Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Feel Like a Hero.

Weekend with the Crains number 3.
All went well, with 1 minor disturbance. Actually, the disturbance was definitely NOT minor at all; definitely major.
That thing attacked me! I screamed, shed a few tears, threw 4 flip-flops at it (missed all 4 times), and finally managed to flip the dog's food bowl over it. The whole flip thing worked really well. So well, in fact, that it actually flipped twice and therefore landed with the non-domed side on this monster's... body. I killed it.
I put on my big girl panties and I dealt with it!

That was the most exciting part of my weekend- BY FAR! Just kidding, there were many more exciting things, I promise. My finger's color act? Not so exciting this weekend. It really hasn't amounted to anything. I'm semi upset.

We went to the hardware store today ( ohh, ahh ). I never knew that hardware stores sold such random things. I saw a fake snail, a stuffed bird, sunglasses, lawn-chairs, windchimes, gardening gloves, and lots of squirrel away. I found this for the Crains, mostly because they complain lots about the amount of squirrels and how they terrorize their feeders and such. (JK!)
They both laughed, and then they walked away. No flaming squirrels at the Crain household!
But for real, being a visual person, this bottle really speaks to me. I was about ready to buy it. If I had a house. With a squirrel issue. I just don't understand- who can see a squirrel with fire coming out of his head and walk away? 

And this made me think of the "CARDINAL" story. Which few know of. If you would ever like to hear the "CARDINAL" story, just ask =)

I also found this which I figured was very handy.
A straw hat with a visor? Yes please!
It went right on into my virtual cart with a bottle of flaming squirrel!

What shirt am I wearing in that picture? Well here, have a look!

 The newest addition to my wardrobe. I'm officially official =)

It is storming here. Finally some rain! I'm loving it =)))
The high yesterday was somewhere in the 90's. I didn't want to know the specific temperature, because I thought it would just depress me. Knowing that it is supposed to be Fall now, but it just really is not. That makes me sad.

On a happier note!
Mom, Aunt Lynda just told me that Carter irons his own shirts. Boom roasted! There is hope for me =) An independent husband? No problem!

As I look over this post, I feel like its just a bunch of random pictures thrown together with one or two lines of separation. But I really do not care. I have finished my biology homework (finally), and only have 4 chapters left to read before Monday. THEREFORE I have decided that I'm just going to sit back and relax, and enjoy the rest of my time over here with these fabulous people.
Lynda's making a run for it! A plant outside that shouldn't be in the pouring rain. Shucks.

They're both settling on the couches and cuddling under some big old blankets. Its a bit frigid in here. Anyway, I think it may just be time for some Veronica Mars! Our new tradition. Go to the Crains, watch a few episodes of Veronica. Its just THAT simple =)
And now Hurley needs attention. Silly dog, can't you see that I'm blogging?
No, he can't.

Stay dry =)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gotta Have Faith

How appropriate that the song my roommate is playing right now is what I've been learning in the past couple of days. Sing it George Michael- Just real loud!
And believe me, he is loud. That's the only way we can do it here in our room.
Oh good, the Beach Boys!

I went to my first small group Bible study last night- be impressed =) It was a lot of fun! It is always refreashing for me to get out and meet new people and stuff. I've been suffering from a serious case of cabin fever this past week, and seriously loved going to another person's room to talk about Jesus. It made my day. Heck, it made my week! And today is a good day too! No biology homework? Can it be today for forever?
Speaking of biology, what do you think the chances are of class being cancelled 2 Fridays in a row? I'm thinking they're pretty good, but I've been hearing otherwise. No but seriously- if it isn't cancelled I probably won't go anyway. Majority of the girls won't be in class, so I'm thinking she probably will cancel.

WHEN SHE DOES CANCEL CLASS... I will be off and on my way to the Crain's early Friday morning- and when I say early I mean 10am. And that's early for a college student. Trust!
I can't wait!

So the beginning of the week started out kinda crappy. I pinched my finger in the chair in the dining hall. Don't ask how, because I'm not really sure at all how it happened. All I remember is thinking I should move my chair over so that another girl could have more room, and the next thing I know my fingernail is throbbing and turning purple. GREAT! Just what I needed, right? A purple fingernail. Now I HAVE to paint my nails. Which I haven't done yet. Oh Caribbean Coral!
Anyway, I took a picture of it because I wanted to send it to my Mom and get some pity. I thought maybe if I played it up she would decide she needs to come down with some oils or something to make it better and save my nail!
That didn't happen. I guess it didn't look too bad to her.
Please just ignore the hangnail, the crookedness of the nail, and the long length. I promise I have been meaning to file them for like... so many days and it just hasn't happened. Yet.

