Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Growing Old, Growing Mold...

Today is the 3 week anniversary of the day I became a true college student. I've decided that time just flies, whether you're having fun or not. Not that I'm not having fun, but there were some times in the past 3 weeks when I've not had such a good time. It still seems almost surreal- I've been in college for 3 weeks. Boom roasted!
Today is also the day that I've finally taken control of the growing mountain in my closet. As we speak, I have one load washing, and the other drying. That's right. I, Caitlyn Martin, am doing my own laundry. I was scared, I will admit, but I have done laundry before. For me, it was just kind of another realization that I really am on my own. You see, my maid decided that the rather lengthy drive was worth more than what I was willing to pay her. So she decided to be selfish, and leave me to fend for myself down here.
I was also frightened of the state of the washer on our floor. I opened up the soap compartment, and oh good, I was hoping for a moldy washer! Kind of nasty, but I've gotten over that. I'm proud of myself, you may be too. Don't worry, I won't let my head get TOO huge :)
So what else is new? Hmm... well I was kindly informed that Hurley peed on the carpet again. This means that I am now back in good standings as a babysitter. Thank you Hurley for successfully clearing my name.
My room is starting to feel more and more like an icebox. I was just out trekking across campus- all the way to science and math building to turn in a biology paper that I hadn't printed out. And then I walked allllll they way back. It was a long, hot, tiresome walk. I mean we're talking 15 minutes in the 90 plus degree heat with the sun beating down my back. And on my face. And on my head. It was just MISERABLE! Earl, when you get here, please bring some cool air and some fluffy clouds. Thanks buddy.
Speaking of Earl, I didn't even realize he was coming until my statistics professor decided it would be kind to warn us about his possible arrival before we went out and planned a beach day or something. Its amazing what you miss when you're living in a dorm room...
I wish I had pictures to post with this, however, I haven't been taking pictures a whole lot recently. I don't know why, but I suppose that I will eventually. This weekend I will make sure to take a bunch and attach one or two. You know, for the whole eye appeal thing! Aunt Lynda says that's important to making a blog "readable". So if you'll stick with me through this, next time I promise more pictures!
I've decided I would like to keep a running tally of how many rolls of toilet paper the 4 of us girls use in a month. I'm not even kidding you, it has been like 7 rolls a week. It is kind of ridiculous. Its a good thing Meredith has decided to give us complimentary construction paper I mean toilet paper, otherwise I would go broke!
Aunt Lynda took me shopping last weekend to target because I needed some things. Wanna know what I bought?
1. A 3 pack of orbit-spearmint gum (a necessity, definitely)
2. Pomegranate body spray
3. Pomegranate exfoliating body wash (I like pomegranate, deal with it)
4. Bobby pins
5. Ring pops for my roommate's birthday
6. Underwear (I can't believe I just wrote that on my blog)
7. A headband with a beaded flower on the side for $7 (I splurged!)
I seriously spent almost 50 bucks. The sad part- I DID NOT WANT TO SPEND 50 DOLLARS THIS WAY. I almost cried as I was swiping my card. It was upsetting.
I've decided to take a picture of my headband and put it on here. Please hold, while I try that extension...(elevator music is softly playing in my head.)

It makes me happy =)
And now I'm off to get my clean clothing out of the dryer. Yipee!
It has been fun, I mean it.


  1. I love it! You always seem to make my day!

  2. sorry but the music made me cry! i guess i just miss you. i hadn't listened to hailey since you left......Love the new pics and the music - oh and ALL the details! You're too funny.

  3. Hayley made you cry mom?!?! Shame! Kenny G made me cry when I was at Lynda's last weekend. I came downstairs after I woke up and BAM- was reminded of my circumstances.
