan was singing old rock songs. I think this song may have been something a little more romantic and less rocky since he's stroking MC's shoulder. Also, I believe Kyle may have just messed up my hair. Maybe MC helped him? 

And then, because the previous couch-shoot went so well, we decided it would be a good idea to do it again. This time we were at home though so we can't use the lack of technology excuse. This time... I'm not sure what to tell ya. 

Please appreciate Kyle's flexibility. I think that's what he wants to show us. 

And then- just because he's so loveable- we decided to squish Danny. 

What else has summer consisted of? A whole lot of nothing y'all. 
I did get a haircut. And you can ask mom and MC how many times I say how thankful I am that I finally got a haircut. So that was a big deal. 

I also bought a new pair of shoes that I fell quickly in love with... 

... But the excitement of new shoes was quickly overshadowed by the fact that I am unemployed for the next three months. I had to take a moment to gather myself after Dad gave me the "You need a job" speech.

It took a little bit, but I'm really okay with not working this summer. I'm kind of loving it actually. And no, don't go worrying that I'm getting bored or will have nothing to do or any of that. I am so easily entertained, it might actually be a problem. 

Anyone want to be my spontaneous beach buddy? Because I'm really hoping to at least darken a little bit this summer. It's hard going to a school in the south with translucent skin. In my geology class I learned what that's called- high albedo. My skin reflects so much light- like snow, or rain. I think that's what it's called anyway. I had geology almost a year ago and it was dreadfully boring. The word "Albedo" is literally the only word I can remember and I'm not too concerned with being all sciency.
So guys let's all pray that I can tan tan this summer. 
All that being said- beach buddy. I need you.

Also, Kyle spent a few days at home last week. He is staying in Lock Haven for the summer so... hello road-trip to LH to see Kylie!
Also, Shasta loves when Kyle is home. She's quite the poser- she really has no inhibitions. 

Dan and I ended up wearing Phillies t-shirts on the same day. We documented that rare occurrence. 

Yesterday Mary Cat and I decided that in order to entertain ourselves we would drive mom's car (wanted to save gas) to Park City to people-watch. The public didn't disappoint. There were so many people- so many colorful people. 
We also had high hopes that we would run into our dear mall friend who we call Alex. 
Mary Catherine and I first noticed Alex this year while we were Black Friday shopping. We snapped a few photos of him from far away- very sneaky of us, right? I thought so too. 
So there's Alex- the red arrow is pointing right to him. 

 Anyway, Alex used to work at the sock stand but we could hardly call him The Sock-Stand guy. Alex seemed fitting. 
So yesterday we were hoping to maybe see Alex but apparently socks don't need to be sold year-round (weird, I know). We were pretty bummed as we sat with our Auntie Anne's pretzels and had no Alex to look at. But we weren't disappointed very long. Suddenly MC said, "I'm not going to freak out" and just like that, Alex was there. Alex was walking RIGHT in front of us. 
Except Alex wasn't alone. He was dragging behind him a penguin balloon. 
The penguin had an orange leash. 
We died laughing immediately and I'm pretty sure we may have slightly offended him. 
So right away we were all... Fantastic, this guy is a freak who walks balloons through the mall! Then we went around trying unsuccessfully to find his new sock stand. Turns out Alex is the new helicopter guy and he works right beside a stand that sells animal balloons. 

We didn't feel so bad for him after realizing that. 
But still- a grown man walking around the mall with a penguin balloon on an orange leash? Maybe that wasn't your best idea, Alex.

Either way, we spent a good 20 minutes trying to piece together the Alex/ penguin-balloon mystery. 
And please, if you know this guy that we call Alex- feel free to just not say anything to me, Mary Catherine, or Alex. Because how weird would that be, right? It would be so weird. 

This cute guy was relaxing across from us the whole time. Feet propped up on his walker and iPhone in hand.
I mean, this guy is living his life. 

So finding things to do obviously isn't too difficult for me. And now I'm finding myself curled up on the couch as the Bachelorette begins a new season! 

This time Des has to win because she's the Bachelorette and I'm so glad. Yes, I am a fan of this show and I will be watching faithfully. Ever want to find me on a Monday night? Well don't because I'm not socializing I'm watching this show. 
That sounded harsh- but sometimes finding love is harsh guys! 

Here it goes! Happy summer.