Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Quiet Your Mind- It's Summertime.

I've been home for a little over 3 weeks but according to my blog, I'm still in the midst of finals. 

So much has already happened- it's kind of ridiculous. 
I'm totally kidding. My summer is nothing short of ordinary.

For some reason I have over 70 pictures on my phone- and that is almost unheard of for me. I was saving them all so that I could blog about things and make it sound fun and accompany stories with pictures, and now I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. 
Work with me. 

Mom, Dad and MC drove all the way to Raleigh to bring me back, safe and sound, to Lancaster. We spent some of our down-time between moving out and singing engagements with magazines, Tim Tebow, and a really strange movie. 

Then Mom wanted to play outside. So we did that too. 
I was so happy to see them. 

This one jumped me and wouldn't let go. 
She hugs lots and lots. 

This was our interpretation of the... sculpture... entitled, "Pulling through". 
So she was pulling me through. 
We're deep. 

We got some lunch and smiled some more. 

We were both kinda happy to be together. 
And yes, for those of you who think you're all observant and smart (or whatever), my little sister is definitely taller than me. 
Thanks for pointing that out and making us all feel better about ourselves. 

Mamma and me =)

Contrary to what you might be thinking, we were not hurting him or forcing him to sit there with us. I'm pretty sure MC shouted something inappropriate and that's why father is losing it in the picture. 
Welcome to my life!

We got home in a good 7 hours and this time I didn't have to talk with an officer. I made Dad drive through that part of the trip and I pointed out the spot where the cop pulled up behind me, where he tailed me, and then where I eventually hit the ditch. 
Ah, memories. 

Then after I got home, just random crap started happening. 
Like literally- all the farmers decided to fertilize their fields the week I got back. 
Sweet smells of Lancaster County in the Springtime! 

But other random stuff happened too. 
For some reason I went rose shopping with Mom and Kyle (???). Don't ask me why- I think I was bribed into it. 

This is Sharon smelling a rose that is called "Dolly Parton". 

I think we liked the color of this one. 
Or something like that. 

I also did some babysitting for a friend. 
This little one is the cutest thing ever, and no matter what you say you will not change my mind. 
MC decided she could use a little ponytail to keep her hair out of her face while she was tanning. 
So we sat outside...

We ate a grilled cheese sandwich...

We played the piano (like a champ!)... 

And we ate some Lapp Valley ice cream... by ourselves. 
She didn't want Sharon to help her. 
Miss Independent. 

Unfortunately, I had to give the precious little one back. I know, I know- we were all disappointed. But Sharon kindly reminded me that it won't be long before I can be having kids of my own. 
Does that make anyone else as uncomfortable as it's making me? 
Well this is awkward. 
And with that, we quickly move on. 

Dan and Sam had their graduation party with the Blank family. They're both going to receive their diplomas in the next week or something like that. 
I still think it's odd that they're letting little boys graduate from high school, but whatever. 

Then while we were at Grandma and Grandpa Blank's, we made our usual trip to the bridge and I decided to take a picture of the landscape. 
If anyone ever asks me what Lancaster looks like, I will show them this picture. 
Just lots of cows in the distance, with green hills, and Amish farms. 

Then someone pointed out the tadpoles in the creek, and we watched them for a little while until we got bored and someone (DEFINITELY NOT ME) suggested we throw stones at the tadpoles. 
That's Aly, Vanessa and Mary Catherine harassing the tadpoles. 
Poor little guys. 

And soon after we got back from our walk, Grandpa came out of the house with a gun. 
We were all a bit shocked- especially when he started waving it all around. 
I asked him to kindly point it far away from me. 
He laughed and told me it wasn't loaded. 
(I'm still slightly concerned, however.)

And that's pretty much what's happened in the last few weeks. 
Random fact- tomorrow Kyle and I are going to get Chinese food for lunch because I want Chinese food and who wants to eat Chinese food alone? 

I can't tell you how badly I'm looking forward to this. 
Then for supper- Dad decided he's going to take us out to Shady Maple. 
It's his birthday and he wants to take us out. 
I know what you're thinking, but we don't ask questions. 
When Mike decides he's taking us out, we just get in the car and put our seat-belts on.

Tomorrow is going to be a great day. 

I read a few books, bought a few songs, went shopping and spent too much money, worked at the restaurant- you know. 
Oh! At the restaurant this past week, I have definitely encountered some real winners. 
And summer hasn't even officially started!

One old man was a little too happy to hear that I wasn't married and a little too direct when he mentioned that his wife died two years ago and he was looking for a new life partner.
He said he'd come back, so I told him to keep me in mind. 
I mean, what's a girl to do? 
I just prayed he was kidding. 
Unless he's rich. 

I didn't just say that. 

Another woman shouted "BYE DIMPLES" to me as she left. 
Now, I've gotten some pretty strange names in my lifetime, but... dimples? 
And she didn't just say it sweetly, I mean this woman shouted it across a crowd of people on a busy Saturday night as she worked her way toward the door. 
My life. 

When I was hosting I asked a woman with a small baby if the baby would like to color. 
Sometimes I'm not sure about my mental state. 
The woman just kind of awkwardly smiled and informed me that the baby would probably eat the crayons, and I quickly agreed. 
Good call lady, good call. 

I almost greeted a couple by saying "Hi ladies!" before realizing that one of the "ladies" was actually a man with a ponytail. 
That was a close call. 

Work never fails to make me laugh. At myself and at other people, so that's good I guess. 

Now I'm tired and all caught up. 
Think of me tomorrow as I'm chowing down on some Chinese food with Kylie. I'll take pictures, we'll make a post out of it- you watch! 

Goodnight world! 

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