Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pancakes for Breakfast

For those of you reading because you enjoy the "peek into life of a college student", I apologize (not), for this post is going to be anything but college news. So sorry (no I'm not).

I am now just finishing up my weekend with the Crains. Boo (hiss). What a fun weekend it was, without the whole- time going too fast thing. That part stinks. However, I have figured out that for 3 out of the 4 weekends in September, I will be right back here, and then it doesn't seem too terribly awful. Not that I don't LOVE my dorm and being with the Meredith girls and all, but you know. One just has to get out for a few weekends out of a month. Or close to all of them, you know.

Hurley got into trouble. And I laughed. Think Lynda appreciated me laughing at her while she
was disciplining her dog? I don't think she cared. Whatever.

SPEAKING OF HURLEY GETTING INTO TROUBLE. I have gotten permission from his parent/guardian to go ahead and introduce him to my blogging peeps. Trust me, they signed the waver. Oh, he just licked my toes :)

What a friggin cutie??

Hurley and I have become fast friends. I spent Friday evening in babysitter mode. Because yes, Hurley is a baby and yes, he must be... sat...? Whatever, he needs constant attention. He loves me too, I just know it. I mean, I let him pee on the carpet. Not every dog can say that of their sitter. He also shows his love for me when he falls alseep cuddling with my flip flop. Need some proof? Good, I took a picture for you.

Shame, sho cute!

What the centered-ness? Okay, the whole blog will be centered now. So just ignore this.
Moving away from Hurley now. Metaphorically, not literally. Because he hasn't changed positions and neither have I. Lynda just added me to her favorites on her phone. Ka-Ching!

So this past week full of heat and humidity and grossness made me think that I want Fall to come now. I've been in this Fally mood for a few days now, and every morning I wake up and I think "oh good, its Fall now!" Then I stand up and realize "no, no it is not yet Fall". The Crains think it is largely due to the temperature of their house. Which would make sense, however, when August comes and school begins, I usually feel this longing for Fall. It is without a doubt my favorite season.
BUT adding to the fact that its cold in here, I woke up hearing jazz music both mornings that I've been here. Jazz music takes me back to chilly days when I would walk into the house after school, and smell the cool air and see mom smiling at me while sitting at the kitchen table doing her Beth Moore Bible study (Daniel, I believe). She would always have 92.7 smooth jazz playing softly, and I would say hi, then promptly grab a blanket and curl up on the couch, and listen to my siblings tell their stories about their days. Those were the days- my favorite days of all. I can't wait for those times again. So mom, start working on another Bible study so that when I'm on winter break, we can make this happen PERFECTLY. With all parts of my dream day present. Okay?
To make my days seem even MORE like Fall, Louis was singing "What a Wonderful World" to me as I ate my DELISH pancakes for breakfast (shoutout to Carter, WHAT WHAT?). For those of you who don't understand that- its okay. That song is the epitome of perfection in the Martin Household. Its definitely a favorite, and when I hear it I see my beautiful mother's face :) She's sweet, shame!

Holy long post! Just kidding, there is nothing remotely holy about this post (unfortunately). So here I go, off to the land of Hollingford, where fathers get remarried and young men have to be super smart to be of any good to the community and young motherless girls have no fashion sense and pick out the ugliest fabrics for potential dresses. AKA- Wives and Daughters. Thank you Miss Gaskell...
Peace out cub scouts!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Finding Feathers...

