Saturday, September 4, 2010

Making Grilled Cheeses

Hola World :)

Let's take a quick poll, just really quickly. How many people would decide that it sounds like a good idea to cut down a tree and and put it through some sort of tree shredding machine at 8o'clock in the morning on a holiday Saturday? That's what I thought. It woke me up this morning. Needless to say- I was quite unhappy. I was frustrated further, when after giving up and leaving the comforts of my sweet bed the noise stopped. They had finished an hour after they had begun. I do not like those neighbors.
Ps- I'm at the Crain's house again.

But on a happier note- I'm proud to say that I have become so important to the Crains, that they have gone out of their way to get me something of my very own to have here at their house. Peanut butter. That's right, I have my very own jar of organic PB, with hearts on the lid.

The "C" is there mostly so that one can easily differentiate between mine, and Hurley's peanut butter. He gets a different kind, and it is labeled as well- but mine has hearts :)

Mine is totally fancier :)
Anyway, this peanut butter situation thing is making me feel as though NC is really becoming my home! Not just because they buy me my own peanut butter, but maybe?
Lynda is dancing- like hard core dancing in the kitchen. If I could take a video of it and post it and NOT die- I totally would. Believe me, I totally would!

This is my 4th weekend in North Carolina. Can you believe that? I can't really, but whatevs. I am still missing home, and keep thinking of things that I specifically miss about Lancaster County. I mean, everything from the smell to the weather. Yes, home has such a rich smell to it- must be all that crap that is just spread around. I don't know what the smell is down here- guess you'll just have to come down and experience it for yourselves. Oh, that means I'll have guests! Super- let's make this happen!
But yea, things I miss about home list continued:
11. Saying  "I love you more than Amish boys" without getting strange looks from the person I'm talking to.
12. Riding around with mom and dad and seeing this:

That's right. Mom and Dad totally sniped a picture of 2 boys riding together. The exact caption from mom reads: "Don't you miss Lancaster County? They were sharing one seat. So gay!"
13. Going shopping with mom and MC and stopping at the Cupboard to eat before heading off to the land of Park City.
14. The sound of Kenny G in the morning.
15. Tickling Danny.
16. Pinching Shasta
17. Going to Grandma Blank's and laying on the floor under her fan (that hasn't happened in a long time Grandma!).

That's all that came to me so far- but I will def be updating this list. Duh.

I'm about to have a grilled cheese and I seriously cannot wait! Besides the peanut butter- they really don't feed me here. Just kidding they do, but I usually have to beg, and plead. Who am I kidding? Psh... (it happens- that's for you MC!).
Stomach just growled. It is smelling exceptionally great in here. 
They feed me well at school. The cooks take pride in their work :) Its cute, really. They're very friendly- that whole Southern hospitality thing definitely rings true! And if you don't believe me, take a look!
My DELISH dessert last week. It was seriously like the greatest thing ever times like 39039487023804. Not even kidding.
It's grilled cheese time- boo ya.
That's one mean grilled cheese.
es schmeckt lecker :)
Be impressed by my skills! Now to enjoy this wonderfulness in front of me.

Be not afraid, for I will make another post at least once more this weekend. I simply cannot stay away!
Ah, it must be love!

1 comment:

  1. That is a smokin grilled cheese! Way better looking than what I ever did. Happy for you.

    I do miss having you riding around with us! We tell funny stories and you're not there to laugh at us and appreciate the stories with us! Like these boys on the bouncy cart! Miss you.
