Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dream again, Believe again ...

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
That's the magic number for this evening.
Good evening =D

In 4 days my Fall Break starts. My college life stops in 4 days. In 4 days I will see my family for the first time in a little under 2 months. Can you imagine my excitement? I don't even think that you can. But that's okay. Just know that I'm sitting here bouncing. And the idea that tomorrow means only 3 days? Well please, bring on Monday! I'm not even worried about my biology lab midterm, or my project that is due on Tuesday, or anything else. THAT'S how excited I am.

4 days off = 2 days of driving + 2 days of downtime. Ah- I can just feel the relaxation!

This week has gone by so very quickly, and I'm totally okay with that. We kicked off Cornhuskin' season with a bang! Cornhuskin' is Meredith's version of a week long celebration of homecoming. We do all sorts of fun games (apple bobbing, corn shucking, dances, skits etc) and compete against the other classes. Every class picks a theme and keeps it an absolute secret until one of the last nights of Cornhuskin'. The first week of November will be quite fun- I encourage you all to come down to Raleigh, rent a hotel room or two, and come watch me dance my little booty off in the freshman class skit!
Yes, I signed up to dance. *Gulps*.
I'm not so sure how its going to go down, but I'm hoping I can stick with it.
That's going to be a lot of dancing.

I also did laundry again this week. That was an adventure! 
But I'd have to say that the highlight of my week was Friday night. I hit the city with 3 other girls. Now, Raleigh city is about 3 minutes from Meredith campus- and we left here at 7pm for downtown. We didn't find parking until 7:45. It was bad. But it was probably due to the fact that we were singing and relying on cell phone GPS directions. In retrospect- not such a great idea.

We did find an art gallery though- It was First Friday in Raleigh- similar to First Friday in Lancaster. The art galleries all open and there were lots of performers in the streets. I thought it was nice =)
But the night was not over! We drove to the next gallery which was about a block or two from the first. Our problem was again the parking, and we spent a good 30 minutes driving around the city looking for, but not finding, a parking spot! We got very twisted around, and eventually hit the ghetto streets in Raleigh.
Yes, Raleigh has a ghetto. I was there.
So we gave up, and used my phone's GPS to find our way back to Hillsborough.
From there, we decided to go find some ice-cream at a shop that was supposed to be fantastic!

So we drive once again- and sing, and talk and all that great stuff. (4 girls in a car, going to an unknown destination. Never a good idea.) All of a sudden, signs start popping up for the Raleigh Airport! We giggled, thinking 'oh, yes let's go to the airport!' The giggles turned into full on fits of laughter when we realized that our options were either A. Exit towards the terminals, or B. Continue on Airport Avenue (or something like that). We kept going straight, because our handy dandy GPS's were telling us to do so. (We opted for B. instead of A.)
After another hour of driving, we finally found this stupid little ice cream shop. No, that's not fair, it was not stupid at all. Quite the opposite. DELISH ice cream! Maggie Moos? I think that's what it was called. We tried about every flavor they had, and stood in line for a good 15 minutes deciding what flavors we all wanted.
After enjoying our ice cream in the freezing cold Raleigh pre-Fall weather (at 10pm), we piled back into the car, and headed for home. Took us a bit to get out of the parking lot for some reason. And then our GPS was telling us to go the opposite way than the way we thought we should go. So us, being brilliant, decided to defy our GPS and forge our own path back to campus. The way we chose would be much faster and direct.
We know the area better than a GPS, psh! Not like we just got here or anything, or like we're all from out of state (the driver from Maryland, co-pilot (me) from PA, navigator from Georgia, and the only one from NC was the other backseater who lives a good hour from Raleigh).

So we were off, and found good songs on the radio. Oh, but we did listen to an Ipod for a little bit too. Anyway, we're crusing right along, at 11pm, all tired and cold and filled with good ice cream.
After a bit, we pass a sign. And I smile and think, 'oh cool, we're in Durham now. Funny, I didn't think we ever left Raleigh'.
And then I realize what has happened. And I laugh.
I manage to get out, "Welcome To Durham".

And that was the end. We gave up, and listened to technology as it directed us safely back to our home.
We finally made it back around 12am.
It was an all around great time. I would call it successfull, yes.

Today was not as exciting. I slept in (ahh, what good feelings), vaccumed my floor, finished my paper, and watched as my Eagles were shoved down and walked all over by the stinking Redskins.
The Redskins?
I also watched the game in the room of a devoted skins fan.
You can imagine how that went! But it was okay, because I beat her pretty badly in Dutch Blitz.
I better win in Dutch Blitz! I was just happy that I found someone who already knew how to play. They were even her cards! I'm determined to spread the Dutch culture into Raleigh, NC.
Who's with me?

I think someone on the floor below me just jumped off of their bed and hit their ceiling. Or they threw something at me. What else would explain the random bump I just felt from below my chair? Weird.

All of this has distracted me from the hard-core studying I must do for my biology lab midterm. It is tomorrow, yes.
It's probably a really bad thing that I never worry about biology. That I'm okay with getting C's on my tests. I really just do not care. Like, at all.
I can be such a bad student at times.
And now my foot has fallen asleep. GREAT!

Where are my socks?

4 Days left Pennsylvania, 4 Days!

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to imagine you bouncing, can fully hear you choke out among your fits of laughter, "welcome to durham", and am counting down the days as loudly as you are!
