Saturday, February 26, 2011

Honey Let Your Hair Down Too

Even if I was interested in concentrating right now, I wouldn't be able to.
According to others on my hall, the girl who lives next to me has a full stereo system, and she likes to put it to good use.
It's some R&B station right now.
Makes watching One Tree Hill a bit difficult, but I'll get over it.
I have to wait 12 minutes until I can watch the rest of my episode, because I can only watch 72 minutes at a time. But don't worry, I've found a way around the system and know how to successfully shave 15 minutes off of the 30 minute wait time.
Someone just made popcorn.
Ah... dormitory living!

On a happier note, I will be home in 6 days =D 
I'm smilin'

My weekend is off to a great start. Last night, I went to my first ever NHL game at the RBC Center in Raleigh. 
It was so much fun.
I went with Alyssa and Jenna- Carolina Hurricanes vs. Pittsburgh Penguins. 
Good thing I'm not into Pittsburgh.
We had a really fun time! Jenna had never been to a game either, and after last night, she decided that she was going to be a hockey fan.

We decided that standing would only happen when it was "required". 
Falling would not have ended well. 
High seats! 

 Me, Jenna and Alyssa.
We were decked out in our black and red- go Canes go! 

 A Penguin in time-out.

 The people I live with.
They're pretty cool =) 

 Hurricanes won. 

 Daddy and I used to watch hockey games on tv just in case they got into a fight. 
Well, this was one of two very short- lived fights that I managed to capture.
I'm not sure why it's in black and white- guess my camera setting got changed and I didn't have time to change it before they were completely finished throwing punches. 
This one's for you dad ;)

Jenna and I experiencing our first hockey game together.

Again I say, it was a blast. Lots of energy, and we even got to sit in front of a crazy drunk man dressed as a penguin. 
Yea, he was weird.

And then, the good weekend continues as I only have one assignment to work on, and it's a paper that I practically have written already!
Well, not exactly but  a full outline sort of counts.

Apart from waking up this morning at 9:17 to my father laughing at me after he realized that he woke me up with his phone call and my inability to properly function due to the searing pain in my shoulder/back, all has been going well!
I guess it could have been worse- he woke me up one time by "nudging" my head with his foot. 
I was sleeping on his and mom's floor- but still, kicking my head?
Not cool.
And I'm not sure what's up with my back. I need a good old fashioned- Kyle style back rub to make it feel better. 
Good thing I only have to wait 6 more days!

For now, I'm off to bigger and better things.
I need to start that paper. Good for me.

Keep it real.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

Alyssa wrote that on our mirror (you're never fully dressed without a smile), and I see it every morning when I'm either straightening my hair or trying to put make-up on or whatever. Anyway, it makes me happy.

Ha. Sue just told Will to check into rehab- because he's going to be an alcoholic. This is probably why I love this show- Glee that is.
It's funny because Will is not an alcoholic, but Sue is crazy. So there is some irony in that statement. Just some. 

Anywho, life is good now because Cadbury Cream Eggs have made their 2011 debut!
I've had two so far this year. 2. The big "dos"
They were both so wonderful.

My love.
They are $0.65 at the Dollar General. Super tempting, but then I think about going back there to get one, and it's kinda not as tempting anymore. The place is pretty sketch- so I don't think I'll be going back there anytime soon. 
With or without a protector. It won't happen. 

So on another note, I have a very serious question that could potentially impact my life in many ways.
Here goes.
Are note-cards in an interview appropriate? 
Because I had an interview today, and while I was waiting with another girl in the waiting area, she whips out her stack of note-cards and started reading through them. 
I felt pretty inferior sitting across from her in my jeans and sandals browsing facebook on my iPhone. She was decked out in her little black dress with high heels that probably put her over seven feet and her long blond hair neatly groomed and laying perfectly. We were pretty much direct opposites. 
The situation was made even more awkward when a woman walked over to me and introduced herself as so and so, Dean of Students. 
Perfect. I think I let a few choice words go in my head after that bombshell. 

