Monday, April 25, 2011

A Great Day to be Alive

I hope you're doing alright.

The song on the radio: Need a refreasher? Here he is!
It's such a happy song that reminds me of when I was little and had no cares or worries or responsibilities, when mom made me take a nap each day, and I practiced my handwriting in school.
Oh to be young again! 

But if I was young, I wouldn't  have been off gallivanting on a beautiful North Carolina beach with a great friend, making memories and taking pictures.

The beach was wonderful! I've never seen such a gorgeous beach before in my life. 
Ocean City MD and NJ don't got nothin' on Emerald Isle.
Even the name sounds heavenly... Emerald Isle... 

A [mostly] empty beach for us, with shells a plenty...

Pretty friends.... 

Gorgeous skies... 

Lots of wind... 

And extreme beauty.

A pretty good "second best" way to spend my Easter holiday.
Soaking up the beauty of His creation. 
I can't get over how flipping pretty everything was! 

We also happened to stop by the cutest neighborhood ever, in Swansboro, NC. Jenna used to live there, so she knew all about the little town.
This is the pier that was right down the street from where she lived. Can you imagine living so close to this view?!?

So we had a photo shoot on the pier =) 

It was the greatest day ever. 

We wanted to take a picture as we drove over that bridge that was behind us in all of the pier pictures. So, this is us going over that bridge. It was huge, it was semi-frightening, but most importantly it took us to the island- Emerald Isle!

"At least we have the windows open!" - Jenna.

We did lots of other fun things too.

We had lunch with Elvis...

And posed with some pretty interesting mannequins. 

All sunburn and home-sickness aside, we had a fantastic weekend.

Yes, I'm quite crispy this morning but it's not a big deal. 
Who cares if we fry our backs and our legs and our foreheads (don't ask how that happened)?

This week is going to be a long one, I fear. 
My day is so jam- packed today and it scares me to think about it. 
Honestly, this blog post was most unnecessary and really taking time away from the titillating stories that I need to read for my English class.

Then final projects, papers, and presentations the rest of this week, only to be followed up with a fantastic week of final exams! 
Yes please!

But then I'm home. Hallelujah, hallelujah

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and in exactly11 days I will have reached that light. I will hug the light, I will sing to the light, and I will dance with the light. 

I'm so excited!!!!!!


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