So yea, that was pretty much the non-exciting thing that happened on Tuesday? I guess it was only yesterday! Weird. Seems like a lifetime ago!
No it doesn't. If it turns any other colors, I will post a picture of it. I'm kind of hoping for some nasty blues or even some black. Wouldn't that be interesting? I think so!

This next just for Emily- Here is my picture wall!
Now, I do have a bunch more that will be added after this weekend. I ordered them, and they were successfully sent to the Crains. Arrived a day after I left their house for 2 weeks. Fantastic! I've been waiting for SO LONG and can't wait to add all of them! But these pictures make me smile. I like to look at them when I'm bored and just remember each story that goes behind each picture. You know? I will definitely add a picture of the "new and improved" wall of photos after this weekend Em, for sure!

Oh, to add a few more things that I miss about Lancaster-
18. Applesauce- I was eating something really hot yesterday (I don't know what it was, weird), and I just wanted some homemade applesauce to go with it to make it less hot.
19. Jelly- People eat peanut butter sandwiches down here, and I think that is gross. Peanut butter is all over the cafeteria at like every meal, but there is absolutely NO jelly.
20. Farmers cheese- I never thought I'd miss cheese so much...?
21. Kunzler's sweet bologna- I don't think these people know what bologna is. Its either turkey this, or ham that, they even have roastbeef!!! No bologna.

I'm missing Lancaster's food. Can you tell? I haven't been able to eat much in the dining hall recently, it isn't appealing anymore. Sigh...
Oh good, Shakira, Shakira!

Oh, class soon. Let's get some work done Lou!

Enjoy your Wednesdays!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Caribbean Coral

A good afternoon to the world!
It is bright, it is sunny, and it is hot in Raleigh today. But I am not hot, because Heilman is the icebox. We've decided that Icebox would be a more appropriate name for our dorm. I mean, I open up my fridge to get some water, and the fridge doesn't even feel cold to me. And its not because the settings are on low- the fridge is cranked pretty high. We had it one notch higher and it started to freeze all of our water. Moral of the story: it is freezing cold in my room.

Interesting- there is either someone hammering something across the hall, or somebody is running up and down the stairs with high heels on. Oh the sounds you hear in a dorm room. Seeing as how this is Meredith- an all girls college, I'm going to say that it is definitely a girl running up the stairs with heels on. I mean, a girl at Meredith hammering? Good one!

My weekend is going wonderfully! It started off with a bang last night; I watched Toy Story 3 in the courtyard with Alyssa. I will admit, I choked up a bit when Andy's mom hugged him and said "I just want to be near you forever", or something along those lines. I mean, who decides to show Toy Story 3 to a bunch of college girls only 1 month after they've moved in?! I would like to know who made that decision!

The weekend is still going well; I woke up this morning at an unknown time- maybe like 11:30? But it was okay Mom, because I showered, cleaned our sink (which was gross) ate lunch, and went to Rite Aid with Alyssa for some cleaning supplies. I've decided that it really stinks that we can't have candles. I mean, it literally stinks, like feet. The stupid store had candles everywhere and I was so tempted to just buy one and keep it under my pillow. But no- little Caitlyn who does not want to get into trouble- stayed away from the candles. So I'm making my day super productive! And I don't even have a lot of homework- which is super! Probably due to the fact that I didn't have biology on Friday. Which means that my professor will most likely email me Monday morning or tomorrow night (if I'm lucky) and list off a whole bunch of assignments that will be due on Monday. Super! We're going to hope for the best, and say that she DOESN'T do that.

Oh when I was at Rite Aid I decided to buy myself a bottle of nail polish because its a really pretty color and the name made me laugh. Yes, Caribbean Coral. Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of Caribbean, I think of beautiful blues- every shade of blue possible! And perhaps some greens with those blues. But then the coral part comes in- and maybe the coral just completely dominated the Caribbean? The nail polish is definitely a pink or reddish color.

Its pretty =) I can't wait to put it on my nails! How long it stays depends on the quality of the polish I assume. And... the quality of the polish can be determined by the price of the polish. And... the price of the polish was (drum roll please!) $2.99! What a steal! I do understand that it probably won't last much longer than a few hours. But please, let me just have this moment (and this nail polish).

