Wednesday, September 8, 2010

That Sounds Good to Me

Afternoon Captain!

I am very sorry, I had no time to update this weekend afterall. You see, my biology professor decided it would be a good idea to assign roughly 3309584 things for us to do (when all else fails, blame biology). I succeeded in procrastinating, and completed everything a good 20 minutes before class. Awesome. But let's not talk about biology, no one likes biology anyway.

Oh, but I also wanted to tell my dream- which unfortunately has bio written all over it!
So I was at this show- it reminded me of a monster truck rally thing- Weird, I know. Anyway, there was a sign that said "free backrubs" and I was like "oh yea, I need a backrub!" The sign also said that the guy who gives backrubs was like a trained professional and stuff. So naturally, I wanted to see this guy and get me a good backrub! Turns out, the dude was right behind me and he quickly offered up his services when he heard me telling the people I was with all about how I was dying to have my back rubbed. So he's rubbing my back and I'm thinking, "oh, Kyle will never have to rub my back again! This guy is amazing!" and suddenly, he just stops. I mean, this guy just gave me a very awesome 2 minute backrub. And seriously, 2 minutes doesn't cut it for me. So I turn and very politely ask why he felt he needed to stop. And he simply says, "oh, well I can't rub your back for too long or all of the cytoplasm in your back will explode."
Then I got mad, and woke up.
My interpretation of the dream is as follows:
1. My body is trying to tell me that I very much need a good backrub
2. Biology ruins dreams

But anyway... let's reflect on the weekend. Ah, those were the good days!

So my weekend went swimmingly! So many activities with the Crains. We went to a Durham Bulls game where I saw the ugliest thing ever-
A Steelers shirt AND a wedgie, all in one! I thought for sure I'd get away from stuff like that (Steelers crap, not wedgies) by moving to NC. Guess snot.

I would like everyone to pay very close attention to this next thing I'm about to write... just read it and take in every single detail. Then be proud of me.
Sunday morning, I woke up around 9 with that "its going to be a great day" feeling. This feeling didn't last long- Lynda met me at the bottom of the steps and exclaimed "I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE AWAKE!" Oh yes, was my thought, they like me here. "We're gonna go hiking and we want you to come along!"
Hiking? Me? Good one!
I refused to go hiking. No way, not happening.
Then we went on a hike for an hour and a half. On the "fun" scale- I gave the overall experience a good solid 7. Wasn't as bad as I thought. Mainly because Hurley needed lots of little water breaks (thanks bud!), and I got some splendid photos of this gorgeous lake!


It was the perfect day. The torture didn't seem as terrifyingly terrible. If that makes sense. But am I itching to go on another hike anytime soon? Ha, yea right...

I don't even remember all of the things we did this weekend- I just know that it was not homework, and that it was fun. And then I got back to school, and the hard work just started flowing :) Yay!

I must also confess- I feel very nerdy. I just made myself a to-do list. I mean, really? Me? A list?
It reads:
1. Laundry (yes, I am doing laundry again!)
2. Read for English
3. Read for Religion
4. Read and do Business work
5. Biology!! Too many assignments to list
6. Nap :)
7. Update blog
So I can cross off number 7... these items are listed by "importance". Yea...

So yes, I am doing some more laundry. And, don't tell my mom this, but I kind of enjoy taking responsibility to take my stuff down in my cute little laundry basket and make sure I have the times worked out correctly. It makes me feel like an adult!
As I was walking down the hallway, I was looking at the doors and reading the names of the girls in each room. Then I realized, there are a whole crap load of Katie's and Caitlyn's here. And yes, there is another girl here somewhere who spells her name like me! Its on her door. Then I thought about it- in religious ethics I'm in a group that is going to explore the ethics of missionary work (I'm super excited about this!) and my group consits of me, (Caitlyn), Katie, Kate, and Allison. We feel bad for Allison.
Eurovision just reached its end, and now Uncle Kracker is singing to me :)
Life is good!
I should probably work on taking out some of the other items on my list. Gag me!

Hope all is well everywhere!

Oh yea- you make me smile :)

1 comment:

  1. I can only grin. That's all. And I will now proceed to pat myself on the back.
