Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's A Beautiful Night, And What Are We Doing?

I've seen freedom and I'm in love. 

AND it's Christmas. If you turn your volume up and direct your attention to the very end of the page, you will find that yes, I have indeed switched to my Christmas playlist. 
And I LOVE it. 

Wow it's been a while since I've updated- my bad! Finals have a way of pushing and shoving their way into every single aspect of one's life and becoming all consuming. You know, no big deal.

BUT I'm finished! As of 3 o'clock today! Well, technically 6:30 because that's when I turned my paper in, but that doesn't really count because I had it finished yesterday. 
ANYWAY. All went well, they were probably the easiest finals that anyone could ever take. 
I'm not sure why, but I always manage to get myself out of the super hard finals. I'm okay with that. It's a sneaky ability that I've acquired over the years.
Yes, ever since Kindergarten. 

But I've been super busy! That's for sure. You see, my brilliant professor who shall remain nameless decided it would be a super smart move to assign a research paper instead of a paper/pen type of final test. 
I wanted to punch him.

I worked on that paper for 6 days, stressed and didn't sleep because I was worried about the dumb thing. 

Needless to say, I was unimpressed with his self-proclaimed brilliance.
BUT it's okay! Because it's over now- yes yes yes yes yes!

AND because I know you're all dying to hear this... I got my biology lab final grade back. Guess who the newest biology flipping master is? ME. A 97% on a lab final? Thank you, I would like that. 
And the biology final- biggest piece of cake EVER. Am I relieved? Yes.

 I spent some time building relationships with the Crains this weekend. Except it wasn't a weekend, it was Monday and Tuesday. That was fun. 
Oh! Story, WITH pictures (the best kind)!
Someone had the bright idea to go get ice-cream Monday night.

Let's set up the scene first.
This is the coldest December that Raleigh has experienced in... forever.
Today started off at a whopping 18 degrees. It was cold.

So cold that Saturday, we had snow.

The beautiful view of the parking lot out my window. Let's not talk about how much I wish I had anything else to look at. Parking lots are SO not scenic. 

So back to the story.

Someone had the bright idea to go get ice-cream Monday night. Naturally, it was the decisive one of the bunch (and I'm not referring to Hurley). 
So we piled into the car, dog and all, and made our way over to the crazy ice-cream shop that is (for whatever reason) open in flipping December. 
We stand outside (the whole place is outside) for roughly three hours before the chick behind the nice glass window decides to acknowledge us, and then we each sample 2 flavors, and then we decide, and then we each order. 
So we're talking and enduring the cold, when all of a sudden, Lynda decides that Hurley looks lonely in the car and needs company so she TAKES OFF to sit with him in the nice, warm car. 

To be fair... Carter did tell me I could sit in the car as well. But I reminded him that unless he is capable of popping out an extra hand or two, he won't be able to manage 3 cups of ice cream and a cup of ice cream with a dog treat. 
So we wait. How long will it take her anyway?
So we stood there...
I mean... it wasn't THAT cold.
No. It was.

Then after like an hour, we started wondering whose idea it was to get ice-cream in the first place in December. 

Then we remembered.

If you look closely, you can see that she is smiling like crazy.
Bet you didn't expect that one to bite ya now did you Lynda?
And yes, Hurley is sitting in the passenger seat. 
However, he was in the driver's seat before Lynda got there.

And five hours later, we got our ice-cream.
But it was fun and makes for a good opportunity to tell a fun story =D

And now... now I'm just sitting on my bed with absolutely nothing to do. 
Listening to Bruno Mars, that's fun. 
I bought his CD from Amazon last week- it was a $5 special. I couldn't help myself.

Shhhh don't tell Dad!

Speaking of Father...

I really need him to buy me a car. That way, I could be 3 hours from home right about now...but no. I must wait on the next available ride out of here which departs at 1pm tomorrow. Not bad, but still. I need a car.

But I'm packed and all ready to hit the road!

Add to that stack my laundry basket which is filled and running over. And my towels. And (possibly) my sheets. 

I don't know why I do this to myself!

Anyway, goodnight to all! 


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