Saturday, December 25, 2010


And it's still early!

I can't believe it's Christmas! But I'm glad it is. 
I've always thought it would be kinda neat to have one of those movie Christmas mornings- like all the kids run downstairs and drag the parents out of bed and all sit around the tree and open presents... but that NEVER happens, and this is why.

1. Whatever child can actually wait until Christmas morning to open gifts is my hero. I'm always jumping and leaping and ready to go by Christmas Eve morning.
2. According to MC- who actually wants morning pictures of themselves plastered all over facebook? I mean, there will be pictures, and they WILL go on facebook, so we must look good. BUT that would mean we have to wake up at like 7am on Christmas morning, and who wants to do that? Not her. And I agree with her.
3. Even if we were to wait until Christmas morning, it would not be such a peaceful awakening. This was the plan: last night, I set my alarm to wake me up at 9:15, finally decided on Glee's version of "We Need a Little Christmas" to wake me up, then locked it in. However, Danny is better than any alarm clock.
This is where the un-peaceful aspect comes to play.
I was sleeping soundly, and for some reason dreaming I was in high school... weird. So anyway, my door SUDDENLY whips open.... and I took a deep breath and tried to be as still as possible- as if the door crashing into the back of my wall wasn't enough to freak me out or anything. But nothing happened. So I peeked through the layers of blankets, and there- in the doorway- stood my younger brother, Danny. I thought for sure he was going to pounce, but he just stood there, texting. 
Thanks Haley.
Oh but then, out of nowhere, he came flying into my room and started shouting about how Santa had come. Well, sorry bud- but first of all, Santa is a joke and I'm not about to fall for that trick again. Second, we opened gifts last night, and you re-gifted the necklace that I bought for myself at least 2 years ago. So I remained still, and tried not to think about the pain, and ignored as best as I could. But seriously, he's oh so persistent. 
Next thing I know, the vacuum was being plugged into the outlet outside of my room, and Dan turned it on and started singing a variety of unknown Christmas carols as he "vacuumed the hallway" before 9 in the morning.

And that is why my life could never be like the movies. It's too chaotic and crazy and VERY unpredictable.
So I'm awake now. My poor alarm started freaking out after about 10 minutes of my not-responding because I wasn't tucked, safe and sound, in my bed!
But lots of other fun things have happened in the short time that I've been awake- so it's good.
And the whole vacuum thing was pretty good- I laughed quietly (which is hard) and tried to stay still (WHICH IS EVEN HARDER). 
Oh dear. Now we must decide what to wear to grandma's for Christmas... and by "we" I mean, Mary Catherine. Sorry.
posted because she's reading it now 

Merry Christmas to all.

For unto us a Child is Born- and His name shall be called WONDERFUL!

1 comment:

  1. this made me laugh...the anticlimactic entrance by danny... :D

    you opened all your gifts on christmas eve?! talk about cutting off the catharsis! just having fun with ap english words :]