Today marks the 1 week anniversary of my college classes. I'm excited. My biology professor made the mistake of telling us there were a total of 13 bio labs for the semester. We're now down to 12.
I've officially decided that I dislike biology and feather pillows. My pillow has suddenly begun to leave little feathers all around my room. Some of them aren't even little. They're on my bed, on my desk, on my shelves, on my clothes... and its driving me insane! I find myself staring at my comforter and just picking all of the little feathers and feather pieces off. It gets very tedious and VERY frustrating, because no matter how many feathers I pick off, there are always too many left behind.
I'm hungry. This is what happens when I don't wake up early enough and take 15 minutes to straighten my hair and try on 3 different oufits before I'm satisfied and have a professor who believes in starting class 5 minutes early each morning. I just can't take it anymore! No really, I'm fine.
Back to the pillow thing- I'm getting a new one. Anyone have any suggestions for a good, non-shedding pillow that would support my poor neck which cries out each morning in pain because the feathers are all smashed down and not fluffy? I would appreciate that. Hopefully someone can help me. I mean really? I have to buy my own pillow??
I've come to the realization that being on your own and not having mom and dad around kind of stinks on ice. If I want toothpaste- I buy it. If I prefer toilet paper to construction paper in the bathroom- I buy it. If my pillow fails to do its job and I need a new one- I buy it. If I switch classes and need a new textbook that I really don't care about- I buy it. If I need bread or some other staple for the dorm room- I buy it.
This pattern is not fun.
Sigh- Lord, make me a rainbow.
I'm about to get up and put on a flipping sweatshirt. I'm in North Carolina. Yes. NC is considered a part of the South. Yes. It is August 25. Yes. It is summer. Yes. It is supposed to be hot. Yes. It is not hot. Yes.
True, the temperatures outside aren't at an all time high, but I would seriously like to have a nice little chat with whoever it is that is in charge of the temperature control in Heilman. I am convinced that they are trying to freeze us out. Why they would want us out of our dorms? I have no idea. I don't try to figure them out. But if I did try to figure them out, I would investigate why they turn the temps down first, definitely.
Sing it to me Atomic Kitten! What a name for a band- like really? Atomic kitten? Whatever floats your boats ladies.
Today is going to be laundry day. YAY I'm so excited to do my own laudry.  :( No, I'm not excited at all. Maybe I can push it off until tomorrow. I have plenty of clothes pshh...
The other day in BDH (Belk Dining Hall), I was browsing the large selection of dinner choices, when I came upon this sad cookie like desert thing. It was red velvet, I knew that much at first glance. I stared for some time, trying to figure out what this was, and then it hit me! This was NC's version of a very sad, very thin whoopie pie. I almost cried! Since when do they not have nice, plump, Kitchen Kettle or grandma style whoopie pies in NC? I took a picture before consuming, and posted it to my facebook album "mobile uploads". If you have time, check it out and you will be amazed at what they're trying to feed us down here. I have yet to learn how one actually posts a picture as part of a post, and I would figure it out now, but lunch starts in 14 minutes you see, and I skipped breakfast, remember? Its just fine, I promise. It won't take long to find my fb and TRUST, you will find the sad whoopie pie. Shame.
Anyway, I'm seriously freaking cold, and have decided that I will be changing out of my mustard colored shorts and instead I will be wearing a heavier jean, or possibly capris. You care, I know you do.
Peace out cub scouts!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Poor laddie...

Second post, hooray! And another hooray would be in order, for I have successfully attended all of my classes, and live to tell the story! Well, that's not entirely true- biology lab is on Monday. I'm not so sure if I will live past that day. I will try, that's for sure, but the overall outcome is entirely out of my hands. Yes, I'm pretty sure it is. Don't argue mom, I can hear you saying that its all up to me blah blah but you don't understand. I've not gotten along with science, and science hasn't seemed to mind, for as long as I can remember. So there is a possibility that things will not go well. Sigh...
Today also marks the first weekend of my college career- and guess what I'm doing?? That's right. I'm updating my blog. At 9:07 on a freaking Friday night, here I sit, alone in my dorm room, no music playing, the AC blasting and keeping me in a very uncomfortable state, tired as a dog, writing in my blog. Normal students? They are partying at NC State University, which is about a five minute walk from Meredith campus. I, however, am here. Not there. Which is okay with me, yet not so okay when I think on how truly bored I am. I think someone just knocked on my door- should I check? Or should I ignore? (That rhymed, just throwing it out there). I ignored them. I think it was across the hall. Speaking of, I don't even know the girls across the hall from me! I should fix that. Tomorrow.
Which presents a whole other set of issues for me! My roommate, and both suitemates have made plans for tomorrow. I have as well, but they consist of skyping Danny, and taking a shower. Woohoo- fun city. I guess I'll have to be brave, and take the initiative to seek out people on my floor, or the one below me, and make my own fun! Isn't that what has been drilled into my head for the past 18 years? Yes, take my word for it. It was mother's motto. That and "no play till our work is finished". Love ya mom ;)
I could always resort to my homework. My english professor has chosen the book, "Wives and Daughters", by Elizabeth Gaskell, as our novel for the first half of the semester. While it is an interesting read, it is very long and dear Miss Gaskell, (who was wonderful friends with Charolette Bronte, and even Dickens (however they quarrelled quite a bit and didn't agree on an advertising technique that has seriously just slipped my mind, but I know this thanks to a girl in my English class who likes to talk)) yes, dear Miss Gaskell likes to describe every. single. detail. of. Molly. Gibson's. life. And it gets rather lengthy and boring at times, simply because I really could care less about the beautiful fabrics that Molly buys for her new dress. Oh but her father, Dr. Gibson doesn't approve of the checkered pattern because he's Scotch... or something along those rather crooked lines. Anywho- Mr. Gibson's character makes me chuckle. He's a bit of a sarcastic, and he flat out makes fun of Mr. Coxe, who has fallen deeply in love with Molly, Dr. Gibson's daughter. Its a tangled web, we won't go there tonight. It is just too late for webs :)
So for now I need:
1. Music to play
2. A back massage
3. Kyle's iced tea
4. Wives and Daughters to read itself
5. A decent movie to be on TV
6. Something to do
7. Hand sanitizer (I've learned that I love my germ-x with aloe!)
8. A drink of water
9. A companion to watch a decent movie and drink water with
10. Nail polish remover (or a pedicure. But that may not go so well...)
Just thought I'd letcha know :) If you can help in any way, please do! Its the small things in life that do it for me!
T,T,F,N, ta ta for now. Gotta love Tigger.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This is me, missing you.

