Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What the Rainy Day?

Maybe I need to explain to you why today is such a good day. 
Sure, it's raining. 
I know, it's really hot.
Yes, I did struggle to eat my lunch and made myself look ridiculous to all of the girls watching me in the Beehive. 

But friends... 
Earth Science lab was cancelled because of the rain, today was my last day of tennis, and I get to drive on home to PA tomorrow. 
Good stuff in spite of all the not so good stuff. 

Let's start with my lunch- shall we? 
I am 20, and I enjoy a pizza lunchable at least 2 times a week.
I also struggle to prepare and consume said lunchable.
Today I basically threw a pepperoni on the floor- don't ask me how- but it literally jumped off of my 3-bite/mini pizza and landed a good distance away from my seat. 
I picked it up and moved on.
Then I dropped my knife. 
It slipped out of my fingers, I trapped it between my hand and the table but that didn't work, and then it somehow landed on my rainboot, and was then shuttled across the floor. 
I lost track of it after it made contact with my boot.
I'm thinking the reason I struggle so much with eating lunchables like a normal person is because I never had them as a child. 
I never learned how to properly construct a 3-bite/mini pizza. 
You'd think it would be easy, but I can tell you from personal experience that it is anything but. 
If you put the pepperoni on first, then the cheese won't stick. 
If you put the cheese on first, then the pepperoni will plan a suicide mission. 
It's a code that I have yet to crack. 
Hopefully by next year I will have mastered this art. 

I don't know if you caught this, but I get to go home tomorrow. I've been leaving what I believe to be subtle hints about how I actually am excited, but I'm thinking I might have to be a little more obvious for people to actually understand my level of enthusiasm.
Fall break is going to be so good to me. 

I'm looking forward to the people I will encounter, the food I will consume, the weather I will enjoy, and the work I will not do. 

I also get to see this bundle of sunshine. I like to think she's pretty pumped to snuggle up with me too. 

Speaking of Earth Science (lol... too bad I wasn't)... We were supposed to go on a field trip today during our lab. It's a 2 hour lab. We were going to go play in a river. 
I wasn't so into it. So now it's raining and it's cancelled. Hallelujah, saved by the rain! 
I may or may not have done a rain dance last night and this morning. It was a good time. Maybe. 
Last week we went to some prairie thing in Raleigh. I didn't really understand what was happening, but I knew it was pretty. 

We rode the short bus. I was excited for that too. 

The random wildflowers 

How cute, right? It was the perfect day too. 
Apparently we learned about plate tectonics and erosion of a creek bed. 
I just remember the pretty blue skies and all of the photo opps. 

I also went on a walk last week and took some "I can't believe Fall is here/I am so happy that Fall is here" photos. 
Gloriana has a song called "Sunset lovin' in a parking lot"- I know, not the greatest message but MC and I like to sing it real loud to each other and get our dance on. 
Then I saw a sunset in the parking lot. 
No worries- there was no lovin' going on. 

The leaves were falling and I was happy. Except they're all brown and dead- gotta work on that Meredith. 

And then it really got dark so I went back to my room. 
But I got the sun again. Good stuff. 

And last but not least, I finally got a picture of myself thoroughly enjoying one of the best Pumpkin Spice lattes I've ever had. It was seriously true love.

This is making me crave a PSL. Shoot... why do I do this to myself? 

I'm off to work now. Clomping across campus in my rainboots and a smile. I can't wait until this weekend and all the fun stuff that's going to happen. 
Because let's be real- fun stuff is going to happen. 

You ready Lancaster? YOU READY? 

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