Monday, February 7, 2011

Order Has Been Restored

Do yourselves a favor- copy and paste this link into your browser:

Watch the video. It explains my life perfectly. Here's the story.
About two weeks ago, I went to Target and bought myself a brand spanking new Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with pomegranate oil.
My favorite chap-stick.

Last week, I moved rooms.
Ever since "the big move", I have not been able to find my chap-stick! 
It was driving me insane. Absolutely crazy. My lips hurt like none other. They were so not replenished!!

So I finally got up off of my butt and did something about it (after blogging about my poor needs). I went to Target this past Friday and decided to invest in a two-pack of my favorite thing in the world. I got two pomegranate lip balms! That way, I would not so quickly lose what I hold so dear to my heart. 
They're so cute!

So all is fine and well, my lips have been replenished and are living high. 
The end.
Just kidding. It's only just beginning!
I went to get my mail today, and found a little envelope/package thing all wrapped with packaging tape and folded in half. What could this be? I pulled and I ripped and finally the tape came free, and out came a little piece of paper that read:
"Hi Luli, I found your chap-stick at Good's yesterday! Would you believe! I love you more than a snow blizzard!"
-Grandma B.
The note was wrapped tightly around a chap-stick. Yes.
Burt's Bees Rejuvenating Lip Balm- with Acai Berry!
Delish. My newest favorite!

Thanks Grandma! 
*I'm thinking to myself- "I need to drop hints more often!"*
And THEN, because the story just wouldn't be a story without the big bang at the end, right?
But first...
Let's take stock of how many chap-sticks I have now, shall we? We shall.
A. 2 pomegranate lip balms
B. 1 acai berry lip balm
Altogether: 3 chap-sticks. Brand new.

BUT the kicker. 
So I also seemed to misplace the eyeshadow Lynda gave to me last Saturday- the day that I moved. I looked high, low, in front of me, behind me... nothing. Couldn't find them anywhere. 
Until today, I decided to do some more digging. 
I thought to myself, "perhaps I should check my vitamin basket?"
Pulled my basket off of the very top shelf of my desk and guess what I found?
Not only were the two eyeshadows laying directly on top of my vitamins, my chap-stick was there too!
I pulled it out and shouted with such excitement that my roommate thought I had gone insane. 
I now have four, fresh chap-sticks in my room. 

How cute are they?
So if you're ever in need, please don't hesitate to ask. 

So here they all are together, the eyeshadows and the chap-sticks.
May they forever live in harmony with one another.

Does that basket look familiar Lynda?
(she packed it and put the eyeshadows and the chap-stick in there, and then told me that she put them in a black basket. Dad, you know that thing that Mom does- where she cleans up and doesn't quite remember exactly where she put it? Lynda does the same thing).

And what else is exciting? Drum roll please....

I got myself an eye mask on!
It's my birthday present to myself from Aunt Melanie! 
It wasn't quite a "fun nail- polish color", but I figured it was "fun" and decided to just do it!

My favorite $5 purchase of my entire life!
I can't wait to go to bed and use it. Is that dorky? I think it's so fun.

But anyway, I just found this whole day funny and ironic and just HAD to blog about it! 
I'm going to work on finding places for all four of my newest blessings.
One in the purse, one in the backpack, one by my bed... one on my desk? Done. 

All is finally right with the world!
Sleep well.

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