A long time ago, I made a promise to my mother. Mom, I kept my promise, and here be my very own blog :) My very public diary for you, your friends, my friends, and hopefully even some non creepy strangers to enjoy. I hope that I can : 1. Figure this out 2. Entertain my audience 3. Update my posts and 4. Eat lunch before biology. I guess you could say that I'm pretty hungry right now.
Perhaps I should do an update on my life? Seeing as how it has been relatively interesting in the past few days. I've settled quite nicely into the Meredith, and as of yesterday at 1pm I have my very own room key... yay! That was quite an accomplishment for me. I pretty much love Meredith College, and don't anticipate that changing any time soon. However, i've only been to one class so who knows what could happen after a day or two of intense college classes. I'm a college student. Just thought I'd throw that out there :)
So here I sit, on my bed/couch, with my laptop, on my pillow, on my lap, listening to country music, and being slightly amazed. You see, I never thought it possible to miss Lancaster County (no one in the south says it right, ps) but I really am finding that I miss many things. Here's a list I came up with last night as I was trying to fall asleep. I wrote it out in my head... What I miss in Lancaster:
1. my family
    - Dad, I just want you to keep being here and paying for everything for me and take care of me.
    - Mom, can you come by soon and start my laundry? It is piling up quite quickly
    - Kyle, my back is SO sore, and no one here will massage it. And the iced tea- CRAP w/o lemon.
    - Danny, if I poke/tickle/attack people here, they give me strange looks
    - Mary Catherine, you can't replace a sister with a roommate, suitmate, new friend, professor, or a step-in big sis. Just letting you know. You're one of a kind.
    - Shasta, no one here lets me hug, squeeze, kiss, pinch, scratch, or pick them up.
2. Horse poop- I thought I was finally going to a place with clean roads and nice clean smelling air... wrong. Geese like to hang around campus and leave their gorgeous green gifts all over our sidewalks. And its pretty hard to avoid, seeing as how we walk on the sidewalks.
3. Amish people- They make such good desserts (shoofly pies, whoopie pies, cookies, fresh fruit mush stuff)
4. My friends- you all know who you are. And you're funny, and you're (mostly) in Lancaster. And that makes me mad, because its not fair.
5. Pennsylvania's climate- It is hot here. And it doesn't stop. Being hot. Even when the sun goes down, it still manages to cook Raleigh.
6. The kind ants- The ones down here are mean, mad, and bite like a mother!
7. Grandparents- No one here wants to make me PB&J, or give me scrambled eggs with homemade applesauce and ketchup all mixed together. They think that's weird.
8. The Fancy Cupboard and all those inside.
9. My car- Poor Soren, I still love you buddy! Be strong, we will see each other again one day in car heaven.
10. My room- there's something about those walls... its mine.

That's what I've compiled so far. I'm sure that as time goes on, I will add to the list. Believe me, I will. However, I do love Meredith. And it has been so refreashing to see how God is playing his hand in all of this. I'm pretty sure this is the place for me right now. Ecclesiastes 3:1 just came to mind, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". Lancaster's time is over right now, and Meredith's time has come.
I ask that you continue to pray for me, I'm sure that these new beginnings will not all be easy as pie. Especially biology. That season is definitely not necessary. Not sure what God was thinking with that one- He knows how I feel about science. Sighs...
I've officially missed my opportunity to eat lunch. I hope you're all pleased with the blog, while I walk away basically starving and preparing for a 50 minute biology class. I'm not bitter.

And there we go.