Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gonna Set My Spirit Free

Due to the fact that there is some sort of local basketball game that was voted "more important than normal CBS broadcasting", my Wednesday night is wide open. 
Wednesday is our typical TV night because we literally watch 3 hours of TV. 
Survivor. Criminal Minds. CSI. 
But now that's all rescheduled for 1:37am so I have been forced to readjust. 
Rather than make the most of these 3 free hours by studying and preparing myself for tomorrow's 9:30am midterm, I decided to update on February happenings! 
Let's be real- I can study when I'm dead. Isn't that how that saying goes? 
I'm pretty sure it is. 

So February in Raleigh is much different than the February's that I grew up knowing. The temperatures vary quite drastically from day to day. I have honestly experienced all 4 seasons in just 1 week's time. 
One day it's sunny and high 60's, then the next day freezing rain falls from the sky. 
But I like to make the most of those pretty days and take pictures. 

The skies are always blue. It's pretty great. 

 The Meredith Monument. 
It's actually not called that, but I don't know what else to call it and it always looks so important so I figured my title was fitting. 

Seriously though- prettiest campus ever! 

This past week also delivered big-time when I made my first Cadbury Creme Egg purchase of the spring season. 

It was a pretty big deal. Big enough that it made its way to my February summary.

I was also lucky enough to spend a whole weekend with some pretty crazy people. I laughed more than I have in a really long time. 
Uncle Randy and Jessica drove down so Jess and I could celebrate our birthdays together. 
Did I mention we had a blast? 
We did lots of city things- restaurants and breweries, eating and drinking, laughing and being ridiculous. Like seriously, every time we drove somewhere all 5 of us would sing at the top of our lungs to whatever song was playing on the radio. 
We didn't even know half of the songs we sang along with, but that didn't stop us.
And here come quite a few photos summarizing our weekend together. 
Enjoy it. 

Jess and Randy were stuck in traffic and that made Carter and I sad. 
(Honestly, I was more upset that I had to clean the bathroom, but we won't tell them that.)

Dinner at Tyler's 

Happy 21 to us!

Love love love

We also walked through the mall before the stores were opened. There were not many people there- but let's be real- I would have posed this way even if the mall was crowded. 

Then Jessica got real cute. Lynda's laughing loudest since she's holding the camera, my laugh sounds like it's coming from the heavens because I was at the top of the escalator (and because I'm angelic).

All aboard the tiniest and most childish merry-go-round! 
Randomly located in the food-court by the way. I thought that was weird too. 
You just let your child ride while you eat a chic-fil-a? What child doesn't want to eat in the food-court? 
Anyway, I was in the tug-boat and clearly I rocked it. 

But then, like every other good weekend and fun time, the Blanks had to drive back to Pennsylvania. It was sad- I cried. Actually I didn't, but it did suck that they had to leave. 
This is me being pushy.

Last night was another great February happening- it was Skye's birthday celebration! 
She turned 21, so we took her out for dinner at Beasley's Chicken and Honey then made a few stops before landing at Tir Na Nog where we were serenaded by a fun and entertaining Irish band. 

Skye's fiance surprised her and spent the evening downtown with all of us! 

Skye, Katy and I after stuffing our faces with fried chicken on top of thick waffles dripping in honey. 
So delicious. 

So the band at Tir Na Nog was called Full Set- there was a drummer, a fiddler, an elbow-bag-pipe player (whatever that is), an accordionist, a flutist and a guitarist. 
It was toe-tapping fun. 
That sounds stupid- it was just fun. Lots of fun. 
And the band guys were attractive and had thick Irish accents so naturally I was very interested and they kept my attention. 
Skye was friends with the elbow-bag-pipe guy whose name was Chris. She bought their CD and they all signed it- super friendly. Apparently they just won "Best New Artist" in Ireland this year? Pretty impressive. Anyway... I fell in love with the fiddler, mostly because he was a fiddler with an accent. 

And yes, he was looking directly at me as I snapped this. Probably because we were sitting closest to the stage and I was being really obnoxious about my love for the fiddle. 
Seriously though- what I wouldn't do for a fiddling Irishman. 

There they are- the guitarist is semi-hidden but you get the idea. The girl with the accordion was stinkin adorable. Can you imagine...
"Do you play any instruments?" 
"Yeah, I play the accordion. Nbd."
Shut up.

And then because you can't hear pictures, here's a nice video showing off my boyfriend's fiddling skills. 
Just kidding, he's not my boyfriend guys! 
Also, I apologize for the little man dancing in front of my camera. He was unavoidable. He also was not doing any type of Irish jig, contrary to what you might think. He was mostly just jumping around kicking his feet and making it look like he was doing Irish dance. 
Believe me- he wasn't. 

Ali also came to Tir Na Nog with us, but I don't have any evidence to prove that she was there. Sorry Ali! Although she does have a really cute picture of us on instagram, and if she sends it to me I'll put it on up! 
(wink wink!)

And that brings us to February 27th. I don't anticipate a whole lot happening tomorrow that would be blog-worthy. I have to pack, pick up some goodies at the Crains, and take a midterm. 
Packing- not exciting. 
Goodies at the Crains- EXCITING! 
Midterm- definitely NOT exciting. 

Then Friday I get to go home! But by then it will be March, so we'll save that for the March happenings. 

And speaking of my midterm- I really should review a few more times before calling it a night. 
Maybe next year I'll be more motivated to study for exams. 
Or maybe it'll just never happen for me. Exams don't intimidate, scare, or motivate me. 

How un-studious of me?

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