But that's not the point- was I wrong in not preparing freaking note-cards?? It was a casual interview, I basically laughed myself through it.
Granted, it was with a woman of pretty high authority which I wasn't expecting... 
But I thought it was a bit over- the- top. 
And if you know anything, you will agree with me.

Good, it's settled then. 

Absolutely nothing else is happening in my life right now.
Except that I'm waiting anxiously for the results of my two exams that I had last week.
Professors need to get their smart little butts in gear, that's what I'm talkin' about. 

Perhaps they shall be revealed tomorrow. And if not, you best believe there will be some emails flying! 

I'm contemplating what to do with my time. Glee is over in twenty minutes, then I can either watch the first episode of the third season of One Tree Hill, or start my English paper that is due next week.
I was thinking the same thing. One Tree Hill. I'm super behind, I realize. They're filming the 8th season and I'm on the 3rd. 
BUT I have watched the first two seasons in approximately two weeks. So that's quite the accomplishment. 
Be proud. 
It's just so addicting! Will Haley and Nathan ever make it back together??
Is Dan seriously dead??
Where the heck did Nikki take Jenny?!

They're deep, life changing questions. 
I need answers. 

I will be sure to keep ya'll... yous... ? No, everyone. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on how all of these big things work out.


Make it a great day campers.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Order Has Been Restored

Do yourselves a favor- copy and paste this link into your browser:

Watch the video. It explains my life perfectly. Here's the story.
About two weeks ago, I went to Target and bought myself a brand spanking new Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with pomegranate oil.
My favorite chap-stick.

Last week, I moved rooms.
Ever since "the big move", I have not been able to find my chap-stick! 
It was driving me insane. Absolutely crazy. My lips hurt like none other. They were so not replenished!!

So I finally got up off of my butt and did something about it (after blogging about my poor needs). I went to Target this past Friday and decided to invest in a two-pack of my favorite thing in the world. I got two pomegranate lip balms! That way, I would not so quickly lose what I hold so dear to my heart. 
They're so cute!

So all is fine and well, my lips have been replenished and are living high. 
The end.
Just kidding. It's only just beginning!
I went to get my mail today, and found a little envelope/package thing all wrapped with packaging tape and folded in half. What could this be? I pulled and I ripped and finally the tape came free, and out came a little piece of paper that read:
"Hi Luli, I found your chap-stick at Good's yesterday! Would you believe! I love you more than a snow blizzard!"
-Grandma B.
The note was wrapped tightly around a chap-stick. Yes.
Burt's Bees Rejuvenating Lip Balm- with Acai Berry!
Delish. My newest favorite!

Thanks Grandma! 
*I'm thinking to myself- "I need to drop hints more often!"*
And THEN, because the story just wouldn't be a story without the big bang at the end, right?
But first...
Let's take stock of how many chap-sticks I have now, shall we? We shall.
A. 2 pomegranate lip balms
B. 1 acai berry lip balm
Altogether: 3 chap-sticks. Brand new.

BUT the kicker. 
So I also seemed to misplace the eyeshadow Lynda gave to me last Saturday- the day that I moved. I looked high, low, in front of me, behind me... nothing. Couldn't find them anywhere. 
Until today, I decided to do some more digging. 
I thought to myself, "perhaps I should check my vitamin basket?"
Pulled my basket off of the very top shelf of my desk and guess what I found?
Not only were the two eyeshadows laying directly on top of my vitamins, my chap-stick was there too!
I pulled it out and shouted with such excitement that my roommate thought I had gone insane. 
I now have four, fresh chap-sticks in my room. 

How cute are they?
So if you're ever in need, please don't hesitate to ask. 

So here they all are together, the eyeshadows and the chap-sticks.
May they forever live in harmony with one another.

