Monday, April 1, 2013

Run and hide your crazy

Happy day-after-Easter-Monday. Why today is not still a holiday? I have no idea. 

My favorite song of all time just came on the radio. I'm sure you could learn to sing along. The chorus is literally "Lover, lover, lover. You don't treat me no good no more" and you sing it twice. 
Why it's my favorite song? No particular reason. 
MC and I used to sing it really loud on the way to and from work. 
And in the family room. 
And the kitchen. 
Basically when we hear the song we just sing it real loud

So last night as I was falling asleep and dreading another week of boring business and confusing French classes I realized that I have only 1 little month left. 1 month- I can totes handle that. Also, today when I left my French class I said "bye" to my professor as I was walking out the door. I heard her calling after me, "Au revoir, Caitlyn- AU REVOIR!" 
I think I'm officially the worst French student. Seriously- if I'm not speaking English in class then I'm speaking German. And let me tell you, it's a serious issue when you speak German in your French class. I answer most questions with, "Ja" but that doesn't cut it in French. 

But in better news.. March is over. So what did I do? 

I'll start with the St. Paddy's day parade. 
I went to a St. Patrick's day parade in downtown Raleigh. 
Everyone was wearing green- but this lady had the coolest pants. You can't really tell, but they're patterned and all fancy. I enjoyed her whole outfit. And her bag which says, "Cake for breakfast." 
Enough said. 

There were little leprechaun men everywhere. Lots of music and dancing and green.
It was a fun day. I mostly liked the big-headed leprechauns on wheelies. There were 2 and they were rolling all around on their little wheelies- made me want a pair really bad.

St. Paddy's day was a lot more exciting, but it was so long ago that I've forgotten the details.
So I'm just going to move on quickly to the next holiday.

I couldn't go home for Easter this year (or last year, or the year before, blah), so Dan and MC drove down to spend the weekend with me.
They're so cute like that. 
It was literally the greatest weekend I've had in a long time. The only thing that would've made it better would have been if Kyle could've made it too. Poor guy was stuck at work all break. We missed ya Kylie!

They got here Friday morning and we spent some good quality time together.
They were down for some good Bojangles to get the weekend started- MC wanted it because Scotty McCreery likes it, and Dan wanted it because he was hungry.
I think we were all satisfied.

Then we headed over to Meredith! The last time Dan was at Meredith was during Freshman move-in. So he only experienced the random craziness that happens when a bunch of girls are trying to keep it together while also managing to set up their little dorm rooms as their parents prepare to leave them for the next 4 years.
In other words, it was time for him to visit again.
This time was a whole lot less dramatic- omg.

We posed by the fountain because it was cool.

He really loves all of the attention that we so generously shovel his way.

Then we wanted to check out the ampitheatre. It really was the perfect day to walk around- clear skies, a nice breeze, perfection!
Dan was a big fan of the lake/pond thing. Which one is man-made? A pond? I guess it doesn't really matter because I don't know if the Meredith lake/pond is man-made or not.
So never mind.

Good thing he refuses to read my blog so he will never know that this picture made it to the internet. Mary Catherine was shouting names of random girls. That's how we get Smiley Dan in pictures.

Then he ran down all the steps and did some more posing after we called out even more names. We really have figured out how to work with him. And look at that- a brilliant photo courtesy of Mary Catherine. We also have a few dozen pictures of random trashcans and the ground courtesy of Mary Catherine, but we don't have to talk about that.

Oh, out of order. This was before he ran down the steps. I really don't think he ran up and down more than necessary. But who knows- he is full of surprises.

Then after Meredith, we went back to the Crains and made ourselves at home with a few thousand old photo albums including Lynda and Carter's wedding pictures.

 I, along with Jessica, was a cute 6 year old flower girl. Dan and Sam were the "bell ringers" (they literally rang bells) and Kyle was the ring guy.
Anyway, we had lots of laughs over the pictures of Danny from the wedding. I don't think we found a single picture where his bow-tie was straight and his boutonniere was upright. All of the pictures post-ceremony Dan's bow-tie is missing completely. Maybe you just have to know how he was as a child to appreciate all that- he was always doing something. He could entertain himself with a freaking leaf- not even kidding. So anyway, cute little Dan man was crazy hard to keep tidy.

