Sunday, August 21, 2011

Year 2.

I've survived a whole week as a sophomore! 

I can't believe I'm in college, let alone in my second year. This is going way faster than I ever would have imagined. I'm not sure if I'm okay with that or not. I think I'm mostly just ready to be finished with school and be moving on with my life. 
Hopefully I'll stop feeling that way. I really am working on thoroughly enjoying this year. 

I want it to be epic! 

Anyway, Dad and Mom drove down and MC and I came along behind in my car. Now let me tell you, THAT was a party you wish you had been invited to. 
We left good ole' Narvon at 4:30am, and made it to the big city around 12pm. 

I can proudly say that the only time I stalled Orville (my car, his name is Orville) was when we were trying to get breakfast and Daddy was doing some tricks in the parking lot and was driving like an old man. 

Other than that, I did great! Got a bit sleepy, but MC was a trooper. She sang loud, she screamed randomly to make sure that I was alert, and she stayed awake the whole time. 

Then we had a nice relaxing day on Saturday, and started to move in on Sunday.
We each loaded up with boxes and bags, and trekked up to the second floor of my new dorm building. After the first trip, MC was ready to call it a day.

But what did I tell you? She's a trooper!

That's actually my roommate's bed that she's crashed on. 

We worked hard and dragged my whole life up that flight of stairs. MC fixed my bed, mom organized my closet, dad hung my pictures, and I tackled my desk (which is significantly smaller than last year!).

^^ So that's my corner ^^
My dresser is tucked nicely underneath my bed, as well as my laundry basket and a tub filled with winter clothes. 
Literally filled- like the tub is busting open. 

My closet is the one on the right, obviously not the one that says Skye. 
That would be Skye's. She's cool =)

I decided to put some pictures on the door, because it's just so fun!
I was being lazy, yes. I sat on my bed just now and took this picture. I didn't feel like getting down- it's Sunday night, give me a break.

We were all sweating like crazy and so ready to call it quits after a few hours. 
I'm thinking it was a grand total of 5 hours that we spent moving things in.

No, wait. We went out for lunch and got some necessities. So we weren't working hardcore the whole time. 

But I'm happy with it. 
That's my very tired-self with my side of the room. 

I love the hardwood floors, and I love that my bed is so high that my blankets will NEVER touch the floor. 

Life is good! 
I just got back from my first weekend with the Crains, and am seriously worn out. 
We went on a brisk 2 mile walk around some lake thing today. 
Never thought I would say it, but... 
I had fun! 
It was a beautiful day, and we passed some pretty interesting people. 

Is it wrong that interesting people amuse me? 
But yeah, we even did some running (ooh, aah!), some picture taking, some pull-ups... you understand ;)

I'm tired. 
Then I got back to school right in time for the downpour of the summer! I had to carry my backpack filled with books, and a duffel bag the size of Maryland through the pouring rain, practically across campus. To save myself, I cut through one of the freshmen dorms. 

Probably wasn't my wisest move- I ended up slipping and falling on my rear, walking up 3 flights of stairs, and getting stuck in the doorway because I had too much stuff. 

But I made it! And here I sit, with my poor little legs screaming at me to never take a single step again, and my tailbone wishing I would stand up instead of sit down. 
Quite the predicament, you know?

Something tells me I'll survive. And goodness, I have to make it through a whole week of classes! I was done after only a 3 day week, now I have to do 5 AND work! 

Prayers appreciated.

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