Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankfully Refreshed

Now that Thanksgiving is over, let's get to the good stuff. 
But I totally don't feel that way at all. Love Thanksgiving. 

What I didn't love was the 10 hour drive home on Tuesday afternoon. I could have done without that. I was originally supposed to get home around 7:45 Tuesday evening but it wasn't until 10:45 that I was pulling into my driveway and sprinting to the bathroom. 

It's true- after 10 hours I'm pretty sure any human being would be about ready to burst. At least I was. And all that stopping and starting didn't help at all. The good thing was I really felt a strong connection with my fellow I95 travelers. We had this unspeakable bond that mysteriously developed. You know- I'll let you move in front of me because I just saw you let her move in front of you and she just let me in front of her like 10 minutes ago. 

Our connection was deep. 

But enough of that stuff. I want to add too many pictures to this post to let myself get carried away with boring traffic stories. 

Thanksgiving break started off beautifully. We jumped right in with a sibling/mother lunch at Angela's Cafe- no picture of that though. Someone seriously messed up there. 

Then Thursday- the big day- began with the Macy's Thanksgiving day Parade! 
We all got up early and cuddled on the couch to watch. Even Shasty was feelin' it. 
But for real- my dog is the nerdiest thing ever. That's why she's the best dog in the world. 

Dan was our red man all morning long. He pretended to be into his computer game, but we all know he was just as excited to hear Scotty sing. 

And that ends this year's segment of - "watching the parade before showers, makeup, and clothing-change photos." Although MC did sleep with her mascara on this year to make pictures a bit more bearable... but the rest of us didn't get that memo. 
Then over the river and through the woods, to Grandma Martin's we {went}.

We stuffed our faces with grandma's good cookin' and then all cuddled up for a family nap.
Well not really, but I'm pretty sure everyone was tired. 
I did take a picture of the food. 

Dan was most excited about the mashed potatoes. I don't blame him! 

Yes, I ate everything on my plate. And I enjoyed every last bite. 
You would too if all you had to eat for the past 3 months was dining hall food. 

From left to right starting at the bottom: brown buttered noodles, Lima beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, turkey, corn. 
Upper left corner: coleslaw 
Then after digging through grandma's hidden treasures, MC and I decided to play with her camera outside. 

I allowed myself to cross the street. 

Then we went to the backyard.

We took a good amount of pictures, but I'll control myself. 

We also headed out to do some shopping on Saturday. We went all over Lancaster County. 
Went to Kitchen Kettle...

Made use of the brick steps...

Acted crazy... 

And enjoyed the serenity of the fish ponds! 

We also decorated! 
It's officially Christmas at the Martin's. 

We pose... we pose. 

She's trying out a new smiling technique ;)

Pretty mamma 

I think Kyle was the only one really working to get the lights up.

Also, Daddy bought himself a new television. 
I know, stranger things are still to be done here... but this one really blows my mind. 

We're still in shock. 

And then Dan was being weird again. Story of my life. 

Real quick conclusion? 
I left Sunday morning at 8am and beat the holiday crowds (ha! Take that holiday crowds!) and made it back to school in exactly 7 hours. 
I walked in my room, threw my stuff on the floor, climbed into my bed, and I fell FAST asleep. 

Thus ending my holiday vacation.
And guess what I have to do now? Yes. My final homework problem for accounting.

Here she goes.

(After trying thousands of different password and username combinations (literally), my Christmas playlist is FINALLY up and running again. You better enjoy it.)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Really Need To Do My Nails...

So I'm sitting at work right? Holding down the fort while my boss eats her lunch when a girl comes up to me and starts whining because she "NEEDS" a teacher to open the studio for her. 
Then she wrinkles her noes and says, 
"Well, I really need to know where she (my boss) went!" 

I smiled and simply said she's on her lunch break.
Truth is- my boss is sitting around the corner eating her lunch. 
BUT I wouldn't want this whiner to interrupt her while she's eating. 
Deal with it you whining senior-art-student
(Gayle, I will never whine again! *Maybe*)

I don't even know what I'm supposed to update about right now. Maria mentioned that she wanted to know how the whole food-truck rally went in Raleigh. 
I kinda laughed and thought to myself, "Food-truck rally?" 
It took a while to remember it, because we didn't really go. 

Well, we went, but it was disappointing and frustrating and cold and windy, so we left. 
We were also asked a good 19 times if we wanted wrist bands so that we could drink alcohol. 
We said no. 

So that was a big time bummer. 
Not to mention that was like, 1 month ago. 
My how time speeds along so quickly.

I was just thinking the other day that I should change my playlist over to my Christmas music again, just to get everyone in the holiday mood! 
We'll see if that happens. 
I've got quite a lot going on in my world right now.
I have about 2 weeks of classes left before finals. 

So that means that every professor in town is assigning projects and papers and exams (oh my!) for either this week or next. Want to hear my schedule? I'm going to tell you. 

This week went something like this: 
Monday: Speech outline due, Econ exam
Tuesday: Um... nothing!
Wednesday: Com paper due
Thursday: Accounting exam
Friday: NOTHING!

Then there's always next week:
Monday: Speech!
Tuesday: 2 projects due
Wednesday: NOTHING
Thursday: HR Exam and 1 HUGE project due
Friday: Economics project due

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that my professors were out to get me and ruin my life and blah blah blah. But I know better, so that clearly isn't the case. 

So I've been busier than a Keebler Elf at Christmastime. 

Last night while I was studying for my accounting exam, I suddenly realized that my calculator was talking to me. 

The feeling is most certainly mutual, old calculator friend. 

 I've also been doing fun things though, you know- to keep myself functioning properly and all that good stuff. I also don't want to stress out. 
Imagine me, stressed out. 
Not the most fun thing in the world. 

So with the mall being so close, I've been making the occasional visit or two or twelve- you know. 
I was so happy when I went last week and saw the decorations already out. I mean, it was like the first or second of November and Crabtree Valley Mall was ready to go.

They go big with Christmas decorating.
Then, better yet, I was overjoyed when I made my most beloved visit to Starbucks and was given the option of purchasing a Peppermint Mocha Latte... In a RED cup!

I mean come on people, it's freaking Christmas
I do still love Thanksgiving though- don't give me that crap. Next time I go to Starbucks it's going to be a Pumpkin Spice for me. I just can't let go of my Thanksgiving and pumpkiny, spicy goodness just yet. 
Speaking of Starbucks... I should maybe treat myself tonight, right? 
We'll see. We'll see. 

I'm seriously going through my computer and my phone, searching for pictures and reminders of all that I've done since my last post. 
I really can't think of anything else! It's so sad. 

I really dislike being so busy. I mean, the only reason I'm updating my blog is because my boss left without giving me any work, and she told me to stay here. 
I'm not doing anything wrong, I promise. 
I have a countdown 'til Thanksgiving break on my phone- right now, we're at 12 days until I get to leave! 

I'm so excited! I just can't hide it! 
Me, Orville, and our old pal Lee driving home to good old Pennsylvania for some homemade pumpkin pie. 
Orville is my car, and Lee is the name of the voice on my GPS. 
We're a great team. 
We capitalize on each of our individual strengths. 
Without both of them, I wouldn't be able to make it home. 
And without me, they would be far less personalized, don't you think? 

Oh shame, I believe it is starting to rain. 
I don't even have my umbrella!