Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Julia Roberts Kind of Evening...

Eat Pray Love
The name of Miss Roberts' newest movie which I have just watched. Would I see it again? Maybe if someone else rented it and I did not have to pay the 5 dollar rental fee. Not to say that it wasn't a good movie- Julia simply cannot do a poor job, and she makes every movie a good one. She is a great actress, and it is fun to just watch her and smile along beside her. Well, not beside her- across from her? The first hour and 15 minutes she spent in Italy- Rome to be exact. And it made me very excited to visit Rome. I've decided that I shall like to honeymoon in Italy one day. I better marry a rich man =) From Italy she went to India. We will say that India is just not my cup of tea. I have no desire to go there. Except maybe to see an elephant, because they're pretty nifty. And when she touched the elephant, that was definitely what made India interesting for me. But it lasted for maybe a minute. So... yea.
I got back to my room after a fun evening out with my new friend Jenna =), and my roomie just happened to be watching Pretty Woman! Its a good day!
Julia Roberts reminds me of my mother- for as long as I can remember, Mom has been a big fan of Julia. I remember, even as a little girl, Mom and Dad watching movies together after we would go to bed. I would pretend to have bad dreams every once in a while, so that I would have an excuse to walk downstairs and sit with Mom for a bit as she and Dad watched their "big people movies", which many times included Julia Roberts. Shame, I forgot about that =)

So Anyway!
I've officially fallen in love with Raleigh's shopping. So many "shopportunities" down here. And the Forever 21 store at the Crabtree Mall- LIKE SO HUGE. I mean, the store looks completely disorganized because there is SO much stuff- clothes, jewelry, shoes... all over. A good 5 times bigger than the Forever 21 in Park City. That's a sad excuse of a store compared to this one- no lie.

I write all of this assuming that everyone enjoys hearing about my shopportunities. Yet I forget that my brothers read this, and my father- so perhaps I shall attempt to entertain the other half now.

Oh, my, word. So here I was this afternoon waiting for my suitemate, Alyssa, to finish getting ready to go with me to lunch. So I picked up the remote, and started flipping through channels. About 10 minutes later, I realized that I was watching not one, but two college football games. Somehow, my brain did not fully comprehend what was happening. I simply heard the announcers' voices, and I sat, and I listened, and I watched! I watched college football for a good 20 minutes, all by myself, flipping from one game to the next as commercials interrupted. Now if that doesn't make my Daddy proud... well then all hope is lost! I was proud of myself. I like football, don't get me wrong. Its a great game! But college football was never my thing, and I used to very much dislike it when Dad or Dan would watch for hours on end!
My how things change when one moves 7 hours away... my, my, my...

Random fact of the... blog? The elevator in our dorm is completely 100% ghetto. There is a gate, and a door (duh), and if the gate isn't shut, the elevator doesn't move. Therefore, if the gate opens as the elevator is moving from floor to floor, the elevator will stop. Its the coolest thing ever, and makes me think of Kyle every time! But it seriously reminds me of a shady kind of elevator that one would find in a ghetto neighborhood, and its so fun! This is a sign that is in the elevator, and it makes me smile =)

This elevator is designed for industrial truck loading.
Which is probably why we have it in a college dorm. Yup. Only at Meredith!

Oh! Look at the new things I bought for my room last weekend! They were on sale at Target, $2.08 baby. Ka-ching!!
The telephone sign is new- not the cups or the glasses. And the stars? Yea that's my Meredith Angel Halo =) I was "crowned" at the big sis little sis social which was forever ago. But its never too late to show off your halo!
And oh oh these too!
A taxi and a Metro sign!
They're on the shelf thing right beside my bed. And I absolutely love them! They work with the color scheme of our room- which is just perfect! And when Kyle and I were buying college room stuff at Target before I left, I saw these and fell in love. However, they were $5, and call me cheap, but I didn't think it was worth it.
But God knew that they would make me happy, and now here they are! Some of my new best friends =)
So the shelf area (whatever you would call it) next to my bed is looking good now! And with the help of a few command strips, the little picture things don't even fall over anymore! Its missing something though- I think I need some fabric to put up there, or something else that's super special!

Speaking of pictures! I ordered a bunch more from Snapfish- open a new account and you get the first 20 photos for free! PLUS a bunch of free samples from some makeup company (but I didn't get those, not sure why). Anyway pictures... yes... I ordered them, and smart me sent them to the Crain's because I thought they would be arriving last weekend when I was with them. They arrived hmm... yesterday? Or Thursday at their house, and now I must wait A LIFETIME until I can have them! My goal by the end of the year is to have this very large wall behind and beside me just DECKED OUT in pictures! Its a very big wall. And I really am looking forward to the last day when I move out and have to take every single one of them down. I will feel differently, I'm sure, when that day comes. But for now I still think it'll be fun!

Wow, 11:52 pm? When did that happen? I was contemplating church tomorrow morning. Well... I don't think that will be happening. Unfortunately. Sleep and I are pretty close friends, and I would feel terrible if I ever did not work my hardest to keep that friendship strong.
Sleep deserves my best effort.

Oh, Pretty Woman is nearing it's end. I suppose I am as well for this evening. Go back to him! He loves you and you love him. Stupid girl...

I see the moon, the moon sees me, the moon sees someone I'd like to see.
Goodnight World!


  1. Great post! I love Julia and enjoyed Eat Pray Love. I came away from the movie thinking I need to make better choices to enjoy life, friends and family to the fullest! --- Ann Sauder

  2. caitlyn, your enthusiasm is contagious. i want a picture wall! youll have to take a picture of it :]

    ...and when i comment this....its going to have a very weird picture of me next to it, but im too lazy to change it.

  3. So, in a nutshell, you watch Julia Roberts movies which remind you of me, and you now watch college football, because the excitement of the announcers voices and the games remind you of Dad. How charming and flattering. It's the little things I guess...not that Julia Roberts is a little thing mind you! Quite the contrary actually.

    Love you more than a great movie with all of our favorite stars!

    PS - I didn't know you'd fake a bad dream so you could see our movie! :)
