Saturday, February 26, 2011

Honey Let Your Hair Down Too

Even if I was interested in concentrating right now, I wouldn't be able to.
According to others on my hall, the girl who lives next to me has a full stereo system, and she likes to put it to good use.
It's some R&B station right now.
Makes watching One Tree Hill a bit difficult, but I'll get over it.
I have to wait 12 minutes until I can watch the rest of my episode, because I can only watch 72 minutes at a time. But don't worry, I've found a way around the system and know how to successfully shave 15 minutes off of the 30 minute wait time.
Someone just made popcorn.
Ah... dormitory living!

On a happier note, I will be home in 6 days =D 
I'm smilin'

My weekend is off to a great start. Last night, I went to my first ever NHL game at the RBC Center in Raleigh. 
It was so much fun.
I went with Alyssa and Jenna- Carolina Hurricanes vs. Pittsburgh Penguins. 
Good thing I'm not into Pittsburgh.
We had a really fun time! Jenna had never been to a game either, and after last night, she decided that she was going to be a hockey fan.

We decided that standing would only happen when it was "required". 
Falling would not have ended well. 
High seats! 

 Me, Jenna and Alyssa.
We were decked out in our black and red- go Canes go! 

 A Penguin in time-out.

 The people I live with.
They're pretty cool =) 

 Hurricanes won. 

 Daddy and I used to watch hockey games on tv just in case they got into a fight. 
Well, this was one of two very short- lived fights that I managed to capture.
I'm not sure why it's in black and white- guess my camera setting got changed and I didn't have time to change it before they were completely finished throwing punches. 
This one's for you dad ;)

Jenna and I experiencing our first hockey game together.

Again I say, it was a blast. Lots of energy, and we even got to sit in front of a crazy drunk man dressed as a penguin. 
Yea, he was weird.

And then, the good weekend continues as I only have one assignment to work on, and it's a paper that I practically have written already!
Well, not exactly but  a full outline sort of counts.

Apart from waking up this morning at 9:17 to my father laughing at me after he realized that he woke me up with his phone call and my inability to properly function due to the searing pain in my shoulder/back, all has been going well!
I guess it could have been worse- he woke me up one time by "nudging" my head with his foot. 
I was sleeping on his and mom's floor- but still, kicking my head?
Not cool.
And I'm not sure what's up with my back. I need a good old fashioned- Kyle style back rub to make it feel better. 
Good thing I only have to wait 6 more days!

For now, I'm off to bigger and better things.
I need to start that paper. Good for me.

Keep it real.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Daddy - sounds mean (kicking you in the head)and he's not even. Not at all. :)

    Love, love, love Frank! Thank you.