A free cell game is calling me. And so is my Christmas music. Its just like one big, loud, screamfest in here.
My roommate just brought a churro back to the room for me. Best roommate ever award? I think so.

Tonight I am off to experience Raleigh with a few girls. Pizza at some pizza place that I cannot recall the name of, followed by a nice trip to the movies to see Easy A. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited =)
Holy churro-y goodness!! Of course, a bunch of fried dough rolled in sugar would be HEAVEN! wow...
okay distraction- yes, I am excited for tonight. And I will certainly let the world know my feelings on the movie. I could be a movie critic! Psh, yeah right. Me, a critic? Good one.

Anyway, (bite of churro) I'm now skyping with my big brother- Kyle is awesome. He's checking his laundry though, so its okay that I'm typing =)
And now our conversation is over. An hour has gone by? Well that's not cool. Here it is, 4:15, and I still have not started any homework! But it is okay because I don't have much =)

I've been telling people that I need to sweep my floor, really badly! They usually look at me like I'm crazy and say something along the lines of "why on earth would you sweep your floor?" It threw me off the first couple of times, but now I know that I need to say vaccum... I'm going to vaccum my floor! I've also learned that no one understands what it means to "outen the lights". Not that I've said that (because I really haven't), but because someone on facebook did and it made me smile. Ah how I miss Lancaster!

Well I think that its about time for me to switch gears a bit and get into my reading for English. I'm super duper excited! I've made a deal with myself- 2 chapters before my fun night and the other 2 chapters tomorrow. And my reading for business and society will definitely be done tomorrow as well. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya! tomorrow, you're only a day away!

And I'm off!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Julia Roberts Kind of Evening...

Eat Pray Love
The name of Miss Roberts' newest movie which I have just watched. Would I see it again? Maybe if someone else rented it and I did not have to pay the 5 dollar rental fee. Not to say that it wasn't a good movie- Julia simply cannot do a poor job, and she makes every movie a good one. She is a great actress, and it is fun to just watch her and smile along beside her. Well, not beside her- across from her? The first hour and 15 minutes she spent in Italy- Rome to be exact. And it made me very excited to visit Rome. I've decided that I shall like to honeymoon in Italy one day. I better marry a rich man =) From Italy she went to India. We will say that India is just not my cup of tea. I have no desire to go there. Except maybe to see an elephant, because they're pretty nifty. And when she touched the elephant, that was definitely what made India interesting for me. But it lasted for maybe a minute. So... yea.
I got back to my room after a fun evening out with my new friend Jenna =), and my roomie just happened to be watching Pretty Woman! Its a good day!
Julia Roberts reminds me of my mother- for as long as I can remember, Mom has been a big fan of Julia. I remember, even as a little girl, Mom and Dad watching movies together after we would go to bed. I would pretend to have bad dreams every once in a while, so that I would have an excuse to walk downstairs and sit with Mom for a bit as she and Dad watched their "big people movies", which many times included Julia Roberts. Shame, I forgot about that =)

So Anyway!
I've officially fallen in love with Raleigh's shopping. So many "shopportunities" down here. And the Forever 21 store at the Crabtree Mall- LIKE SO HUGE. I mean, the store looks completely disorganized because there is SO much stuff- clothes, jewelry, shoes... all over. A good 5 times bigger than the Forever 21 in Park City. That's a sad excuse of a store compared to this one- no lie.

I write all of this assuming that everyone enjoys hearing about my shopportunities. Yet I forget that my brothers read this, and my father- so perhaps I shall attempt to entertain the other half now.

Oh, my, word. So here I was this afternoon waiting for my suitemate, Alyssa, to finish getting ready to go with me to lunch. So I picked up the remote, and started flipping through channels. About 10 minutes later, I realized that I was watching not one, but two college football games. Somehow, my brain did not fully comprehend what was happening. I simply heard the announcers' voices, and I sat, and I listened, and I watched! I watched college football for a good 20 minutes, all by myself, flipping from one game to the next as commercials interrupted. Now if that doesn't make my Daddy proud... well then all hope is lost! I was proud of myself. I like football, don't get me wrong. Its a great game! But college football was never my thing, and I used to very much dislike it when Dad or Dan would watch for hours on end!
My how things change when one moves 7 hours away... my, my, my...

