Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We're So Far From Where We Were!

I can remember exactly what I was doing last year at this time.

Its NC State Fair time- and I'm allowing myself to remember last year, the Tuesday after the fair. I had just gotten home from one of the most exciting weekends of my entire life. That's how much I loved it.
Spent time in the greatest city on Earth- found my college- laughed like crazy- memorized the song Toes by Zac Brown Band.
What a weekend! That seems like yesterday, for real!
For those of you who may not have known about my little adventure to the fair last year, I'll do a quick re-cap of events.

My Uncle Randy, Mother, Cousin Jessica and I spontaneously (Oh so spontaneously) piled into our car late one Friday evening, and began the 7 1/2 hour drive to the beautiful Raleigh, NC to visit some of our favorites.
The 7 1/2 hours multiplied after getting turned around a few times and missing our road. But all was well.
I still remember Uncle Randy sticking his head clear out the window and yelling "I'm so glad that we're on 1 now!" As soon as we got onto Route 1. Or something. Now that made me laugh =)
Our weekend included...

... Some FANTASTIC hosts! Let me tell you -- they're the bomb diggity.

... A trip to Whale Rocks. My word, I just really would like for us to re-create this weekend!
What a crazy family I have!?

... A walk in the woods which led to a homemade church service/hymn sing!

... A trip to the State Fair!
1 year ago, almost to the day. How crazy fast does life go by? My goodness!

... And a sit in the Big Man's Chair.
I looked high and low, but could not find the chair this year. I was so disappointed. It may have a bit to do with the fact that I don't do directions well... it may also be because they didn't have it. And I guess that's always possible. But still, its disappointing to me.

Don't get me wrong, I still had a fantastic time this year! My lovely friend Nicole (I almost off-set her name in commas, then realized that would indicate my only having 1 friend. Thank you English 111!) was my fair buddy this year. We ate roasted almonds. LOTS of roasted almonds. SO MANY ROASTED ALMONDS.

We fell into the trap. We bought 2 bags and got 1 free. Spent 13 flipping dollars on almonds. I was so sick of almonds, that as we were falling asleep, I became nauseous just thinking about them.
They will probably remain where they are for a long time: in a bag, in a grocery bag, under my oh so wonderful pile of cow-tails. So much sugar!

We had a fantastic time together!
Thanks so much for being my first guest EVER Nicole!
Please spread the word, and encourage others to take part in such a fun, rewarding and refreashing experience! (Just kidding. I'm really not all that, I just want visitors!)

Tonight is full of little things that are just obnoxious. Like statistics. Boo.
However. It is okay, because Frank is singing to me, and telling me that Santa Clause is Coming To Town. And I love Santa. Well, not Santa, but I love when he comes to town. That's for sure!
AND there are only 17 days left until Cornhuskin'! That's kind of a big deal here. I'm mostly SUPER EXCITED to see my fam-damily again. Except Kyle won't be here. Not cool Kyle. But even so, 17 Days!

I'm off to take my picture for the yearbook. Yahoo!
Santa Clause is coming... TO TOWN!

***Note: I did not once even think of saying the "B" word! How do you like me now Gayle?***

1 comment:

  1. i didnt know that was a spontaneous trip! i think i remember you talking about it...or i remember seeing you post photos on it..
    my favorite is the chair picture. you guys all look like dolls in it! its so funny :]

    hmmm...what was i doing this time last year?
    i have no idea. stressing about college applications. :D yours sounds much better!
