Friday, February 1, 2013

It's about time

Guys, guess who finally made time to sit down and make some changes??
I did. This girl.
The last time I updated my blog was when I created it- pretty sure. So it was time. Let's be real. 

I was also hoping that this time I wouldn't have a huge amount of stuff to catch up on, but again I was wrong. 
Not that lots has happened, but what has happened is pretty monumental in my opinion. Like a BTR concert with the UNC Clef Hangers- that was pretty cool. A bunch of preppy guys decked out in bow-ties, flair-filled vests and khakis can serenade me any day! 

We helped ourselves to their vests when they foolishly left their dressing room unattended. It was like they begged us to try their vests on. 

No one got any phone numbers- much to all of our disappointment- and I think everyone cried about it. But we did get a semi-group picture with BTR and some of the Clefs. 

Us girls decided to go stomping through Raleigh the other week- that was a fun time. We found a random wall filled with color and we asked a kind-looking passerby to snap a quick group shot for us. 

We also found a cow sticking out of a building and had to take a picture with that too. It's not every day that you see a cow's rear-end sticking out of a window in downtown Raleigh! 

Then we walked around and acted crazy and drank coffee. Good group bonding time- you know. 

You know what else was really monumental for me?
Turning 21. 
Since my birthday was on Monday, we decided to celebrate all weekend long. Doesn't everyone do that? 
Kyle surprised me by flying down Friday night in the middle of this freak ice-storm that Raleigh just so happened to be experiencing. His flight was delayed at least 3 hours and our previous plans were pretty screwed up by the weather stuff. Lynda was going to have him show up at dinner wearing a big red bow to surprise me. 
Since that didn't happen, we all waited up playing Mario on the Wii until 11pm, then headed out to the airport to pick him up. The weather men were advising us to stay indoors what with the treacherous road conditions and all, but nothing could keep us from rescuing Kyle from the airport! Not that he was in danger, but for real- who wants to be stuck in an airport on my birthday weekend?? Not this girl. 

We did so many fun things that weekend, it'll probably make you really jealous. So if you can't handle it, if you're going to get all upset and start to really hate us, then just stop now. 
I'm serious. 
So serious.

Okay so here we go. Saturday we started the day off right- with a trip to Jubala for coffee and biscuits with the Crains, John and Harry, me and Kyle. 

Lynda and I had matching outfit concepts, and that was enough for us to pose appropriately for a photo. 

Boots, scarf, leather jacket- very similar concept. 

This was Kyle's first visit to Jubala and I'm pretty sure it was a huge hit. I know he was a big fan of the ham and cheese biscuit, but they lost a good 10 points when he realized he couldn't order a caramel macchiato (his number 1 go-to-drink). But he ordered the brown sugar cinnamon latte, and I think that he actually liked it. 
He drank it down to the very last drop anyway. 

Then someone took another picture of Lynda and I. We don't ask for these things, they just kind of happen! 
Just kidding, we totally asked someone to take this for us. 
Deal with it. 

After coffee we headed over to The Alley for some good, retro bowling. 
No computers, oldies music, and the foam gutter-guards. 
Harry and I decided to pose like the bowling pin on the window. I think we did a pretty great job. 

Then Kyle had the brilliant idea of making me into the lumpy bowling ball beside the pin. Of course, how silly of us to have originally ignored the poor little guy! 
And again- nailed it. 

Unfortunately the bowling part of things didn't go well. 
In case I didn't tell you before, I can't bowl. 
We tried the same thing last year for my birthday with mom, dad and MC, and I had similar results.
Except this time I didn't drop my ball, so I guess you could say I'm improving.

So yes, Kyle beat me. He was nailing strike after strike and I was all, "Oh good, I got 4 pins!" 
So yeah, I was a little bit disappointed in the score- which I conveniently don't remember.

After bowling we headed to some very random shops and of course posed with the most outrageous things we could find.
First to Sugar Magnolia for some crazy colorful hats. Kyle was tempted to buy that hat- it was a great deal and I'm honestly shocked that he left it behind. 
At least I know what to get him for his birthday this year.

Then to Father and Son's- the world's most random store filled with everything from paintings to furniture to vintage clothes and hot-pink mannequins. 

Lynda found a great pair of sunglasses. Can't you just see her lying on the beach sporting these babies? She didn't get them though- too bad. I think she was looking for something with a little more pizzazz. 

Kyle came around the corner at one point and very seriously said to me, "Cait, I found your wedding dress! You have to come see this!"  He was all excited as he grabbed my arm and quickly led me across the store and into a room with this. 
I told you. Hot-pink mannequin. 
The fact that she's pink- kinda weird. Then we see that she's basically chewing on her bangs and is missing a left hand and... do you have goosebumps? Because I really do. From all the weirdness. Moving on.

