Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Miss Independent (and sickly)

I have gained three things since last Thursday.
Two are pretty cool,
the third... not so cool.

1. Daddy bought  me a car.
I haven't named him yet, we don't know each other so well. So... suggestions are welcome.

2006 Jetta? Thank you father of mine!

What I like best about my car? There's a tie for first place.
I love the sunroof and the radio.

MC and I spent a few minutes taking pictures inside. And yes, I was actually calling someone.
That's not posed. lol

Please excuse my awkward hand perched most unusually on the top of the car. 
We were having fun.

I'm scared to drive it. Not just because it's a stick and I have NO idea how to do it (as evidenced by my stalling in the middle of an intersection on 340 and then nearly frying the clutch), but also because it's so gosh darn pretty! 

My dad did a pretty splendid job.

I got to see it after surprising the family last weekend. I just couldn't stay away! 
The Crains so kindly allowed me to tag along on their trip north.
Now let me tell you what, that was one interesting car ride.

If you look to my right, you will see a big shiny thing.
That, my friends, is a 500 pound stove that couldn't take the heat. (ha).

Lynda was so kind as to help out a friend. 
Don't worry, I'm just the niece ;)
But seriously, it was okay. Just don't tell Lynda I said that.

Oh great, thunder storm warning. Quarter-sized hail.
(How does that work?)
Weird! I love a good storm though.
Stay away from windows...? I'm definitely glad I sleep right under the window.

2. I have a job!
This is pretty appropriate considering my father just told me to stop spending money. 
Just kidding!

I had the interview yesterday and got the job today! I'll be working on campus, in the Honors Office as the student assistant. 
I'm pretty excited, it'll be nice for a little something different.
And it will be nice to see my old friend again.
OLD friend.

M O N E Y 

The girl next door just sneezed and I said bless you. 
Aren't you jealous of our thin walls and loud neighbors?
You should be.

But the sneezing brings me to my third and most recent acquisition.

3. I have a sore throat. 
Not fun, not exciting, not rewarding, not enjoyable, not healthy, not cool.
At least I no longer have a fever.

That went well this morning. Especially my nap when I kept thinking I was awake, but I really wasn't.

At one point, I was dreaming that I went to the bathroom and realized that either my roommate or suitemate had found a little cupboard thing and put it next to the toilet and they kept all the toilet paper in there. I thought to myself, "well that's nice. I just wish that they had left a roll out and easily accessible." I proceeded to open this cupboard thing to find absolutely nothing inside. 
No toilet paper. 
Every girl's nightmare. 

And then I rolled over and realized I was still sleeping, and willed my eyes to open.
They didn't. 

It wasn't until someone knocked on my door and the sun decided to shine directly into my eyes that I 'woke up'. 

Groggy-stupid at its best.

Kind of like how I feel now. 
It's still pretty early for a college student. In case not all were aware, to go to sleep at 10:39 at night is rather wimpy. 
No I'm not kidding, people have contests to see who stayed up the longest on any given night.
They're all dumb- the people and the game. I like sleep and sanity, and I find that one does not easily come without the other. 
High of 69 tomorrow? I'll take that. Today's 85 was a little warm for me. It's March 23rd people- I don't think I'll get used to this weather. Ever.

So I'm off to drown myself in cold medicine and try to get some much needed rest before my oh so exhilarating day tomorrow.
(I mean that with all of my heart. (Just kidding))

Kisses, kisses,

Tylenol cold and flu,

Friday, March 11, 2011

What a Girl Wants

Ask any normal college student what he/she looks forward to the most over breaks, and they will most likely respond with one or both of the following:
1. Home cooking
2. Relaxation (in the form of sleeping, reading, or simply being lazy)

This proves that my life is far from normal.

Due to the fact that our kitchen is being made over, the stove and such are pretty much out of commission.
Yes. So much for the home cookin'. 
Welcome home Caitlyn! Enjoy your spring break- now please help me put the kitchen table into the family room and make sure Shasta doesn't run over the new tiles and oh yes- your morning coffee isn't going to happen this week.

Instead, we've been going out to eat and stuff.

Thank you Yoders, for your delish ham balls that practically qualify as a home cooked meal.

Lancaster's finest- yum. 

And as for the second- relaxation- there has been little to none of that this week either.
The book that I was supposed to have read for my English class managed to work its way out of my bag, however, it has remained on my floor. And, the only reason that I moved it was because it was on a shirt that I wanted to wear, and I needed to move it. 
Needless to say, it may be out of my bag, but it still hasn't been read.

I've had plans everyday. Fun plans. But no time to sit and read and watch TV and nap and daydream. 
I just wanted to daydream! 
But I've had fun.
Kyle and I took mom out for a late birthday breakfast. We crashed DJ's Diner and had a pretty great breakfast.

Love me some OJ
 Mom's breakfast. 

And now, here it is- Friday afternoon- I have roughly 2 days left. What to do? What to do.
I have decided that I am ready to go back to school now. I'm excited.
Not so excited for all of the work that awaits me. 
But what is life without a little bit of hard work?
Fun. Life without hard work is fun.

But that's beside the point and now I totally forget where I was going with that thought... So we'll just move on for good.

So usually when I come home I take a butt load of pictures of the most random things ever. Turns out, I didn't actually take pictures this time.
Maybe a few. But I've seriously let people down. 
Even myself.
I'll fix that- maybe tomorrow. 

And for now, I'm going to finish watching Angus, thongs and perfect snogging with MC and Kyle. 
Funniest movie ever.
