Saturday, April 28, 2012

So Close!

I'm right in the middle of finals. 

4 down, 3 to go. 

I thought I would come to the dining hall this morning to study as I ate lunch- you know, too many distractions in my room. Turns out there are some big-time distractions in the dining hall as well. 
For someone who enjoys people watching as much as I do, it won't work to "study" in such a central and social location. 

I have a mass communication exam in 30 minutes and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Our professor put a slideshow together of some of the material we would need to know for the exam. 
It's 38 slides long- so I've been working on memorizing 38 slides. 
Want to talk a little bit about distractions? Because the computer provides a large majority of the things that keep me from focusing on this stupid powerpoint show. I think I've been on facebook for a solid hour this morning just praying that something new would pop up for me to read. 
Apparently all 500 friends of mine are otherwise occupied this morning and provided me with very little distracting news. 
Therefore, I decided that it was (conveniently) a great time to update! 

I suddenly have only 7 days left until I get to go home. Is anyone else feeling the same way I'm feeling? Like time is moving way too fast? 
Maybe I'm just a freak. But I seriously remember too much of my childhood like it was yesterday.
I remember playing in the backyard with Kyle and Danny at our old house and Daddy telling us we weren't allowed to go past the white markers in the woods.

I remember having watermelon seed-spitting contests at Grandma Anne's with all the cousins in the summer. 

I remember my last day of fifth grade when Mrs. Martin gave me a big hug and wished me well before shedding a few tears as mom and I walked across the newly renovated parking lot to our purple-hued minivan. 

(I seriously remember everything. I'm freaky like that.)
And now I'm suddenly finished with my sophomore year of college? 
I might come to terms with that in a few weeks. But for now, I'm still in shock.

Some girl is running around the courtyard with the cutest little puppy following her. I don't know who you are, but your dog is super cute. 
Not as cute as Shasta, but you know. Nice try. 

Anyway, I'm struggling to keep my head above water right now. After today I have 1 more exam and then a take-home final. Then- freedom. 

Mom, Dad and MC are coming to get me. Again. They came last year too. I think they look for any excuse they can find to come to Raleigh. I don't blame them. 

So other than all that, there really is little to nothing going on right now. My roommate moved out yesterday, so I'm getting increasingly bored. Minute by minute. 

Long stretches of boring. 

I'll make it. I'm like the little engine that could- let's face it. 
I really can't comfortably sit here and type all about my life when I have a word document open which contains 35 multiple choice and 3 essay questions. 

There's so much guilt! Yet guess what? I don't even care. It isn't due until Wednesday, enough said. 

So this randomly happened today, maybe you'd like to hear.
I got to my 1pm exam a bit early today (the one I was talking about at the beginning of the post) and was just chatting with some classmates about snow. I got there after the conversation topic was decided upon. 
So we were talking about snow, and one woman mentioned that where she grew up in eastern PA it would often snow a lot, blah blah blah. 
Naturally, I hear "eastern PA" and I'm all, "What part of PA?" 
She then told me she grew up about 90 miles outside of Philly. 
So now I have a pretty good picture of where she grew up... not. 
So in order to clarify that I was inquiring about maybe more of a specific city, I offered up the fact that I am from Lancaster. 
She smiled real big and nodded enthusiastically and said, "I'm from Hershey!" 
Perfect, we've got a city. 
And then, much to my surprise, she (very loudly) asks, "Are you Pennsylvania Dutch?" 
Now imagine my shock when this woman- a woman who I thought was one of us- straight up asked me if I was Amish. 
I said a quick (and confused) "No" and then after recognizing the very obvious show of disappointment in her facial expression I added, "But my mom's family is."
She cheered up real fast after that and then started debating the correct pronunciation of "Lancaster".
To give her credit, she did say it correctly. It was the girl from Vermont who thought she knew everything who was making herself look like a fool. 
Moral of that story: I never expected to be asked if I was Amish by a woman "raised in Hershey". I've come to a few possible conclusions which would explain her odd behavior. 
1. She was born in Hershey only to move away as a young child
2. She is full of crap
3. She was raised in a basement (in Hershey) and was rarely let out 

There may be other explanations, but I'm personally fond of number 2. 
Guess we'll never know. Unless I ask her. But let's not count on that ever happening. 

I'm going to curl up and watch a movie now. Tomorrow will hopefully be a full day of packing and studying and test-taking. 

Sunday fun-day, right?
Here's to my last week in the big city!