Random fact of the... blog? The elevator in our dorm is completely 100% ghetto. There is a gate, and a door (duh), and if the gate isn't shut, the elevator doesn't move. Therefore, if the gate opens as the elevator is moving from floor to floor, the elevator will stop. Its the coolest thing ever, and makes me think of Kyle every time! But it seriously reminds me of a shady kind of elevator that one would find in a ghetto neighborhood, and its so fun! This is a sign that is in the elevator, and it makes me smile =)

This elevator is designed for industrial truck loading.
Which is probably why we have it in a college dorm. Yup. Only at Meredith!

Oh! Look at the new things I bought for my room last weekend! They were on sale at Target, $2.08 baby. Ka-ching!!
The telephone sign is new- not the cups or the glasses. And the stars? Yea that's my Meredith Angel Halo =) I was "crowned" at the big sis little sis social which was forever ago. But its never too late to show off your halo!
And oh oh these too!
A taxi and a Metro sign!
They're on the shelf thing right beside my bed. And I absolutely love them! They work with the color scheme of our room- which is just perfect! And when Kyle and I were buying college room stuff at Target before I left, I saw these and fell in love. However, they were $5, and call me cheap, but I didn't think it was worth it.
But God knew that they would make me happy, and now here they are! Some of my new best friends =)
So the shelf area (whatever you would call it) next to my bed is looking good now! And with the help of a few command strips, the little picture things don't even fall over anymore! Its missing something though- I think I need some fabric to put up there, or something else that's super special!

Speaking of pictures! I ordered a bunch more from Snapfish- open a new account and you get the first 20 photos for free! PLUS a bunch of free samples from some makeup company (but I didn't get those, not sure why). Anyway pictures... yes... I ordered them, and smart me sent them to the Crain's because I thought they would be arriving last weekend when I was with them. They arrived hmm... yesterday? Or Thursday at their house, and now I must wait A LIFETIME until I can have them! My goal by the end of the year is to have this very large wall behind and beside me just DECKED OUT in pictures! Its a very big wall. And I really am looking forward to the last day when I move out and have to take every single one of them down. I will feel differently, I'm sure, when that day comes. But for now I still think it'll be fun!

Wow, 11:52 pm? When did that happen? I was contemplating church tomorrow morning. Well... I don't think that will be happening. Unfortunately. Sleep and I are pretty close friends, and I would feel terrible if I ever did not work my hardest to keep that friendship strong.
Sleep deserves my best effort.

Oh, Pretty Woman is nearing it's end. I suppose I am as well for this evening. Go back to him! He loves you and you love him. Stupid girl...

I see the moon, the moon sees me, the moon sees someone I'd like to see.
Goodnight World!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

That Sounds Good to Me

Afternoon Captain!

I am very sorry, I had no time to update this weekend afterall. You see, my biology professor decided it would be a good idea to assign roughly 3309584 things for us to do (when all else fails, blame biology). I succeeded in procrastinating, and completed everything a good 20 minutes before class. Awesome. But let's not talk about biology, no one likes biology anyway.

Oh, but I also wanted to tell my dream- which unfortunately has bio written all over it!
So I was at this show- it reminded me of a monster truck rally thing- Weird, I know. Anyway, there was a sign that said "free backrubs" and I was like "oh yea, I need a backrub!" The sign also said that the guy who gives backrubs was like a trained professional and stuff. So naturally, I wanted to see this guy and get me a good backrub! Turns out, the dude was right behind me and he quickly offered up his services when he heard me telling the people I was with all about how I was dying to have my back rubbed. So he's rubbing my back and I'm thinking, "oh, Kyle will never have to rub my back again! This guy is amazing!" and suddenly, he just stops. I mean, this guy just gave me a very awesome 2 minute backrub. And seriously, 2 minutes doesn't cut it for me. So I turn and very politely ask why he felt he needed to stop. And he simply says, "oh, well I can't rub your back for too long or all of the cytoplasm in your back will explode."
Then I got mad, and woke up.
My interpretation of the dream is as follows:
1. My body is trying to tell me that I very much need a good backrub
2. Biology ruins dreams

But anyway... let's reflect on the weekend. Ah, those were the good days!

So my weekend went swimmingly! So many activities with the Crains. We went to a Durham Bulls game where I saw the ugliest thing ever-
A Steelers shirt AND a wedgie, all in one! I thought for sure I'd get away from stuff like that (Steelers crap, not wedgies) by moving to NC. Guess snot.

