Sunday, November 28, 2010

Life Is Now One Big Countdown.


I need to get my butt in gear and start buying these Christmas presents... oh my word!

But Thanksgiving was nice =) It was bound to be with the snow flurries right away Thursday morning. I woke up to Sharon singing up the stairs, "Caitlyn! QUICK! If you look out your window you'll see big, fat snow flakes!"
So I looked, and was happy.

I cheered when we entered Pa, and when I saw signs for Lancaster, and when I saw signs for Gap, and when we got to that one road that I don't remember the name of but is long and straight and is fun to drive fast on (hehe Dad!).

But Thanksgiving is over already, what a fast holiday!? Fast, unlike my drive to and from Lancaster, Pa. The drive back to Raleigh took a little over 8 hours. A trip that we can usually make in 7. Freaking Thanksgiving traffic jamming up I-95 in Manassas and such.
Fast like I want this week and next to go. Finals- *shivers* in 5 days! BUT then I can go home and not have to worry about ANYTHING remotely related to school!
Oh goodness!

Wanna know what my favorite part of the past few days was?? Driving! And being able to drive myself places on backroads, or even just 2 lane roads. No big highways or interstates or anything like that. Sure the drive is a bit longer, but backroads are quite unbeatable.
And I don't have a car down here... or up there... thanks Dad.
RIP Soren Lawrenson.

Daddy did make a good Thanksgiving dinner for us though, I enjoyed it!

Dan and MC found the wishbone, and MC won herself a wish ;)

And Kyle put up our Christmas lights! yay =)

We also went to Kitchen Kettle for some fun stuff (Yarn, we bought yarn), and acted like tourists and didn't even care!

We sang with the choir...

Played trumpets with the angels...

Used school bus #23 as a backdrop...

Searched for an exit...

And had a fabulous time!

It's a good thing that I only have to wait 11 days until I go back for Christmas vacation! It'll be crazy.
We added 238 pictures to my camera card in 5 days. Imagine what we can do with a whole month.
It's mind boggling, I know.

I keep on counting down!

mmmm It's Christmas time =)

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