The one good part of this store came in the form of a vintage couch that just happened to be my favorite color- mint! 
I want this couch. I want it in my cute downtown apartment that I don't have. 
Let's be real- this couch would make the look 100% complete. 

After the random shopping/browsing/entertainment, we headed off to Mellow Mushroom for some dinner. 
Kyle kept calling it "the mushroom". It was pretty cute. 

So there we are with our left-over potato pizza. It was literally a baked potato with sour cream, bacon bits, and cheese on a pizza. I didn't think it was possible either- but it is guys. It really is. 

Since this happened before my birthday, when Carter got a free fountain beverage coupon he quickly handed it to me and loudly exclaimed, "That's for you!" 
This is me being super happy for my free fountain beverage. 
Once again reminding me that I wasn't yet 21. 

Then after eating at The Mushroom (ha ha) we walked at least 5 miles down the street to the Cupcake Shoppe. Yes, it was 5 miles I'm pretty sure. All uphill too. It's like they wanted to kill me. Ugh. 
But the cupcakes were good- Kyle's never seen a fancy shmancy cupcake shop that only sells cupcakes. Apparently Lock Haven isn't into that?
They're missing out. 
Then Saturday ended. Saturday was a very long day- like never-ending, but in a good way. 
Then along came Sunday and whoever can guess how we started our day can call themselves special. 

That's right. Another Jubala start- pretty fantastic. 
Kyle and I enjoyed our lattes a lot. I actually look quite surprised to see mine. Kyle looks really excited. 
Basically that's exactly how we were feeling. 

We do get normal every now and again. Someone at school told me that they think Kyle and I look alike. I wondered if she had her eyes shut while she was looking at the picture. Just kidding- but I do think it's cool that someone things we look similar. It's cool.

 We also went to see a movie Sunday afternoon- Silver Linings Playbook- with Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. 
It had 4 of my favorite things: Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, lots of Eagles talk, and a lot of crazy. Seriously though- great movie. One of my new favs. 

Of course we did dinner in style- Bull City for some freaking amazing burgers. We were all big fans. Kyle told us that he liked Bull City the best of all the things we did that weekend. It was pretty cute.
There's all of us after devouring our burgers. Seriously, amazing. 

And then came Monday- my actual birthday. 
My actual 21st birthday! 
It started off pretty mild- Kyle and I had the morning/afternoon to ourselves so we went to the mall for some Gloria Jeans coffee. Kyle and I agree that it is the best coffee we've ever had.

So of course we took pictures with our favorite coffees. 
Then we went to Target because Kyle didn't believe me when I said that they have an entire isle of wine. 

There he is, in his isle of wine. He was in his heaven. 
Needless to say, he was pretty impressed. 

We did a pretty fantastic dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant with fabulous food and a waitress who was very attentive to my birthday needs. 
I don't know what I ate- some kind of pasta with chicken that was top notch. I'm actually sitting here drooling over the picture of that food.

My first drink was some kind of nutella something. Honestly the name was "nutella" so I didn't ask questions- just went with it. It was delicious! 
I was forced to wear some party glasses and a couple strands of garland. When I say forced, I mean someone literally put the garland around my neck and the glasses on my face. To be fair I really didn't fight it, I thought it was funny. 
You only turn 21 once, right? 

After dinner we headed off to sing some Karaoke and I had a blast! I picked some songs that really did nothing extra to highlight my vocals, clearly it was my first attempt at karaoke. There was a woman there named Lisa who really dominated and had obviously thought through what she was going to perform. I just got up there and had a fun time if I'm being honest. 

So that's how my 21st birthday went. It was a great time. Kyle left on Tuesday evening and I had to come back to classes and my new routine on Wednesday. Before he left he kept saying "I can't believe Christmas vacation is over already! I don't want it to end." 
At that point it wasn't quite February yet, so I guess that makes sense. I usually like my Christmas break to last through all of January too.

Back to reality, blah. This weekend is pretty quiet. I have loads of homework to catch up on after not having done anything last weekend. BTR is singing for some kind of high school leadership thing tomorrow morning at Meredith. We have to be at the Chapel at 9:30- please pray for me. 

Now I'm going to cuddle up and watch a movie. A girl just came by asking if I had Clorox disinfecting wipes for her to use. I don't know her, but I think she lives on my hall. I'm convinced that my life would win if I ever entered a "most random life" contest. Not that I would ever enter a contest like that, but I had to make my point. 

So there's that!

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