I would like everyone to pay very close attention to this next thing I'm about to write... just read it and take in every single detail. Then be proud of me.
Sunday morning, I woke up around 9 with that "its going to be a great day" feeling. This feeling didn't last long- Lynda met me at the bottom of the steps and exclaimed "I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE AWAKE!" Oh yes, was my thought, they like me here. "We're gonna go hiking and we want you to come along!"
Hiking? Me? Good one!
I refused to go hiking. No way, not happening.
Then we went on a hike for an hour and a half. On the "fun" scale- I gave the overall experience a good solid 7. Wasn't as bad as I thought. Mainly because Hurley needed lots of little water breaks (thanks bud!), and I got some splendid photos of this gorgeous lake!


It was the perfect day. The torture didn't seem as terrifyingly terrible. If that makes sense. But am I itching to go on another hike anytime soon? Ha, yea right...

I don't even remember all of the things we did this weekend- I just know that it was not homework, and that it was fun. And then I got back to school, and the hard work just started flowing :) Yay!

I must also confess- I feel very nerdy. I just made myself a to-do list. I mean, really? Me? A list?
It reads:
1. Laundry (yes, I am doing laundry again!)
2. Read for English
3. Read for Religion
4. Read and do Business work
5. Biology!! Too many assignments to list
6. Nap :)
7. Update blog
So I can cross off number 7... these items are listed by "importance". Yea...

So yes, I am doing some more laundry. And, don't tell my mom this, but I kind of enjoy taking responsibility to take my stuff down in my cute little laundry basket and make sure I have the times worked out correctly. It makes me feel like an adult!
As I was walking down the hallway, I was looking at the doors and reading the names of the girls in each room. Then I realized, there are a whole crap load of Katie's and Caitlyn's here. And yes, there is another girl here somewhere who spells her name like me! Its on her door. Then I thought about it- in religious ethics I'm in a group that is going to explore the ethics of missionary work (I'm super excited about this!) and my group consits of me, (Caitlyn), Katie, Kate, and Allison. We feel bad for Allison.
Eurovision just reached its end, and now Uncle Kracker is singing to me :)
Life is good!
I should probably work on taking out some of the other items on my list. Gag me!

Hope all is well everywhere!

Oh yea- you make me smile :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Making Grilled Cheeses

Hola World :)

Let's take a quick poll, just really quickly. How many people would decide that it sounds like a good idea to cut down a tree and and put it through some sort of tree shredding machine at 8o'clock in the morning on a holiday Saturday? That's what I thought. It woke me up this morning. Needless to say- I was quite unhappy. I was frustrated further, when after giving up and leaving the comforts of my sweet bed the noise stopped. They had finished an hour after they had begun. I do not like those neighbors.
Ps- I'm at the Crain's house again.

But on a happier note- I'm proud to say that I have become so important to the Crains, that they have gone out of their way to get me something of my very own to have here at their house. Peanut butter. That's right, I have my very own jar of organic PB, with hearts on the lid.

The "C" is there mostly so that one can easily differentiate between mine, and Hurley's peanut butter. He gets a different kind, and it is labeled as well- but mine has hearts :)

Mine is totally fancier :)
Anyway, this peanut butter situation thing is making me feel as though NC is really becoming my home! Not just because they buy me my own peanut butter, but maybe?
Lynda is dancing- like hard core dancing in the kitchen. If I could take a video of it and post it and NOT die- I totally would. Believe me, I totally would!

This is my 4th weekend in North Carolina. Can you believe that? I can't really, but whatevs. I am still missing home, and keep thinking of things that I specifically miss about Lancaster County. I mean, everything from the smell to the weather. Yes, home has such a rich smell to it- must be all that crap that is just spread around. I don't know what the smell is down here- guess you'll just have to come down and experience it for yourselves. Oh, that means I'll have guests! Super- let's make this happen!
But yea, things I miss about home list continued:
11. Saying  "I love you more than Amish boys" without getting strange looks from the person I'm talking to.
12. Riding around with mom and dad and seeing this:

That's right. Mom and Dad totally sniped a picture of 2 boys riding together. The exact caption from mom reads: "Don't you miss Lancaster County? They were sharing one seat. So gay!"
13. Going shopping with mom and MC and stopping at the Cupboard to eat before heading off to the land of Park City.
14. The sound of Kenny G in the morning.
15. Tickling Danny.
16. Pinching Shasta
17. Going to Grandma Blank's and laying on the floor under her fan (that hasn't happened in a long time Grandma!).

