Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Drives Me Crazy, Drives Me Insane

Oh bonjour! 

Dear anyone who is considering learning French because they want to speak the 'language of love' and all that good stuff, 
French is hard and sounds anything BUT romantic when anyone other than native speakers and people who have had many years of lessons use it. 
I sound like a mess and often use German words when I'm not quite sure which French word I'm looking for. 
It's quite the mashup, believe me. 
Just know what you're getting into- French. Is. Hard. 

And I have an exam in 3 hours. 

I decided it would be wise to wake up really early to study and clearly that was a good idea since I'm now updating my blog... 

So I was inspired last week and did this really wonderful thing. 
I created an iTunes playlist with all of my favorite lovey-dovey, daydreaming, futuristic, folky, singer-songwriter music. 
I listen to it pretty much non-stop. 
It's becoming a problem. 
Seriously one song is called 'Daydream' and when it starts playing I automatically stop whatever I'm doing and just sit with a big smile on my face. 

Then I continue to waste away 4 minutes and 1 second of my life just sitting and smiling.
I know what you're thinking- Caity that is NOT a bad thing to waste time sitting and smiling and possibly humming along to a song that so clearly defines your life! 

Yes friends, but it becomes a bad thing when I have a French exam in a few hours followed quickly by a Communication Theory exam, class until 7 and then the CMA awards show at 8. 

I just don't have enough of time in each day to allow so much of it to go by so unused on such a regular basis, you feel me? 

But I do love this playlist. Yes, it's playing now. 
Are you a daydreamer? Maybe a hopeless romantic who enjoys a nice fluffy song about the good things to come in life? 

My new favorites are Tori Kelly and Olly Murs. 
They make up a good majority of this new playlist. 
Ben Rector too- he's singing to me right now about how he likes me.

Thanks to my good friend Harry who sent this broke college girl 10 of his very own CD's. I am quickly falling in love with them all. 

Oh my, I just love Tori Kelly. 

So this past weekend was Cornhuskin' - the last one of my Meredith career! 
Since Friday couldn't get his crap together and refused to stop raining, the main event was moved to Sunday night. 
That meant the fam couldn't stay and watch. 
They got to see the parade though- the wet and rainy parade. 

Bathtub Ring rode on a "Tis the season to be corny" float. 
We had a bathtub with makeshift bubbles and we loved it. 

Then we all ran back to my apartment where we threw our wet clothes into the dryer and waited for either the rain or the dryer to stop. 

The rain never stopped, but the dryer did. 
The parentals were a bit bummed that they wouldn't get to see Corn and watch BTR perform afterwards so we decided to have our own private concert for our out-of-town families on Friday night. 
Dad proudly recorded every song we sang and started the waterworks during our first song (Wagon Wheel, or as he likes to call it- "Rock Me Mama"). 
Mom, Grandma and MC sat very ladylike and smiled along throughout.
Dan spent his time half listening because he was too interested in finding his blue-eyed blonde with a thick southern accent. 
Grandpa and Lynda sang along with what songs they knew- Lynda the more recent pop songs and Grandpa the old traditionals. 
After our first song Grandpa started chanting, "SING MORE, SING MORE!" 
And I said, "Grandpa, we will."
Carter was there too, sitting and smiling along like Mom, Grandma and MC but in a less ladylike way. 

Dad sent me all of the videos he took of us that night, then I promptly deleted them all because I think through my actions.
No, no I don't. 

Saturday we started off at the farmers' market.
MC and I weren't going to go, but then we wanted to be with everyone so we went. 
Unless you're there to buy fruits and vegetables or maybe candy or strange pickled things... the farmers' market is boring. 

So MC and I made our own fun. We invited Dan, but again he was on the hunt for a southern lady-friend.

The trees were all such fantastic colors so we wanted to take pictures with them- duh. 
Too bad it was in a parking lot. We just had to get really creative.

We love fall! 

There were a lot of other fun things too, but I forget and I need to get back to French so details and specifics are going to be limited right now.
We're just going big-picture. 

Dan and Grandma were super cute...

And so were MC and Grandpa...

I was super annoyed because all weekend my phone decided to be stubborn and refused to take pictures. 
"Cannot take photo. Not enough space available." 

So I took very few pictures. 
None of the parentals =(
and none of the pups. 

Shasta and Iris made it down but I failed to document any of that cuteness. 

But we did do some sibling selfies...

Aaaannd they might kill me for those. 

Then Sunday they all left and the weekend was over. 
Except it wasn't because we had corn all day on Sunday. 

Not really, but it felt like it! 

It was all fun and stuff- seemed to go really fast! I even did some dancing guys! I know, right? 
Getting fancy.

And guess what? 
The senior class won! 
It's a big deal. 
That was a good day. 

And here is one of the songs Bathtub Ring did after all the festivities ended. We each tried to have a friend record one of the songs and this was the one I was responsible for. 
So here we go, Cigarettes and Whiskey for your listening pleasure. 

Apparently it's MC's newest favorite. She tells me that a lot- she must really like it.

I'm really disappointed in the lack of photos from this year! I did a terrible job! 
Last year I had SO many pictures, what the heck happened?
My phone got stubborn, that's what happened! 

Oh well. Maybe next year I'll get snap-happy again. 
Yes, next year. 
Oh Mary Catherineeeee! 

Study, study, study! 
Ready or not, here I come French exam! 

Only 20 days until Thanksgiving break!

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