Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Little bit of this...

Chinese food happened, just like I promised. 
When I said I would blog about it later- I guess I really wasn't thinking about how little one can really write about Chinese food. Or any food for that matter. 
Coincidentally, last night for supper mom and dad made Chinese food. 

Yes- MY parents- made Chinese food. 
Homemade Chinese? 
It's like I don't even know who they are anymore. 

And with that I wrap up the random Chinese food subject and move on to other equally random and unexpected happenings in my life. 
One day I decided to just take a picture while Kyle was driving. Maybe I was just struck by the beauty of the big blue sky- or maybe I was bored and didn't know the song on the radio. 
Either way, picture of an Amish farm that I pass almost every day. 
Honestly, it's probably my mother's uncle's farm or something. 

Funny story. Mary Catherine went to a Phillies game with Dad back in April. She took like 49399 pictures and we ended up with one of Hunter Pence's face as our desktop background for FOREVER. 
So one day I decided to change things up a bit. I took matters into my own hands and I said, "No more!" 
I was fully capable of changing the background to a more... pleasant face. 
This isn't the 1890's- I have rights! 
Naturally my man of choice was Mr. Tim Tebow. 
Mom thanked me. 
Even MC wasn't too terribly upset about her loss. 
I'd say it was a good choice. 

I'm sad to say that Tim didn't last too long. Now, each day we race for the computer and put up a new, beautiful face to look at for a while. 
MC and I are usually responsible for the changes, but Kyle and Dan get to it before us every once in a while. 
Mom made a rule now- just so we don't get out of hand. 
We can only change it after each picture has been on for a full 24 hours. 
Call it shallow, I don't really care. 
I'm the one who gets to stare at a pretty face whenever I'm in the kitchen. 

Speaking of graduation, Danny graduated. 
My little bright-eyed baby brother graduated from high school! 
Seems like just yesterday he was banging pots and pans and directing the family sing-alongs while we drove to grandma's where he would play trucks and take apart anything he could get his hands on. 
Sometimes I still hear his loud and unexpectedly high voice shouting out "Chase away the demons" and it makes me giggle. 

I like to think he was in shock in this moment and that his facial expression had nothing to do with the fact that I was hugging him. 
Looks pretty cute in a cap and gown! 

Love my brothers- crazy and all. 

 And no matter how much he might disagree, he loves being sandwiched between us both in birth order and in photos. That's right where you belong Dan man- right smack between us (as long as you pull MC's hair and not mine). 

There's the whole band. I'd say we're a handsome bunch but that might come across a bit stuffy. The truth is, we're the farthest from stuffy. We're so weird that it's amazing we actually do function properly. 

Happy graduation Dan! 

MC and I also babysat this little Diva again. 
This time we went on a trip to Walmart to get some beach gear. 
Magazines are considered "beach gear" for our family, and apparently Kylah agreed. 
She helped us decide between the People Style Watch issue and some teeny-bopper magazine covered with One Direction and J-Biebs. 
She chose the latter- but MC and I weren't feeling it. 
At one point, she giggled like crazy and pointed with much gusto at Justin Bieber as Mary Catherine and I died in fits of laughter. 
Cutest. Child. Ever. 

And then yes- the next day MC and I were off to the beach! Cape Henlopen for the day. 
Thanks Delaware. It was fun. 

We had so much fun watching people. You would be surprised with how many middle aged men think it okay to walk around the beach in mini-short swimsuit trunks. 

I wish I could say "only in Lancaster county" on this one, but we were in Delaware so it doesn't really work the same way... but really how likely is it that we would see people we actually know on the beach? We thought pretty unlikely. However, we ended up deciding that a certain male passerby was quite good looking before MC pointed out we actually knew who it was.  
Weird? Check. 
Embarrassing? Check. 
We both put our sunglasses on and looked in the opposite direction. 
Dodged that bullet. 

Then we "met" a cute little family who sat almost on top of our beach site. 
A woman and her six kids.
Of the six, MC and I felt like we became fairly close with Luke, Sammy, and Hannah. 
Sammy was the cute one- maybe 3? 
He ran around in his diaper for a while before his mom decided it was perfectly acceptable to let a nude toddler loose on the beach. 
MC and I decided that probably wasn't necessary. 

Come to think of it, there was more nudity than we expected on the beach that day. 
Before Sammy's family moved in there was another little family who also allowed their young son to fully expose himself to the wind and the waves.
We didn't learn his name, but he had a baby sister named Addie who wore a blue hat with red crabs on it. 
Mary Catherine wasn't a big fan of Addie's hat choice, but not too long after their arrival, both mom and dad pulled on equally hideous straw/cowboy/Amish-man hats. 
Addie was the most stylish one of them all. 

But the day was great- beautiful weather, lovely waves, great company, hot lifeguards... perfection! 

We also had a surprise visit from our friend Flip this past weekend. 
This time his accent was fully French, and his vocabulary proved a direct link to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee! 
He called me Your Highness and Your Majesty. 
I think I may have blushed. 

Either way, his visit left us all increasingly confused as to his nationality. Again. 
I must admit, after not seeing Flip since last summer I slipped and made the mistake of asking how he was doing. A mistake of catastrophic proportions. 
However, he was quick to forgive and moved right into calling me Your Majesty. 
I like to think I now have Flip wrapped around my little finger. 
Or not. 

Mary Catherine just got home and I'm going to go ahead and ask her why she texted me a picture of my old math teacher. 
She didn't offer much explanation, so I'm pretty confused. 

Enjoy your lives- I will to!