Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pennsylvania, Where's My Pumpkin Pie?

First person to guess what next week is gets to sit beside me at Jubala while I drink my latte! 
Lynda is on my right, so you'll have to settle for my left. 
Next week is... 
And guess what I'm doing today? Am I cramming for my first midterm tomorrow morning at 9am? Am I stressing over the week filled with exams the size of a planet? 
No, of course not. Do you know me? 

What I am doing is sitting in this cute little coffee shop with my sweatshirt and my laptop and my latte with my Aunt (who is actually stressing about school because she's so studious like that) and I'm updating my blog. 

BUT it's not because I'm not studious (though some may disagree), it's because I don't have a single exam, paper, quiz, etc. in the upcoming week. Look at me, flying through life. 
And yes, I expect my entire college career to be so effortless and stress-free.
Don't ruin this for me.

I don't want to ruin this beautiful drink but it looks so tasty! 
Trust, it's tasty. 

Last weekend I roughed it in the mountains with the Meredith Honors people. We went to Asheville and stayed at a 4H camp for the weekend. 
Our cabins were hardcore, complete with resident spiders and florescent green bathroom walls, the functioning toilet (1 toilet, singular) and frigid showers.

Bonding ladies, bonding. 

We spent the first day doing team building activities. 
In a field. 
On an unusually hot September day.
Four hours. 

But we cooled down later that evening. 
A few of us crashed the neighboring high school football game. 
Owen vs. Marshall. It was intense! 
They did some fancy triple overtime thing, and the home team got a lucky break in the final few minutes and pulled out a win! 
Owen for the win! 

We also went to the Biltmore um... Mansion? 
Pretty sure my mansion in Heaven will be 33,987,399 times better, but still.
It's a big deal.

Naturally I had to strike a pose.

I wish my front yard had a fountain...

Sure, money can't buy happiness. 
But it can buy a really large home.
With an indoor bowling alley, indoor swimming pool, indoor pool house/changing rooms, a few hundred rooms, private staircases leading into the large library, etc. etc. etc.

We also went into downtown Asheville and found a really cute coffee shop called Old Europe- super fantastic. We stopped by the Chocolate Lounge because, really, who wouldn't want to see what that's all about? I got a brownie that rocked my world
It was a peppermint-fudge-brownie. 

I also saw a man and a woman painted completely white, and another man with a blue face. 
That was awesome. 
I managed to sneak a picture of the blue faced man in front of the Chocolate Lounge. 

Last week ran away with the week before (I think the spoon and the cow might have had something to do with it, but we can't be certain). 
And here we are! The weekend, already. 

The C-rains and I hit up the Asheboro Fall Festival yesterday. 
We walked in, were asked to accompany Hurley elsewhere (no dogs allowed!), got some homemade chips with cheese, fried mushrooms, ham and biscuit sandwiches, a turkey leg, roasted corn, and a can of coke, and then we left. 
We left!

My word, we got a lot of food. 

Stupid no dogs allowed rule wasn't posted online, just at the entrances which we apparently didn't go through. 

So Hurley hung out with some crazy animals while we returned to the festival with Lynda's friends from work. 
I learned important information about the Running with the Bulls in Spain, and that a ball of light will burn you after being illuminated for some time. 

Random day- for sure. 

Then Lynda had studying to do and she couldn't focus in her home (filled with all kinds of stuff that "needed" to be done), so here we are at the coffee shop. 
She's getting so much accomplished!
*coughing, coughing, coughing*
As soon as she comes out of the bathroom I'm going to tell her that if she doesn't start working, she's going to be blogged about in a negative light. 

A creepy man just walked in and made awkward eye contact with everyone in here, including myself, before rounding the corner out of sight.
Oh wait, he's back now. 
And there he goes. Right out the same door he walked through no more than 45 seconds ago. 

If you don't think that's creepy because it's something that you would do, please friends, re-think this behavior as it is most definitely creepy. 

I've suddenly hit a creativity wall and can not think of a single thing that I would want to say. 
My feet are cold. Brr! 
Fall is here! 
I want pumpkin pie.

And I get to go home in 3 days! 
Think of me, I'm going to drive 7 hours by myself. 
In my car. 
Sounds awfully boring, doesn't it? 

But it's going to happen! 
Wednesday, Wednesday. Please come faster, Wednesday!

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