After Memory Lane, we headed down Person Street and got ourselves some HOT NOW Krispie Kremes. A whole dozen. Let's not talk about it.

MC and I also spent some great time in one of our favorite places- the mall. We were very surprised to notice a new trend in the mannequin world- hair and long bangs. I think the hairy mannequins were only at H&M, but still... weird. Every single one had long grayish-white hair with bangs that they could easily munch on if they got hungry.
Hence the confusion on Mary Catherine's face as we tried to figure out the purpose of hairy mannequins.

I thought perhaps the hair was to make the mannequins more relatable to the average shopper. So H&M must have been thinking along these lines- "Maybe if we put hair on our mannequins women will feel more inclined to buy from our store since they can see more of themselves in our advertising."
(I just made awkward eye contact with a man sitting in the honors lounge. I thought he was sleeping but he wasn't.)
But that's not my point.
If this was an attempt to connect with the customer, I don't know how successfully the plan was executed. Mostly just because it confuses me.
Then again, it is H&M- a European clothing store- and maybe that's the only necessary explanation for this strange new phenomenon in the mannequin world.

Moving on.
Mary C and I also treated ourselves to some Gloria Jeans coffees conveniently located directly across from the hairy mannequins mentioned above.

We also witnessed a mall-crime and felt obligated to document it.
This is a picture of what you're not allowed to do on an escalator.
The picture is actually on the escalator so as to avoid any confusion.

We thought this woman might just be pretty confused. Either that or she has no respect for mall regulations. Or maybe rules just don't apply to her. Either way, MC and I felt pretty uncomfortable traveling up the escalator behind this hardened criminal.
What if that thing snapped and the child fell backwards?
MC loudly announced that she wouldn't be doing any life-saving. She said if the child rolled down toward her she would just step aside and let him continue on his journey.
I don't think she would actually do that- we were just appalled at the blatant disrespect this woman had for the mall.
Respect the mall!

We got away with shopping all morning on Saturday because Dan was occupado at the Crain's with this thing they call "construction".
Apparently Carter wants a bigger deck or a deck with bigger stairs and a patio and all this fun stuff.
(Woa... a man just walked by holding a tiny baby. Meredith is going crazy y'all. I don't know what to believe anymore.)
So Friday was demo day and Saturday was re-build it day (which doesn't sound nearly as fun as demo day). 

As the guys worked, us girls painted our nails and had a backyard dance-party.
JT was our entertainer and he did a marvelous job. 

Naturally, Dan was in his element.

Clearly, in his element.

Showing off- just a tad.

We also went to Brewsters for some ice-cream after filling up on authentic Mexican at Torrero's. Clearly we hadn't eaten enough Mexican.
Ice-cream just fills in the cracks. At least that's what mom always said (you say that, right mom?).
Dan and I would never miss an opportunity to star in a picture.
We are always prepared.

Sunday came all too quickly and suddenly it was time for the little one's to head north. We did manage to devour some chocolate bunnies and Easter eggs of the Cadbury and Reese's varieties first.
Then we started hugging.
Lynda and Carter are pretty proud of their "Crain Sandwich" and made sure to hug each of them extra long since we'll miss them extra much.

MC outwardly enjoyed the sandwich much more than Dan. I believe she actually ran toward their open arms as they chanted "Crain sandwich, Crain sandwich!"

What a colorful family I have.
Oh by the way, we're no longer calling each other "weird" or "strange" or "odd" because they have such negative connotations to them. Instead we've decided to call each other "colorful" because color is a good thing and we're all fans of color. And let's be honest, colorful people are the most fun people anyway.
MC and I know Rhonda is proud of our new rule.
(Rhonda = Sharon/mom)

So that sums up the rest of my March.
Soon April will be winding down too and I'll be watching as my junior year wraps up. I'm still not a fan of growing up, but whatever.

I also decided today that I'm definitely going to be getting a haircut really soon. According to my hair, today the humidity is at 3,000% and I'm not so okay with that.
Seriously though, my hair grew a few inches after I finished drying it this morning. It's ridiculous.
And yes, today is a warm day so I'm sporting capris and flip-flops like it's my job.

Here's to spring- the humidity, allergies, little green worms that fall from the trees and the end of the longest semester of my life!
Just kidding, I do love spring. I am Sharon Martin's daughter after all!

Happy April! 

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