That's all that came to me so far- but I will def be updating this list. Duh.

I'm about to have a grilled cheese and I seriously cannot wait! Besides the peanut butter- they really don't feed me here. Just kidding they do, but I usually have to beg, and plead. Who am I kidding? Psh... (it happens- that's for you MC!).
Stomach just growled. It is smelling exceptionally great in here. 
They feed me well at school. The cooks take pride in their work :) Its cute, really. They're very friendly- that whole Southern hospitality thing definitely rings true! And if you don't believe me, take a look!
My DELISH dessert last week. It was seriously like the greatest thing ever times like 39039487023804. Not even kidding.
It's grilled cheese time- boo ya.
That's one mean grilled cheese.
es schmeckt lecker :)
Be impressed by my skills! Now to enjoy this wonderfulness in front of me.

Be not afraid, for I will make another post at least once more this weekend. I simply cannot stay away!
Ah, it must be love!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Growing Old, Growing Mold...

Today is the 3 week anniversary of the day I became a true college student. I've decided that time just flies, whether you're having fun or not. Not that I'm not having fun, but there were some times in the past 3 weeks when I've not had such a good time. It still seems almost surreal- I've been in college for 3 weeks. Boom roasted!
Today is also the day that I've finally taken control of the growing mountain in my closet. As we speak, I have one load washing, and the other drying. That's right. I, Caitlyn Martin, am doing my own laundry. I was scared, I will admit, but I have done laundry before. For me, it was just kind of another realization that I really am on my own. You see, my maid decided that the rather lengthy drive was worth more than what I was willing to pay her. So she decided to be selfish, and leave me to fend for myself down here.
I was also frightened of the state of the washer on our floor. I opened up the soap compartment, and oh good, I was hoping for a moldy washer! Kind of nasty, but I've gotten over that. I'm proud of myself, you may be too. Don't worry, I won't let my head get TOO huge :)
So what else is new? Hmm... well I was kindly informed that Hurley peed on the carpet again. This means that I am now back in good standings as a babysitter. Thank you Hurley for successfully clearing my name.
My room is starting to feel more and more like an icebox. I was just out trekking across campus- all the way to science and math building to turn in a biology paper that I hadn't printed out. And then I walked allllll they way back. It was a long, hot, tiresome walk. I mean we're talking 15 minutes in the 90 plus degree heat with the sun beating down my back. And on my face. And on my head. It was just MISERABLE! Earl, when you get here, please bring some cool air and some fluffy clouds. Thanks buddy.
Speaking of Earl, I didn't even realize he was coming until my statistics professor decided it would be kind to warn us about his possible arrival before we went out and planned a beach day or something. Its amazing what you miss when you're living in a dorm room...
I wish I had pictures to post with this, however, I haven't been taking pictures a whole lot recently. I don't know why, but I suppose that I will eventually. This weekend I will make sure to take a bunch and attach one or two. You know, for the whole eye appeal thing! Aunt Lynda says that's important to making a blog "readable". So if you'll stick with me through this, next time I promise more pictures!
I've decided I would like to keep a running tally of how many rolls of toilet paper the 4 of us girls use in a month. I'm not even kidding you, it has been like 7 rolls a week. It is kind of ridiculous. Its a good thing Meredith has decided to give us complimentary construction paper I mean toilet paper, otherwise I would go broke!
Aunt Lynda took me shopping last weekend to target because I needed some things. Wanna know what I bought?
1. A 3 pack of orbit-spearmint gum (a necessity, definitely)
2. Pomegranate body spray
3. Pomegranate exfoliating body wash (I like pomegranate, deal with it)
4. Bobby pins
5. Ring pops for my roommate's birthday
6. Underwear (I can't believe I just wrote that on my blog)
7. A headband with a beaded flower on the side for $7 (I splurged!)
I seriously spent almost 50 bucks. The sad part- I DID NOT WANT TO SPEND 50 DOLLARS THIS WAY. I almost cried as I was swiping my card. It was upsetting.
I've decided to take a picture of my headband and put it on here. Please hold, while I try that extension...(elevator music is softly playing in my head.)

It makes me happy =)
And now I'm off to get my clean clothing out of the dryer. Yipee!
It has been fun, I mean it.