Friday, August 20, 2010

Poor laddie...

Second post, hooray! And another hooray would be in order, for I have successfully attended all of my classes, and live to tell the story! Well, that's not entirely true- biology lab is on Monday. I'm not so sure if I will live past that day. I will try, that's for sure, but the overall outcome is entirely out of my hands. Yes, I'm pretty sure it is. Don't argue mom, I can hear you saying that its all up to me blah blah but you don't understand. I've not gotten along with science, and science hasn't seemed to mind, for as long as I can remember. So there is a possibility that things will not go well. Sigh...
Today also marks the first weekend of my college career- and guess what I'm doing?? That's right. I'm updating my blog. At 9:07 on a freaking Friday night, here I sit, alone in my dorm room, no music playing, the AC blasting and keeping me in a very uncomfortable state, tired as a dog, writing in my blog. Normal students? They are partying at NC State University, which is about a five minute walk from Meredith campus. I, however, am here. Not there. Which is okay with me, yet not so okay when I think on how truly bored I am. I think someone just knocked on my door- should I check? Or should I ignore? (That rhymed, just throwing it out there). I ignored them. I think it was across the hall. Speaking of, I don't even know the girls across the hall from me! I should fix that. Tomorrow.
Which presents a whole other set of issues for me! My roommate, and both suitemates have made plans for tomorrow. I have as well, but they consist of skyping Danny, and taking a shower. Woohoo- fun city. I guess I'll have to be brave, and take the initiative to seek out people on my floor, or the one below me, and make my own fun! Isn't that what has been drilled into my head for the past 18 years? Yes, take my word for it. It was mother's motto. That and "no play till our work is finished". Love ya mom ;)
I could always resort to my homework. My english professor has chosen the book, "Wives and Daughters", by Elizabeth Gaskell, as our novel for the first half of the semester. While it is an interesting read, it is very long and dear Miss Gaskell, (who was wonderful friends with Charolette Bronte, and even Dickens (however they quarrelled quite a bit and didn't agree on an advertising technique that has seriously just slipped my mind, but I know this thanks to a girl in my English class who likes to talk)) yes, dear Miss Gaskell likes to describe every. single. detail. of. Molly. Gibson's. life. And it gets rather lengthy and boring at times, simply because I really could care less about the beautiful fabrics that Molly buys for her new dress. Oh but her father, Dr. Gibson doesn't approve of the checkered pattern because he's Scotch... or something along those rather crooked lines. Anywho- Mr. Gibson's character makes me chuckle. He's a bit of a sarcastic, and he flat out makes fun of Mr. Coxe, who has fallen deeply in love with Molly, Dr. Gibson's daughter. Its a tangled web, we won't go there tonight. It is just too late for webs :)
So for now I need:
1. Music to play
2. A back massage
3. Kyle's iced tea
4. Wives and Daughters to read itself
5. A decent movie to be on TV
6. Something to do
7. Hand sanitizer (I've learned that I love my germ-x with aloe!)
8. A drink of water
9. A companion to watch a decent movie and drink water with
10. Nail polish remover (or a pedicure. But that may not go so well...)
Just thought I'd letcha know :) If you can help in any way, please do! Its the small things in life that do it for me!
T,T,F,N, ta ta for now. Gotta love Tigger.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that you were listening all those 18 years!...And aren't you happy that you know how to make your own fun? Now it's great that you don't have to depend on others for that. Love you more than Amish boys!
