Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hello, Rita?

Good. Morning. 

The main reason I am writing right now is because I really do not want to make myself read Death of a Salesman. 
I suffered through it once, and that was enough. They can't make me read it again. Therefore, I am going to fill all of my free-time until class with other activities so that I don't start to feel the pressure from my professor and my peers- and so that I can justify my actions in my own mind. 
I'm just too darn busy to read that- shucks! 
Today is rainy and gross- an appropriate way to welcome Spring, don't you think? Me either. This year's March showers will bring April flowers- totally breaking tradition and everything I've ever believed as a child, but I guess with that whole- "The polar ice-caps are melting" thing that means we are all sorts of off schedule. 
But that's okay- rain is rain. I have my trusty umbrella with me. 
Would you believe it- I still have not gotten my rain boots. 
I stomp around through the rain in anything BUT proper puddle stomping gear. 
It gets rather frustrating. 
But anyway, I have Spring break stories to talk about! 
So I was all upset about my lack of good stories right before I left- and wouldn't you know it, just after we crossed the Maryland border into the lovely PA, THIS happened. 
I was pulled over. BY A COP! 
It was an experience, that's for sure. I thought I was going to pass out from a combination of shock/confusion/anger/embarrassment/terror/ignorance/etc.
 Now keep in mind, this happened at 12:45am, and we were about 40 minutes from home. So naturally, I was ticked. I made it 6 hours and 20 minutes and was stopped NOW? 
(Hence the anger)
I started off strong by giving the officer my expired drivers license- score 1 for Caitlyn when he didn't even recognize that it was expired. 
I proceeded to confess that I had never been pulled over and therefore had no idea what I was supposed to give him- I only knew that it all lived in my glove-box where Dad tucked it away while I was shopping or taking pictures. So I laughed at myself as he reached in my window and helped himself to my insurance and registration cards. 
Super. (This would be the ignorance I referred to)
I was also informed that the encounter was being recorded. I acted pretty chill, but on the inside I was seeing re-runs of COPS shows where they threw people around and waved guns while yelling, "GET ON THE GROUND!"
I thought I was going to be featured on the newest episode of COPS. 
Fabulous. (Enter embarrassment!)
When he returned what seemed like hours later, he calmly told me that I had been swerving across the double yellow lines a few times. (He thought I was drunk! Me, Caitlyn Martin, drunk driving!? I laughed.) Then he asked if I knew why that was happening. To which I responded: We were dancing? Lynda then told him that we were just trying to stay awake. (We didn't have any issues with that the rest of the way, believe me!)
He laughed and thanked me for my honesty, and only then did I think that maybe I was going to get off ticket-free! I wasn't necessarily proud to admit it, but when he asked me what we were dancing to I had to tell the truth. 
Lady Gaga. 
When Lady G and Beyonce tell you to Just Dance- what else can you do? 
He laughed more, and then he was gone. 
No ticket! Booya!
What a way to start off my Spring break, hey? 

Nothing else that I did really came close to topping that. 

Of course I was reunited with my love. How cute is Shasty?? She's so cute. 

MC and I went to Target and tried on every ridiculous pair of glasses that they had. 
It was actually really fun- and really loud. 

She was a fan of the cat glasses.

These were octagonal- you can't really tell- so we didn't know if they had a hidden meaning. Like stop?

Then she shouted, "Cait- these are polarized!" 

Mine were floral hearts, and hers were weird. 

She also tried on shoes. Everything about this pose and shoe choice was influenced largely by Elisa's recent visit and strange taste in heels. 
"Third position, Caitlyn!"


 And that's pretty much all that we did at Target. I think we each got a Starbucks before heading home. Successful trip, I'd say. 
Speaking of successful, I got "The eye" when I accidentally threw my salad all over the table one evening at dinner. My father politely asked my age and I responded, "I'm taking a picture of this!" 
So yes, I was acting my shoe size on this one. 
But how is a 20 year old supposed to act? I don't care anyway. 

I definitely had to clean that one up. 

We also played outside. For some reason my trunk was open when we went out and Mary Catherine called out, "I slipped!" 
When I turned around, she was happily situated in my trunk. 

Also, dearest father added yet another vehicle to our used car lot- MC finally got a car! 
We did take pictures, but I think they're on MC's camera. Maybe, with some reminding, she will post them on facebook or something. 
They were cute. I stuck my head out of the sunroof at one point. 
It was painful, but I did it! 

Mom doesn't know how lucky she is- the garage spot? Seriously mom? 
If it weren't for those darn Harleys parked on the other side, maybe my Orville would get a garage spot too! 
Oh well. I better prepare myself for loads of pine-needles showing up EVERYWHERE (my car, shoes, clothes, etc)

I've successfully passed a good deal of time! No Death of a Salesman reading for this girl! 
Now I just want a free Rita's ice. 

Mango Gelati please Rita! 
Please? Rita? 

Happy first day of Spring!

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