Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pancakes for Breakfast

For those of you reading because you enjoy the "peek into life of a college student", I apologize (not), for this post is going to be anything but college news. So sorry (no I'm not).

I am now just finishing up my weekend with the Crains. Boo (hiss). What a fun weekend it was, without the whole- time going too fast thing. That part stinks. However, I have figured out that for 3 out of the 4 weekends in September, I will be right back here, and then it doesn't seem too terribly awful. Not that I don't LOVE my dorm and being with the Meredith girls and all, but you know. One just has to get out for a few weekends out of a month. Or close to all of them, you know.

Hurley got into trouble. And I laughed. Think Lynda appreciated me laughing at her while she
was disciplining her dog? I don't think she cared. Whatever.

SPEAKING OF HURLEY GETTING INTO TROUBLE. I have gotten permission from his parent/guardian to go ahead and introduce him to my blogging peeps. Trust me, they signed the waver. Oh, he just licked my toes :)

What a friggin cutie??

Hurley and I have become fast friends. I spent Friday evening in babysitter mode. Because yes, Hurley is a baby and yes, he must be... sat...? Whatever, he needs constant attention. He loves me too, I just know it. I mean, I let him pee on the carpet. Not every dog can say that of their sitter. He also shows his love for me when he falls alseep cuddling with my flip flop. Need some proof? Good, I took a picture for you.

Shame, sho cute!

What the centered-ness? Okay, the whole blog will be centered now. So just ignore this.
Moving away from Hurley now. Metaphorically, not literally. Because he hasn't changed positions and neither have I. Lynda just added me to her favorites on her phone. Ka-Ching!

So this past week full of heat and humidity and grossness made me think that I want Fall to come now. I've been in this Fally mood for a few days now, and every morning I wake up and I think "oh good, its Fall now!" Then I stand up and realize "no, no it is not yet Fall". The Crains think it is largely due to the temperature of their house. Which would make sense, however, when August comes and school begins, I usually feel this longing for Fall. It is without a doubt my favorite season.
BUT adding to the fact that its cold in here, I woke up hearing jazz music both mornings that I've been here. Jazz music takes me back to chilly days when I would walk into the house after school, and smell the cool air and see mom smiling at me while sitting at the kitchen table doing her Beth Moore Bible study (Daniel, I believe). She would always have 92.7 smooth jazz playing softly, and I would say hi, then promptly grab a blanket and curl up on the couch, and listen to my siblings tell their stories about their days. Those were the days- my favorite days of all. I can't wait for those times again. So mom, start working on another Bible study so that when I'm on winter break, we can make this happen PERFECTLY. With all parts of my dream day present. Okay?
To make my days seem even MORE like Fall, Louis was singing "What a Wonderful World" to me as I ate my DELISH pancakes for breakfast (shoutout to Carter, WHAT WHAT?). For those of you who don't understand that- its okay. That song is the epitome of perfection in the Martin Household. Its definitely a favorite, and when I hear it I see my beautiful mother's face :) She's sweet, shame!

Holy long post! Just kidding, there is nothing remotely holy about this post (unfortunately). So here I go, off to the land of Hollingford, where fathers get remarried and young men have to be super smart to be of any good to the community and young motherless girls have no fashion sense and pick out the ugliest fabrics for potential dresses. AKA- Wives and Daughters. Thank you Miss Gaskell...
Peace out cub scouts!

1 comment:

  1. I need to get old Louis out. I'd forgotten him in the shuffle recently and don't like it. He says it so well - what a wonderful world it is. He'll be ready to sing to you when you come home next time! I promise.