Does that basket look familiar Lynda?
(she packed it and put the eyeshadows and the chap-stick in there, and then told me that she put them in a black basket. Dad, you know that thing that Mom does- where she cleans up and doesn't quite remember exactly where she put it? Lynda does the same thing).

And what else is exciting? Drum roll please....

I got myself an eye mask on!
It's my birthday present to myself from Aunt Melanie! 
It wasn't quite a "fun nail- polish color", but I figured it was "fun" and decided to just do it!

My favorite $5 purchase of my entire life!
I can't wait to go to bed and use it. Is that dorky? I think it's so fun.

But anyway, I just found this whole day funny and ironic and just HAD to blog about it! 
I'm going to work on finding places for all four of my newest blessings.
One in the purse, one in the backpack, one by my bed... one on my desk? Done. 

All is finally right with the world!
Sleep well.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hello to Happiness

Yes, it's almost 11pm, and yes it hasn't been so long since I've updated last.
But I don't really care! 
Mostly because this is my form of procrastinating. It's either update my blog, start on an assignment that's due Monday, or work on a paper that's due Tuesday.
You would update too =) 

I don't remember a ground hog's day when Puxatony Phil didn't not see his shadow. I was always so excited and ready for Spring. 
This year is completely different though. The groundhog (whose name I do not know) didn't see his/her shadow this morning! That's because it was a beautiful day today, high of 68, sunny and WINDY. 
Campus lost power for a few hours today, I'm not sure why though. My new roommate, Alyssa, was caught in the shower when suddenly the water turned ice cold and the lights went out. 
Poor thing! I laughed like crazy when she told me. 

What else? 
I'm enjoying my new room quite a lot. My next project is to fix up my bulletin board which I now have all of the supplies for! That's going to happen this weekend, hopefully.
This weekend I'm also debating adopting a little someone into the family.
To buy a beta fish, or not to buy a beta fish?

What do we think? Knowing me, I would just "not feel like" cleaning his bowl, and then things would just get gross. But I think it would be fun! Maybe I'll just have to stick with spoiling Alyssa's fish, Edgar. 
I think I'll just go with that for now.

I had a large cupcake this week. That's one thing that Raleigh is good for: cupcakes with icing so high that they fall over in the box because they're top heavy.

Jenna with her cupcake. The icing is so large, that you can't even see the actual cake part... yes.

Mine was a delicious coffee chocolate something that I fell in love with.
 Alyssa, me, Skye, and Jenna decided it would be a good idea to document such wondrous cupcakes.

Skye and I 
Alyssa and I: I think that this is why we are roommates!

So yea, this is what I do with my time now. 
I don't usually have lots of homework, but if I do- it consists of reading and reading and then reading and maybe writing a paper about what I read (but not often). 
My classes are actually really great too this semester. 

Today, in my introduction to communications class, we did an activity that was a spin off of the old game show "To Tell the Truth". Pretty much we had a group of 5 girls, and we had to trick everyone else in the class. One person in our group would reveal something about them that was true, and the rest of the group would reveal the same truth- even though it was not a truth for them. So I told my group that I had Amish relatives, and then all five of us had to tell the rest of the class that we all had Amish relatives. It was then their job to figure out which one of us was telling the truth. About 5 girls out of 20 thought that I was the one. I would say that it was pretty successful! 
But yes- classes are going really well. I have intro to communications, chorus, macro economics, English, health and contemporary issues, and history.
Fun times! 
What isn't so fun- I've lost my chapstick. I can't find it ANYWHERE. I'm thinking I may have lost it in the move. But I'm pretty sure I had it since I moved in here. 
I so desperately need it!
And it's not like I can just go out and buy more. It's flipping Burts Bees, of course, the most expensive chapstick ever manufactured.
That sounded super cheap right there- yes, I'm a college student and I don't want to buy chapstick because it's "too expensive".
College, hey thanks! 

I'm going to call it quits for the day.
Oh, hello stomach. Nice of you to growl and draw such attention to yourself!
Anywho- this broke/bored college student is out!