Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dear Mom and Dad...

...please send money...

Welcome Back!

I feel like I've been running a flipping marathon OH MY WORD. From midterms, to Fall Break (which I loved loved loved), to plans about Thanksgiving- life refuses to slow down.

I'm 1/4 of the way finished with my first year? Super! I'm 1/2 way finished with biology?! HALLELUJAH! I'm dancing around my room, singing "Whiskey Lullaby" at the top of my lungs! (not because the song fits my mood, only because it just happened to be the next song on my country playlist). I've decided not to bore my readers with any more drama about biology. I came to this conclusion after my visit home, when my Father's entire family asked me about my biology troubles. At different times. I didn't realize how much time I spend whining about it. I'll get over it. I promise! It ends here.

Oh wait! Biology test tomorrow- prayers appreciated =)

Okay Done.

So (be jealous), I spent my entire weekend in beautiful Pennsylvania! How exciting!? I never thought I would be so anxious to see PA countryside and brown dirt (they have red clay here, its really weird). I went so far as to actually act completely out of character and do the unthinkable. I know, I know. You're going to see this and be in shock. Anyone who has ever worked in the tourist industry in Intercourse or something will shake his/her head at me for this one. Here goes...

I took a picture of a buggy. I could hardly even help myself! Moving right along...

The buggy was at Shermandale Heritage Days- this massive flea market/tractor show thing. I don't even know how to describe it. Anyway, last year Mom, Dad, Dan and MC all went and saw the funniest redneck (not that you can see his neck, because you can't) ever. So we went again with hopes of finding him again!
We weren't disappointed. Not long after the parade started did we see Uncle Neckbeard rolling right on through on his little tractor/lawn mower. I can't remember a time when my Dad laughed so hard- I think you sort of had to be there. Either way- MC quickly snapped about 20 pictures of him as he rolled on by. The pictures don't do him justice.

His beard literally starts underneath his chin, where the average man's beard stops. Oh, and when he smiles he has a grand total of 3 visible teeth. He's rather indescribable- one of a kind for sure!

So Heritage Days is where we spent most of our time. And when we weren't walking around taking random pictures of ourselves with Lancaster County springwater and homemade ice cream...

... we were taking pictures of ourselves in fields, on decks, on campus, and soaking up all of the family time that we could!

My favorite day was Friday- I got my first mini tour of Lock Haven University, and got to see the greatest big brother ever!
 "The band's back together!"- Dan =)

 We made our annual trip to the green gate and took over 100 pictures. I guess that's what happens when you have 4 teenagers who all enjoy being the center of attention for a little bit =)

Me and Danny decided to imitate a cheesy school picture. I'd say we succeeded.

And the field- talk about traditions!

The weekend was a fun one, but it definitely was not long enough. It was really weird though, I didn't feel like I had been away from my family for like 3 months. We hugged and smiled and talked like crazy the entire weekend, and I didn't feel as though I had missed anything. Not that nothing happens when I'm gone, I'm not going all existential on you here, it was just surreal. Or maybe not. I forget.

And yes, it was freaking hard to leave again. I cried when I hugged Mom, I'll admit it. But at that point, I was thinking how crazy I was for being so far from home because I wasn't planning on going home for Thanksgiving. Welllllll that changed now, because I AM coming home! And I'm super pumped.
My God takes care of me pretty well!

And then I got back to Meredith, and it felt as though I had never left here either. Maybe that's a good thing too- that means that this place is normal to me now. Almost like a home, but I refuse to call it home just yet. Hopefully soon!

Exciting things have happened to me since being back! I had a delish dinner with the Crains last night- did I mention it was delicious!? Because it was. Fantastic. And then I went to Rite Aid to get some drugs for this wonderful cold I have- boy was THAT an adventure. First of all, I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I spent about 10 minutes walking between 2 isles of the pharmacy section looking for this stupid little box of pills. FINALLY decided to just buy the closest/cheapest thing to what I was looking for. So I put myself into the line, and waited behind a bald man buying himself a box of men's self-dying hair color. That was interesting. Lynda said maybe he was really hopeful, and really just didn't like being bald. Whatever. THEN my turn finally came, and I was so ready to just pay and leave so I could sleep, but it was a little more complicated than that. Apparently one must be 18 to buy cold medicine, so I was carded. For cold medicine. Woohoo! Anyway, that took ages. The man couldn't type my birthday into the computer. So there I was sniffing like a crazy woman in Rite Aid.

And now, I have wasted enough time and must get to my homework.
Time you enjoyed wasting is not time wasted.
I definitely enjoyed wasting this time.

Maybe I'll squeeze a nap in too before statistics... oh if only, if only!

The End.

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