Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This is me, missing you.

A long time ago, I made a promise to my mother. Mom, I kept my promise, and here be my very own blog :) My very public diary for you, your friends, my friends, and hopefully even some non creepy strangers to enjoy. I hope that I can : 1. Figure this out 2. Entertain my audience 3. Update my posts and 4. Eat lunch before biology. I guess you could say that I'm pretty hungry right now.
Perhaps I should do an update on my life? Seeing as how it has been relatively interesting in the past few days. I've settled quite nicely into the Meredith, and as of yesterday at 1pm I have my very own room key... yay! That was quite an accomplishment for me. I pretty much love Meredith College, and don't anticipate that changing any time soon. However, i've only been to one class so who knows what could happen after a day or two of intense college classes. I'm a college student. Just thought I'd throw that out there :)
So here I sit, on my bed/couch, with my laptop, on my pillow, on my lap, listening to country music, and being slightly amazed. You see, I never thought it possible to miss Lancaster County (no one in the south says it right, ps) but I really am finding that I miss many things. Here's a list I came up with last night as I was trying to fall asleep. I wrote it out in my head... What I miss in Lancaster:
1. my family
    - Dad, I just want you to keep being here and paying for everything for me and take care of me.
    - Mom, can you come by soon and start my laundry? It is piling up quite quickly
    - Kyle, my back is SO sore, and no one here will massage it. And the iced tea- CRAP w/o lemon.
    - Danny, if I poke/tickle/attack people here, they give me strange looks
    - Mary Catherine, you can't replace a sister with a roommate, suitmate, new friend, professor, or a step-in big sis. Just letting you know. You're one of a kind.
    - Shasta, no one here lets me hug, squeeze, kiss, pinch, scratch, or pick them up.
2. Horse poop- I thought I was finally going to a place with clean roads and nice clean smelling air... wrong. Geese like to hang around campus and leave their gorgeous green gifts all over our sidewalks. And its pretty hard to avoid, seeing as how we walk on the sidewalks.
3. Amish people- They make such good desserts (shoofly pies, whoopie pies, cookies, fresh fruit mush stuff)
4. My friends- you all know who you are. And you're funny, and you're (mostly) in Lancaster. And that makes me mad, because its not fair.
5. Pennsylvania's climate- It is hot here. And it doesn't stop. Being hot. Even when the sun goes down, it still manages to cook Raleigh.
6. The kind ants- The ones down here are mean, mad, and bite like a mother!
7. Grandparents- No one here wants to make me PB&J, or give me scrambled eggs with homemade applesauce and ketchup all mixed together. They think that's weird.
8. The Fancy Cupboard and all those inside.
9. My car- Poor Soren, I still love you buddy! Be strong, we will see each other again one day in car heaven.
10. My room- there's something about those walls... its mine.

That's what I've compiled so far. I'm sure that as time goes on, I will add to the list. Believe me, I will. However, I do love Meredith. And it has been so refreashing to see how God is playing his hand in all of this. I'm pretty sure this is the place for me right now. Ecclesiastes 3:1 just came to mind, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". Lancaster's time is over right now, and Meredith's time has come.
I ask that you continue to pray for me, I'm sure that these new beginnings will not all be easy as pie. Especially biology. That season is definitely not necessary. Not sure what God was thinking with that one- He knows how I feel about science. Sighs...
I've officially missed my opportunity to eat lunch. I hope you're all pleased with the blog, while I walk away basically starving and preparing for a 50 minute biology class. I'm not bitter.

And there we go.


  1. Thank you, thank you and thank you! You write wo well and informative.

  2. Great blog! Made me smile. And to add to the list of things you miss (can agree with oh-so-many)... one day Richard and I were driving down the road and he said that people must miss these fields of corn when they move out of Lancaster. I looked at him like he'd just laid an egg. Fields of corn? Pretty sure I'd never miss that. Then I moved away... far, far away. And what brought joy to my heart the first time I went back to visit fair ole Lancaster? Fields of corn! The beauty of perfectly sown rows of elegant green stalks swaying in the breeze.
    Well in all your missing and all your new findings... here's a toast to new adventures!

  3. Hey darling! Loved the blog... you're so cute and creative. I'm glad college is treating you well. Don't let biology get ya down yet! Just push through and always remember -- a C in college is an A at Pequea! Hahahaha!! :) Laughing with great friends will get you through anything. Promise.


  4. Caitlyn!!! Keep writing! Keep entertaining me! And don't worry, Lancaster will always be a special part of your heart. The good thing is that no matter how much YOU change, it never does. It always feels like home. ps- Andrew says hey!
